Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 1).djvu/109

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Castle of Wolfenbach.

my younger sister; she must not presume to refuse a small testimony of affection from her elder one." Before Matilda could reply several trades people came in, and the Marchioness gave orders every thing must be ready that evening; which was promised. When they were alone she kissed the hand of her benefactress, "O, madam, in what a gracious manner do you confer favors, without wounding the feelings of the person obliged." "A truce, if you please, (said her friend) to your—Oh! and Ah! the favor, if any, is conferred on me by your acceptance; but once for all, I beg it may be understood, I acknowledge you as my sister by adoption; I have no children, therefore, in the rights of a sister, you have a claim to participate with me in every thing; you must only bring yourself to submit to the commands of eldership, and let the words favor and obligation be blotted from your vocabulary." Saying this, she hastened from her, and left Matilda overwhelmed with grateful emotions. Before he had recovered Albert appeared,"Pardon