Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 1).djvu/66

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Castle of Wolfenbach.

The following morning after breakfast she repaired to the library; ah! thought she, what transport, if I should find the dear lady returned! but no such happiness awaited her; she entered the apartments with a beating heart, and remained near ten minutes in the library before Joseph made his appearance.

"Well, Joseph, (said she, hastily, on his entering the room) how are things below stairs?" "All the same as they were yesterday, madam; the doors were fast, and every thing as I left them." "I have a very great desire, (said she) to see that room where the inscriptions are, and which I find is locked up, can you open it?" "Yes, I can; the key is below, but if I may peak my mind, I think you had better not go." Why so, (demanded she.) Why, because, to my thinking, its a dismal place, and will put me in mind of sad doings." "You make me more curious—pray indulge me, Joseph?"

"Well, madam, I'll go with you, but 'tis sore against my mind." He went down, and soon returned with two keys, but with evidentreluctance