Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 2).djvu/100

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mother, as she was in an agony over the contents of this letter; "Ah! My dear madam (cried she) I see you have received the fatal news?" "Yes (answered my mother, wringing her hands) we are all undone for ever!" "But who (said she again) could write you about it, for only the boat that is just come in saw the packet go down." "What packet?" (cried my mother, starting." "Why the packet your good husband was in."

"She heard no more, but fell senseless on the floor. I had been out upon business, and entered the room just as this officious newsmonger and the servants were trying to raise and recover my wretched parent. A stranger to all the circumstances I was frightened to death almost, and teased every one to know what had happened; no one answered. It was some time before she was brought to life. With a look of horror I shall never forget, she cried, "Hermine, you have no longer a father, a friend, nor a home!" "Great