Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 2).djvu/114

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she therefore rejects the proposal with her whole heart, and with the highest contempt."

"Having seen my brothers and sisters safe under the protection of those worthy ladies, and received from them every pecuniary assistance I could want, with letters of warm recommendation I arrived here; and here, in a short time, recovered tranquillity and ease: leaving nothing in the world to regret, I studied the duties of my situation, and, at the expiration of the time allowed to consider, I gave my decided choice of a monastic life, and took the veil. I hear often from my generous friends. Two of my sisters are well married; the rest of my family have every prospect of success.

"Now, my dear young lady, I have related my history, tell me candidly, have your troubles ever equalled mine?"

"Oh! no (cried Matilda;) I am ashamed of my own impatience and inquietude. Good