Page:Castes and Tribes of Southern India, Volume 3.djvu/330

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Kindal (basket-maker). — A sub-division of Savara.

Kinkila (the koel or cuckoo). — A gōtra of Kurni. The cuckoo, named Eudynamis honorata, is the bird, whose crescendo cry, ku-il, ku-il, is trying to the nerves during the hot season.

Kinthali.— A sub-division of the Telugu Kālingis.

Kīra (parrot). — A sept of Gadaba. Kīra also occurs as a sub-division of Sondi.

Kīraikkāran.— Kīraikkāran is an occupational name, denoting those who cultivate kīrai (Amarantus). The Kīraikkārans are stated, in the Census Report, 1901, to be usually Agamudaiyans in Coimbatore. I gathered, however, that the name is given by Tamil-speaking people to the Kempati Okkiliyans of Coimbatore, a Canarese people who migrated thither from Kempati in Mysore. The majority of them cultivate kirai and other edible vegetables, but some are petty traders or fishermen. Some of their marriage divisions are named after deities, e.g., Masāni and Vīramashti, and one division is called Jōgi.

Kirāta (hunter). — A name assumed by Bēdars, Ēkāris, and other classes.

Kirgāniga. — Kirgāniga or Kirugāniga is the name of a sub-division of Gānigas, who express oils in wooden mills.

Kiriyam. — A sub-division of Nāyar. Also the Malayālam word for house name or sept.

Kiriyattil. — A sub-division of Nāyar.

Kizhakathi. — Recorded, in the Madras Census Report, 1891, as a sub-division of Paraiyan. The word means easterner, and a Paraiyan of North or South Arcot would call a Paraiyan of Madras by this name.

Koalaka (arrow). — An exogamous sept of Jātapu.