Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/116

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A818096 — A818138
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A818095 (con.)

Bceqenzec. llj.crofiI Bceqenzer; 15Dec76; A816095.


Ac ADaiysis of ejcpectatioDS amoog significant participants in the Indian new caceers proqcam of Minneapolis. By John Greqory fted Horse. HLcrofiim. C John Gregory Bed Horse; 15Dec76; 4818096.


A Study of preliminary considerations in manaqeoent information system development for the general social service agency. By kaiter Franklin Laaeudoia. aicrofilm. 8 halter franklin LaJlendola; 15Dec76; A818097.


Historical evolution of the fourteenth amendment due process of la« as it relates to students in private higher educational institutions- By James Thomas Decker. Microfilm, c James Thomas Decker; 15Dec76; A818098.


A Sinqle-channel resonating qroup study of the seven-nucleon system using a noncentral tMO-nucleon potential. By Bobert Douglas Furber. aicrofilm. 8 Robert Douglas Furber; 15Dec76; A8ie099.


Pisan-dub-ba texts from the Sumerian Ur 3 dynasty. By Bichard Carroll tlelson. aicrofilm. e Bichard Carroll Nelson; 15Dec76: ASiaiOO.


Methodoloqy and rationality; a critique of popper and Kuhn. Vol. 1-2. By Husain Sarkar. aicrofilm. 3 Husain Sarkar; 15Dec76; A818101.


Effects of technological change on output, employment and functional income distribution in Indian aqriculture: a case study of the Punjab ubeat economy. By Siddanaik Bisaliah. aicrofilm. e Siddanaik Bisaliah; 15Dec76; A818102.


Evaluation of a simulated group-therapy film test in teaching psychiatric nursinq. By Verona Christof ferson Gordon, aicrofilm. 9 Verona Cnristof f erson Gordon; 15Dec76; 4818103.


Behavior durinq pregnancy; a socio- logical analysis. By Kathleen Getz Auerbach. Microfilm. B Kathleen Getz 4ueriiach; 15Dec76; 4818101.


Regional theatre profile; aecentraiized theatre in America; comparative survey & critical analysis of two regional centers: ainneapolis/Saint Paul fi Los Angeles. By Harold aesley Dixon. Jr. aicrofilm. 6 Harold hesley Dixon, Jr.; 15Dec76; A8ieiOS.


The Ontoiogicai status of fictional entities. By Jean Andre Cadieux, Microfilm. & Jean Andre Cadieux; 15Dec76; 481O108.

4818 109.

A Study" of evolutionary tactics in populations of solitary avian migrants. By John Hilton Bappoie. aicrofilm. Q John Hilton Eappole; 15Dec76; A818109.


Sport and temporality; an ontoiogicai analysis. By William John Morgan. Microfilm. S iiilliam John Morgan; 15Dec76 (in notice: 1975J; A818110.

A6 18 111.

Disabilities in the elderly. By Mary Catherine Schroepfer. Microfilm, e aary Catherine Schroepfer; 15Dec76; 4818111.


4 Treatise on psychology and voluntary motor behavior with an investigation of biofeedback effects on hemiplegias resultant from cerebrovascular accident, 3y Nancy Stephanie aroczek. Microfilm. 6 Mancy Stephanie Mroczek; 15Dec76; A81B112.


The Logic of the social contract. By Bichard Keith Dagger. Microfilm. S Bichard Keith Dagger; 15Dec76; A81^113.


Determinants of internal resource allocation. By Frederick Stanton Hills. Microfilm, id Frederick Stanton Hills; 15Dec76; A81811t.


True and false accounts by Defoe. By Tyna Claire Thall Orren. aicrofilm. e Tyna Claire Thall Orren; 1SDec76: A818115.


Bevision of the nearctic species of the subgenus Polypedilum (Chironomidae; dipteral By David Eric aaschuitz. Microfilm. e David Eric Maschuitz; 15Dec76 (in notice: 1975); 4818116.


An Analysis of selected contemporary mime philosophies and techniques. By Louis Harold Campbell. Microfilm. e Louis Harold Campbell; 15Dec76; A818117.


