Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 1).djvu/125

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Castle of Wolfenbach.

earnest desire to see her happy, if at the expence of one-third of his fortune."

To this letter we received no answer within the expected time. I grew very uneasy, I wrote again to my sister. It was more than a month before I received any return. I have it now in my pocket book: the Marchioness took it out, and read as follows.

Countess of Wolfenbach,
The Marchioness.

My dearest Sister,

"Just recovered from the jaws of death, the lost unhappy Victoria acknowledges the receipt of your kind letter: alas! the contents have almost broken a heart already exhausted by grief and despair. I have been a wife five weeks, near a month I was confined to my bed; but if I can, I will be methodicalin