Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/108

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A817774 — A8171811
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A817773 (con.)

of the Hok?o-ki. By Takashi James Kodera. fiicrof ilin. 9 lakashi James Kodera; 15Dec76; A817773.


Assessing and in£luencinq the attitude and knowledqe of selected pcst-secondary students concernirq body ianquaqe. Bv Eldridqe whatiev Bud Lestec- Microfilm- e Eldridqe Khatiey Bud Lester; 15Dec75; A817771I.


Opera and the eighteen th-century Hind band; a lecture recital, together uith three recitals of selected uorks of C. P. E- Bach, B. Britten, 3. Buxtehade, J. H. Fiocco, K. Halipiero, A. Maccello, B. A. Hozart, F. Poulenc. G. schuller, E. Schumann and a. Vivaldi. By Hobin Zemp Hough- Microfilm. 3 Robin Zemp Hough; 15Dec76; A817775.


An Analysis of the effects of language acguisition context upon the dual language developaent of non-Enqlish dominant students- Bv Boseraary Salomone Levy. Microfilm, e Bosemary Salomone Levy; 15Dec76; A817776.


Admission, curricula and degree requirements for the art education doctoral degree, 1974-1975. By Hargaret Katharine R. Hicks. dicrofilm. o Margaret Katharine E. Hicks; 15Dec76; A817777.


An Analytical study of various kinetic structural patterns in teaching astronomy and their effects on student learning. By Phillip Kehaa La. Microfilm. Phillip Kehwa Lu; 15Dec76: A817778.


Critical incident-forced choice merit ratings as applied to professional Morkers using an aerospace engineering department as a data source. By Herbert Algot Ueistroa. Microfilm. iS Herbert Algot Kelstrom; 15Dec76; A817779.


Body boundary and fantasy in two types of therapist. By Joan Schaeffer- Kicrofilm. e Joan Schaeffer; lSDec76; A617780.


A Cost-benefit analysis of a national student loan program: a case study of ICETEX-Colombia with policy implications for private and public resource allo- cation. By Sonzalo Arooleda-Palacio. Microfilm. S Gonzalo Arboleda-Falacio; 15Dec7b; A817781.


Personality types of undecided students. By Charles Hord. Microfilm. e Charles Nocd: 15Dec76; A817782.


Communication anxiety and personality. By Sandra Fanning Baldwin. Microfilm. C Sandra Fanriinq Balduin; 15Dec76; A817783.


The politics of Indian defense spending: the rearmament decade, 1963-72. By George Curian Thomas. i'.icrofilm. (J George Curian Thomas; 15Dec76: A8177e«.


A Self-instructional traiaing package for adult basic education teacners in Jordan. By Fakhri Sachid Khader. Microfilm. © Fakhri Rachid Khader; 15Dec76; A817785.


Sermo poematis: homiletic traditions of Purity and Piers Plowman. By Judy Schaaf Anhorn- Microfilm. 8 Judy Schaaf Anhorn; 15Dec76; A817786.


Stress effects in two black community systems in the process of social change: a comparative study. By Edwin C„ S. Johnson. Microfilm- 4 Edwin C- S- Johason; 15 0ac76 (in notice: 1975) ; A817787-


Critical incidents of effective and ineffective nigher education lobbying in the State of Florida. By Carl Christian Andersen, Jr. Microfilm. (3 Carl Christian Andersen, Jr.; 15Dec76; A817788.


Production, purification and properties of lymphocyte activating factor. By Gershwin Theophilus Blyden. Microfilm. 8 Gershwin Iheophilus Blyden; 15Dec76: A817789.


Careering: identifying critical career competences from everyday lawyering. By Adele Marcus scheele- Microfilm. Adele Marcus Scheele; 15Dec76: A817790.


An Analysis of background factors associated with the social functioning of laryngectomees. By Gladys Branic Hardy. Microfilm. G Gladys Branic Hardy; 15Dec76; A817791.


