Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 1).djvu/86

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Castle of Wolfenbach.

stolen from me." "O, the Lord be gracious unto us, (exclaimed Bertha) the man's name was Albert, Sir; we are innocent, indeed we are." "I believe it, (said the other, very mildly;) you look like an honest woman, and I will reward you handsomely, if you speak truth. William, take care of the man, I will go into another room with this good-woman. "Bertha!" (cried Joseph, the stranger led her away into the parlour, she crying and begging no harm might happen to Joseph.) He quieted her fears on that head, and then asked if Albert was in the house. "No, indeed, Sir, (answered she;) he went away four days ago, in a chaise with the young lady." "Ah! (cried he) that is the very thing I wished to know; and where are they gone, my friend?" "Alack, Sir, I believe they be gone to Parish, or some place like that." "The devil! (exclaimed he) to Paris. Well, and are they to return here?" "O, no, Sir, (returned Bertha;) no such good luck to us, for to be sure she was as generous as an empress."
