Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1002

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0053046 — 5853085
JAN.-JUN. 1977

il53846. 00cm County. CO. telephone directory, apr11 1977. C The cecilia Telephone and Telegreph Coopaey; 31ear77; 0853806.

0853847. Sen enteO County, CO. telephone directory. hpril 1977. 0 The pacific Telephone and Telegraph Ceopany; 3l0sr37; O 0. C. Booth snd Coapaay, a dielnion of 1853047.

0853800. Boorpork. Simi Palloy, CA, telephone directory, April 1577. 0 She Pocific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 4apr77; 0853800.

0053005. The Oleenoc of dotea: events of the past iottodeataon, hp Ocean Bcsoe, end others. forever y day of the yonr. By Linda Billgtte. 1 0. Oppl. atates coapiletion & editorial oofl new oooept ooeew000riol on p. 36—66. 0 Linda Dillgete; 208ar33; 0853089.

18530 50. In the egg aad other p00,0. By 000nter Orooo, with tronalatiano hy Oichaol Oooharger & Chriotoyhor Biddloton. 143 p. fnglloh I Soruoo. Some Gorean p0000 are ire. Oio Poraoogo dot eiedhoehner B others. 08; coopllotioa. 0 Gunner Osaoo; 6Apr77; 0853050. 0053051. 000100 00, eoving op. Op William Jovonovioh. 14 p. Nv: editorial reolsiosv I rewriting. B Willlae Joveoooioh; lSvar77; 1053051.

6853852. The phpoiclao, the potiont of edoonciog yearn, and pvych000tiol prosori ptions; a tentative. oopioeotory prioer dosiqood as 00 l000r000ioosl—entorial 6 edocationul— r0000rco to toter the ceodinoss of 0061001 Bifflin Conysey; 32as77; B853866. stodert, resident, & physician for the aonsisiaed practice of 0000saity qociatrics & gerontologp in potieoh—carv. By o. solon Oonsoe. 62 p. Or: cow— pilatian B additional text. 0 1. Odes Osnsoo; 210er77; 0053d52.

5053853. caroqoo, spring 1077. fdltoro; Yvette oronson I other editors. 47 p. Oppl. 00: Oighland Port Coo.onitp College. O riqhland Port Csnoeity College: 200pr77; 0853053. lOS 30 54 The Book hog. 00. 105. 6 folders. 00: co.pilctioa B additional toot. 0 The Booi life. ny Olilino 0. rnlliar, dillon 1. Ong; 20apr77; 0853054.

1853855. dorodity: an tntr000othon to gonotico. Oy 8. 8. Oinohosror. 3rd ad. 255 P. O 5. 0. Oiocirster; 23foh77; 6853055. 0053056. Ooide to Soericas litotatore fron loilp Dictiasos to the presost. iy Jan00 T. Callae 6 Oobeat 3. aeiily. 272 p. B Jason 0. Calion 6 Robert 3. Oellly; 230eb77; 0853856.

1853857. for to teach reodiag oystenatically. 0y O n000ciotion for Supervision and Setsld 0. Daffy, Oeocge B. Sheraan & bore Cnrtnssls. Sevelopoeat; 18Apr77; 0. Boehler. 2nd ed. 363 p. 0 rarper asd Boo; 21Jan77: a85l857.

a 8538 5 0. The Seen end Oh00000en; Pirgieia Woolf’s To the ltghthooor. op Lisa Cole Bsddick. 61 p. B The President sad Polloos of narcard College; 200ar77; 1053858. 0853805. The nepsbllcan 60500velt. Oy Johe Oorton rIse. 2nd ed. 178 p. 0 The Pceoi0000 and yellows of carsard College; 5Apr77; 0853059.

0853060. Toot itea file to occowpnny The Aeoricoa 50sr77; 0853073. say: an lntrvdostion to 0.5. 005arneant and politics, hy Jares T. Oyern. ep Jesse 0053874. 0. Basghertp K T. Oyers. 134 p. Bsytheon Coopany; 27Apr77; 0053860.

0053061. A Oriting appr000lonohip. yy Noreen 0. neittin. 4th ed. 200 p. 0 Oolt. Sinehort sad ainstea; 3Jan77; 1053061. 0853062. Stody gside to occonpany Sociology, on Preporod hy L. Inn Boise. 261 p. 0 The Byden yress, a dieision of Bolt. Dlnehcrt Cohor. eirrofichv in envelope. 0 The snd Winston: 110ar77; 0053062.

a5 386 3. Textile prodscts: selection. use, and core; lnstrsctor’s eooosl. ey Patsy 0. Oleosoder. 53 p. B 000db toe Mifflin Coapoay; 3Jan77; 0853863. 5053064. Pnactionsl odetniotrotion in physical snd heolth edsontion; isstroctor’a nanoal. By Bsrton Lee Johnson. 54 p. 0 dosghton Biffhin Co.poay; l3os77; 1053864.