Effectiveness of image and motion variables in motor skill learning. By anna Huh J eon. Microfilm. 6 Unna Huh Jeon; 15Dec76: A817792.


Triangular covariance factorizations for Kalman filtering- By Catherine Thornton. Microfilm. '6 Catherine Lee Thornton; 15Dec76; A817793.


The Eelative importance of professional competencies in the practice of adult education in Thailand and a program for achieving selected behaviors through self-study materials. By Mohamed A. Kadir. Microfilm. 6 Mohamed A. Kadir; 15Dec76; A81779l(.


The Effect of automated communication stations on diffusion of information in a residential retardation setting. By Jayne Marsh Alley. Microfilm. S Jayne Harsh Alley: 15Dec76; A817795.


A Model program for a community college English department for assisting nursing home residents to achieve self-actua- lixation through learning experiences. By aadeleine Bryant Lewis. Microfilm. a Madeleine Bryant Lewis; 15Dec76; A817796.


Sources on influence on educational decisions of the First Regular Session of the Forty-Third Legislature of the State of Idaho. By Betty Pacatte Turner. Microfilm. 9 Betty Pacatte Turner; 15Dec76: A817797.


Los Angeles Trade-Iecnnical College; 1925-1950. By Allen Lazarof Lawson. Microfilm. Allen Lazarof Lawson; 15Dec76; A817798.


Factors, related to sex-based work roles among physician extenders in California- By Sterling King, Jr. Microfilm. 9 Sterling King, Jr.; 15Dec76; A817799.


lime, space and music; prolegomena to the history of musical theory. By William Sheldon Jordan. Microfilm. Appl. states all new except musical examples- 6 William Sheldon Jordan; 15Dec76; Aai7800.


Prepositions in Spanish and English; a contrastive study and sample thesaurus, based on the Spanisn word count taken at the University of Puerto Rico, 1952- By Daniel Jose Rivas. Microfilm. 6 Daniel Jose Eivas; 15Dec76; A817801.


The Observation of meaning: presen- tational analysis as an alternative to content analysis- By Douglas Carieton Bennett. Microfilm- ^ Douglas Carieton Bennett; 15D6c76; A817802-


Citizen evaluations of urban services as performance indicators in local policy analysis. By Brian Imig Stipak- NicrofilB. e Brian Imig Stipak; 15Dec76; A817803.


Nativistic strains in Argentine operas premiered at the leatro Colon (1908-1972) By Maria Elena Kuss. Microfilm. 6 Maria Elena Kuss; 15Dec76; A81780«.


The Politics of administrative alienation; relations among civil servants and political leaders in rural India* s development programs. By James Warner Bjorkman. Microfilm- 9 James Warner Bjorkman; 15Dec76; A817805.


Some relationships between foreign and domestic conflict: an examination using a cross-lagged quasi-experimental design. By Gilbert Theodore Bergquist, Jr. Microfilm. 9 Gilbert Theodore Bergguist, Jr.; 15Dec76; A817806.


Studies on the mitochondrial responses to anemic hypoxia and on the physical characteristics of cytochrome oxidase in the rat. By Ibrahim Z. Ades. Microfilm. e Ibrahim Z. Ades; 15Dec76; A817807.


Early retirement plans for certificated public school employees in California. By Shelby Eugene Wagner- Microfilm. ^ Shelby Eugene Wagner; 15Dec76; A817808.


Effects of concept knowledge and human modeling on aesthetic attitudes. By 3ang-Ho Kim. Microfilm. 6 Sang-Ho Kim; 15Dec76; Aai7S09.


The Development of an accountability information systen model based upon the identification of major issues, problems and experiences involved in the concept- By Leonard Gene Lanza. Microfilm. 8 Leonard Gene Lanza; 15Dec76; Aei7810.


Ph.D. production in public and private universities- By David Eugene Sisk. Microfilm. 6 David Eugene Sisk; 15Dec76;



These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.