Page:Castes and tribes of southern India, Volume 5.djvu/93

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and affix stamps to covers and aid the despatch of tappals " (postal correspondence). In the Moochee's Hand-book * [1] by the head Mucchi in the office of the Inspector-General of Ordnance, and contractor for black ink powder, it is stated that "the Rev. J. P. Rottler, in his Tamil and English dictionary, defines the word Mucchi as signifying trunk-maker, stationer, painter. Mucchi's work comprises the following duties: —

To make black, red, and blue writing ink, also ink of other colours as may seem requisite.
To mend quills, rule lines, make envelopes, mount or paste maps or plans on cloth with ribbon edges, pack parcels in wax -cloth, waterproof or common paper, seal letters, and open boxes or trunk parcels.
To take charge of boxes, issue stationery for current use, and supply petty articles.
To file printed forms, etc., and bind books."

In the Fort St. George Gazette, 1906, applications were invited from persons who have passed the Matriculation examination of the Madras University for the post of Mucchi on Rs. 8 per mensem in the office of a Deputy Superintendent of Police.

In the District Manuals, the various occupations of the Mucchis are summed up as book-binding, working in leather, making saddles and trunks, painting, making toys, and penmaking. At the present day, Mucchis (designers) are employed by piece-goods merchants in Madras in devising and painting new patterns for despatch to Europe, where they are engraved on copper cylinders. When, as at the present day, the bazars of Southern India are flooded with imported piece-goods of British manufacture, it is curious to look back.

  1. * G. D. lyah Pillay, Madras, 1878.