Page:Castle of Wolfenbach - Parsons (1793, volume 2).djvu/65

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Castle of Wolfenbach.

short time, 'till her lady came from England.

Within a few hours Matilda was received and settled. She took leave of Lord Delby, with tears of gratitude. "Ah! (said he, much moved) not one word of remembrance to my worthy guest?" "Yes, Sir, (said she, raising her voice) tell him I admire, I esteem him—that his happiness is the first wish of my heart. Take care, my dear Lord, of the worthy Count; teach him to forget me, and if ever he should be united to an amiable woman, deserving and possessing his affection, I will then boldly claim his esteem—'till then we must be for ever separated."

She entered the gates, unable to say more, and when they were shut upon her, Lord Delby, overcome with pity and admiration, returned to the hotel; that same evening re-embarked for Dover, and joined his friends before nine the next morning.