Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 1).djvu/68

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Castle of Wolfenbach.

key, but looking about the kitchen, behind the door I found a large knife, all over blood." "Gracious heaven! (cried Matilda) what is it you tell me; I tremble with apprehension; let us force that door, at all events." "I intend it, (answered Joseph) and have brought a bar with me for the purpose."

The door in the dressing-room being the slightest, after a good deal of labour, the old man burst it open. What a scene presented itself! a woman on the bed weltring in blood! Both uttered a cry of horror, and ran to the bed; it was the elderly attendant of the lady dead, by a wound in her throat.

The sight was too much for poor Matilda, she sunk fainting into a chair: Joseph was frightened out of his wits; he flew down as fast as possible, and returned with water, he bathed her face and hands, and she revived.

"O, Joseph! (cried she) the lady—the dear lady! what is become of her in suchbloody