Page:Castes and Tribes of Southern India, Volume 7.djvu/151

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Rubus ellipticus.
Rubus molucanus.
Rubus lasiocarpus.
Fragaria nilgerrensis, wild strawberry.
Elœagmis latifolia. Said by Dr. Mason to make excellent tarts and jellies.
Gaultheria fragrantissima.
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa, hill gooseberry.
Loranthus neelgherrensis.
Loranthus loniceroides. )
Elœocarpus oblongus.
Elœocarpus Munronii.
Berberis aristata.
Berberis nepalensis.
Solanum nigrum.
Vaccinium Leschenaultii.
Vaccinium nilgherrense.
Toddalia aculeata.
Ceropegia pusilla.

To which may be added mushrooms.

A list containing the botanical and Toda names of trees, shrubs, etc., used by the Todas in their ordinary life, or in their ceremonial, is given by Dr. Rivers.*[1]

Fire is, in these advanced days, obtained by the Todas in their dwelling huts for domestic purposes from matches. The men who came to be operated on with my measuring instruments had no hesitation in asking for a match, and lighting the cheroots which were distributed amongst them, before they left the Paikāra bungalow dining-room. Within the precincts of the dairy temple the use of matches is forbidden, and fire is kindled with the aid of two dry sticks of Litsœa

  1. • Op. cit, Appendix IV, 738.