0053865. Bass coosonicntian sad hswdo hntv— raction; ivntrnctsr 0 000nol. By Oohert B. ssrphp. 03 p. 0 805ghton gifflin Coopanp; 4reh77; 1053065.

1853066. arorira rediscovered: its people. By Willia. 0. Potlian, Oillis. I. O’Neill 6 Clnir B. Bovoan. 154 p. 0 dosghtcn a853067. Awerico rediscovered: its foreign affairs. By Oillie. f. P011mw, lillian I. B’SeilS 6 Clam d. 000nds. 160 p. O doogitan vifflin tonpany; 3Jan77; 0853067. 0853068. Alqobao; tescher’n annstotei od. By eacido Cliffe Oerviot. 302 p. (Wothenotics for achieverent) B Oooghton eifflin tonpany; 32so77; 0853060.

0053069. Aovcine rvdisnsserod; ito political S’Seill 6 slake v. 000nos. 154 p. O Bnnghtoa eifflin Co.yony; 33nn77; 0853064.

0053070. The Barketing nnnnger’s qside to nec prodoot ineestisn; an 000 nanog000nt briefing. By Alfred Grohar. 31 p. o Awaco., n division of 0.ericon Bsnngereet Issocisti005; 5Wor77; 0853870.

1853871. aosignisg a niddiv school for early adolescents; discossion gside. 21 p. 0053071.

0053072. Be Christelkjbe Betenochay en hssr sntdeistnr. yy B. Wary naosoy. 140 p. Odd. ti: Chriotion Bctrnce and ito d1500serer. Sppl. no: The Christioa fcienco Pohlishiag Boctety. eeployer for hire. feglish ed. prey. reg. 105465

6 5175601. 0 on Botch e0.; The Christioa Scienve Psblishlng Society; 210nt77; a853 572. 2680 1053073. The Critic’s iorehoak: rending for ieterpretation. By author C. Bowling. 201 p. 0 Thorae S. trorell Co.pany, Tnc.; Learning: a survey of psychological interprecstions. By eiefced P. 0111. 3rd ed. 291 p. 0 Thomas f. aoeelL Coepaoy, Inc.; lWear77; 0853074. 00 53 8 7 5 Chest dralsooeardsont600. By Bsrhnra doff ieoiliss. 02 p. 0 P. 0. Davis Conpany; 25Bnr77; A853075. 0053876. Interdisciplinary stndies of peat and ossl. ydited iy Peter 0. otvos 6 0. 0. Neological Society of Anecion. Toc.; 21eac77; 0053076.

6853877. audio josrnal review——general oargecy. Psi. 6. no. 3, ear. 1177. Oditor: Sohert 5. Bnflellsad. Psldec. 0 srvne and Strnttan, Inc.; 18apr77; n053877.

1853870. Cntalog of nelected dnco.ents in ysychology. Cs.nlntsveirdra, vol. 1—6, 19y1—lq7h. roecntivo editor: patriois Ooloh. 143 p. 0 Beericaa Psychological 0500niothsn, Tnc.; 23eac77; h0530y0. 8853079. oanag0000t policy asd strategy; toot. voadings. and cases; inctroctor’o cancel. By George A. Steiner 6 John B. 010cr. 102 p. 0 daceillso Pobllshing Co.psny. lao.; 200or77; 0053079.

0053000. B team coot csj.celatar. Odd. ti: Nicholson and roll Coepony steen coot calculator. NB; conpilotion & odditisool teat. B Pertygraf. division of Oaohns Corporstien; 2l0pr77; 1053800.

1853081. pioneer in—dash applIcation goido. Pioneec product guide fcc IN/PM car stereo 0—track, cassette and CO. add, tin Pioneer olectroaicc ia—dash spplicetloo qoide/Pco000t goioe for 10/P Bear storen NO: conpilation & additionol teat. 0 ferrygrof, division oO Nashoo Corporation: 10apr77; 0053001.

0053002. Welding hoot ispot calcslatoc. Odd. ti: United Stores Stool Corporation welding hoot iopat calcolator. 00; coopilatioa additional teat. 0 Perrygrsf, division of Ooohoa Corporation; 20rpr72; 1053802.

0053007. rhitaker spark plog set aelector for i.pert vehicles. nhitatec single vpsrt plog cable leads sad rail leads for inport vehicles, Odd. ti: Ohitater folIo Cnrparataon cable aelector slide cheat. 0 on illoa. ; Perrygraf, divivion of Nashon CorporatiOn; 22Sep76; 0053603.

0053000. The boot BaBy Tyler Boore. Oy Christopher Orynrs, psood. of Charlec Pile. 160 p. 0 Christopher acyacs. poeod. of Charles Pike; 15Jan77 (in notion: 1576, on copies: lot print.. Jan. 1577) ; :053004. 0053005. Webster Indootrkeo, Inc.: One Sondres yssrs of trial, tracail, anO trheoyh. By John W. Nordhslt, Jr. B S. Ssrdiolt. 22 p. 0 John 0. Bocdhslt, Jr. & Jaeos B. lioribolt; 26oar77; ad53005.


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