Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 2).djvu/185

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Frederic was introduced to him, and the foregoing scene slightly described by the Marchioness. "I am glad, (said his Lordship) I was not present; for though I adore sensibility, such a meeting would have been too much for me."

Growing more rational together, his relations were delighted with the young officer. "It must be confessed, (said the Marquis) the Count paid particular attention to Frederic's education." "Yes, my Lord, (answered the youth) it would have been my fault, if I had not profited by the instructions I received; but I thought my debt of gratitude so great for such uncommon kindness from a stranger, on whom I had no claims, that I strove to exert my small abilities, and by diligence and application, evince my sense of his favours, as the only return in my power." "The deception, as far as related to you, (said the Marchioness) proved a happy one; it laid the foundation for virtue, humility, and gratitude, which perhaps happier circum-