Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 2).djvu/63

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to the Ambassador's, to procure her address, as doubtless from old acquaintance Madame Le Brune has been to pay her respects to his lady, and that is the only clue at present, I have to find her."

When Lord Delby acquainted him the day was fixed for Matilda's departure, and their intended jaunt with her, "Ah! (said he) how hard, that the person most interested in that event should be precluded from being a witness of it, though I know I could not stand the shock." "If my sister does not accompany us, which I rather doubt, as one coach cannot hold them, and I intend going on horseback, there being no necessity for great expedition I shall consign her to your care, my dear Count, in our absence." "If Mrs Courtney will accept the attendance of such a spiritless being as myself (answered he) I shall be honoured by permission to wait upon her."