Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 2).djvu/24

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development of this business will be attended with serious consequences I must consider a few days before I make the discovery." "Very well, (said his Excellency;) you have excited my curiosity, and, if I am not too old to join in a Quixote like expedition, behold me ready to assist in the defence of the fair." The Marquis smiled, thanked him, and declining an invitation to dine at his house, got into his own carriage, and drove back with all speed, rightly conceiving every one would entertain uneasy conjectures.

The party were but just returned from a long morning's drive when the Marquis arrived; every one met him with anxiety in their looks—he accosted them with a smiling countenance; "A truce to interrogatories at present, (said he) I have good news for all, but I am really faint for want of refreshment; order something for me; and then I shall give an account of my proceedings."