Page:Castes and Tribes of Southern India, Volume 2.djvu/389

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Lingāyat priest at the mutt at Kudli in Mysore, they are Saivites. Every family has to pay the priest a fee of eight annas on the occasion of his periodical visitations. The bhūthas specially worshipped by the Kūsa Holeyas are Masti and Hālemanedeyya, but Venkatarāmana of Tirupati is by some regarded as their family deity. Marriage is both infant and adult, and widows are permitted to remarry, if they have no children.

At Tumkūr, in the Mysore Province, I came across a settlement of people called Tigala Holeya, who do not intermarry with other Holeyas, and have no exogamous septs or house-names. Their cranial measurements approach more nearly to those of the dolichocephalic Tamil Paraiyans than those of the sub-brachycephalic Holeyas; and it is possible that they are Tamil Paraiyans, who migrated, at some distant date, to Mysore.

-- Cephalic length Cephalic breadth Cephalic index
cm. cm.
Tamil paraiyan 18.6 13.7 73.6
Tigara Holeya 18.5 13.9 75.1
Holeya 17.9 14.1 79.1

Holodia Gudiya. — A name for the agricultural section of the Oriya Gudiyas.

Holuva (holo, plough). — A synonym of Pentiya, and the name of a section of Oriya Brāhmans, who plough the land.

Hon.— Hon, Honnu, and Honnē, meaning gold, have been recorded as gōtras or exogamous septs of Kurni, Oddē, and Kuruba.

Honnē (Calophyllum inophyllum or Pterocarpus Marsupium). — An exogamous sept of Halēpaik and