Analysis and application of neu array techniques for seismic signal extraction. By fu Shing Li. Microfilm. S Fu Shing Li; 15Dec76; A818118.


The Geography of forest plants across the prairie- forest border in uestern Minnesota. By Michael John Scanlan, aicrofilm, <y Michael John Scanlan; 15Dec76; 4818119,


Dispute management in labor relations; the mediation process. By Joseph William Frees. Microfilm. e Joseph Uilliaa Frees: 15Dec76: 48 18 122.


Dispersion and dilution of a gaseous contaminant in a ventilated space. By David Lee Jest, Microfilm, 6 David Lee test; 15Dec76; 48 18123.


Intracellular localization of car- denolides in Digitalis. By Stanley Leonard Nickel. Microfilm. 6 Stanley Leonard Nickel; 15Dec76; 48 181211.


Maternal speech to normal and Down's syndrome children matched for mean length of utterance. By Jean Adolphe Bondal. Microfilm. © Jean Adolphe Bondal; 15Dec76; 4818125.


The Nephelometric analysis of silver bromide suspensions. By Shinichiro yamaguchi. Microfilm. & Shinichiro yamaguchi; 15Dec76; 4818126,


Women and the freedom-to-be in selected works of Schiller and the romantics. By Joan Garner Sheeran. Microfilm, Joan Garner Sheeran; 15Dec76; 4818127.


An Evaluation of Interstate Commerce Commission rail line abandonment policy and procedure in Minnesota. By Hendrix Barry Spraggins. Microfilm, 3 Hendrix Barry Spraggins; 15D6c76; A818128,


Bichard Hooker and Elizabethan polemics. By Eudolph Paul ilmasy. Microfilm. a Eudolph Paul 41masy: 15Dec76: 4818129.


A Description of the interc ultural communication workshop using content analysis. By Sherwood Ann Wilson, Microfilm. e Sherwood 4nn Wilson; 15Dec76; 4818130.


4 Comparison of a traditional approach and a programmed approach to developing shorthand skill in inner-city schools. By aary Christine Eichardson Gilmore. aicrofilm. C Mary Christine Eichardson Gilmore: 15Dec76: 4818131,


Captives in mystic Babylon: the redeemer figure in late nineteenth century American culture. By Louis Perry Williams, Jr. aicrofilm, e Louis Perry Williams, Jr, ; 15Dec76: A818132,


Heat and mass transfer in cooking meat. By Edward Silliam Godsalve. Microfilm. 6 Edward Billian, Godsalve; 15Dec76; 4818133.

4n Analysis of the interrelationship of two measures used in the measurement of moral iudgment development; the Kohlberg moral Iudgment interview and the Best defining issues test. By Chukwuma Francis Ethelbert Alozie, Microfilm, e Chukwuma Francis Ethelbert Alozie; 15Dec76; 4818106.


Communication of development issues in the Nigerian mass media: a sociological perspective. By Francis okwuadigbo Ugboa'iah. Microfilm. C Francis Okwuadigbo Ugboajah; 15Dec76; 4818107.


Competencies required of coordinators of special needs in vocational education in ainnesota as perceived by incumbents. By Gordon Christian Ktantz. aicrofilm. S Gordon Christian Krantz; 15Dec76; AS18120.


An Economic and geographic history of Cashing, Oklanoma from its origins through the oil boom years, 19 12-1917, By Joe Donald aoberts. Microfilm. C Joe Donald Boberts; 15Dec76; 4818121.


4f ro-4merican perspectives on Africa; the image of Africa among Afro-American leaders, artists, and scholars, 1915-1940. By Francine Ann Dempsey. Microfilm, S Francine Ann Dempsey; 15Dec76; Aai8134.


Ojifcwe music in ainnesota. By Paul Bobert Parthun. aicrofilm. 6 Paul Robert Parthun; 15Dec76; 4818135.


Population dynamics of the Twin Cities

Arsenal deer herd. By Kent D. Keenlyne.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.