Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 1).djvu/70

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Castle of Wolfenbach.

out of the closet, when the poor creature on the bed met her eyes, "O, Joseph! (exclaimed she, turning with horror from the scene) what is to be done with this unfortunate woman?" "Dear, my lady, I can't tell; I have neither strength to dig a grave, nor can I carry her down." "It is plain, (said Matilda) the wretches who have carried off the lady, murdered the servant to prevent discovery." "I fear, (cried Joseph) my turn will be next—my mouth will be stopt from the same fear." "God forbid, (said Matilda;) but as I have now no hopes of finding the lady, and it will be dangerous to entrust another person with the secret, I think, Joseph, if we can find a small trunk or chest, to fill it with the linen and necessaries your lady offered me, and convey it to one of the rooms in the other wing; I will write a line and leave on the table: yet, on second thought, it will be useless, should she escape, she can never think of coming here again: we will therefore lock and bolt up every door; you can take the keys of the places be-low