Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 1).djvu/10

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Castle of Wolfenbach.

good bed, I suppose." "To be sure I can, (answered Bertha, which was the woman's name:) to be sure I can make a bed fit for the emperor, when the linen is aired: walk in, madam; you look very weak." Indeed the want of rest the preceding night had so much added to her former feeble state, that it was with difficulty they conveyed her into the kitchen. Bertha warmed a little wine, toasted a bit of bread, and leaving Jacqueline to attend the lady, she made a fire in a handsome bedroom that was in that wing, took some fine linen out of a chest and brought it down to air. "Dear, my lady, (cried she) make yourself easy, I'll take care of you, and if you aren't afeared, you will have rooms for a princess." Pierre and Jacqueline being about to return to their daily labour, found their kindness amply rewarded by the generosity of the stranger, who gave them money enough, they said, to serve them for six months. With a thousand blessings they retired, promising however to call daily on the lady whilst she staid at the castle, though their hearts misgavethem