Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 2).djvu/157

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It was in vain Matilda and the Captain urged him to speak, he was resolutely silent. The Turk whispered her to withdraw; she obeyed; and in about half an hour was desired to return. "I am conquered (said Mr. Weimar;) this man, this generous enemy has prevailed. Prepare to hear a story will pierce you to the heart. I am your uncle, but not a German, nor is my name Weimar." "O, tell me (cried Matilda) have I a father, have I a mother living?" "Not a father (answered he, sighing) perhaps a mother you may have, but I have not heard for many years." She clasped her hands and burst into tears. "O, tell me—tell me all, for I am prepared to hear a tale of horror." "Horror, indeed!" (repeated he) but I will confess all. Your father, the Count Berniti—" "My father a Count! (cried she, in an accent of joy.) "Yes; but do not interrupt me. Your father was a Neapolitan nobleman, I was his younger brother; he had every good and amiable quality that could dignify human nature. From my earliest re-