Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1302

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0865922 — 1865961
JAN.-JUN. 1977

1865922. Phntoqrapby for kids; o teaCher’s aoeoel. Orittoc ky Katie Colocan. Narie oendcioiaon K Halt aiotor editor; Joel A. Inc.; 1180e76; 5865930. Benedict. cartoons: Natalie Cecil. 162 p. Opel. as; Oricone State Oeieeroitp. O Ati0000 State :eieeroitp (in notice; Arizona Board od secants. Oricoca State Oniearnitp( ; 20Jaa77 (in cation; 1976) 0065922.

0865923. Tie nab gee Bar; aneedongered npooioa. 22 p. oppl. on: Panline Gaathier (Anne—Icon) C caaliee Gaatbier; 28Jan76; Ontata School; lOop77 0865936.

0865927. 0865924. C—rico toentrootioe natsnl tar cootoc 058 tairicotion aith C—plea dltargbana planting. erittee iy Charles Barrett Keanedy. Jr. 87 p. 8 Saeaaan tlantion lao.; 9aar77; 0865920

0865925. Stoatiae_ cy naacp Bell. pneod. of Banlaoic oeabnrg. 8 p. B Oenjaain Oanberg d.b.a. edO Actorpriaas; 9eerJ7; 0865525.

0065926. rriainnecoa do qoerra- per Lola Gnnoalez Lnlendr( 95 p. B mm 000ctlne laloodtp; 10Apr76; 0863926.

00655 23_ I;annai—lcrdaer—Nofoinn tonqoage acrzenLtq tent doe rho deaf; enpeniaeotal ad. I e. Be; re:roioen. B Elaine P. Hannah. Jntia 0 Gardner I eadzlioe Heroine (La notice; osenah—Ootdnnr— nafoinn(; :;FeblO; 0065927.

58659 20. Leoiie’o ania pool acitteea one canceL Oy Join ronton Ooyak. 65 p Ippl_ as; Leolie’o Pootaatt. aapleyer tot hire. d Ito lieta Foal eart let. (in aotinn; Leolten Poeleart, Inn.) ; 20Apr77; Aol 592 0.

0 06 5929. Tic bond of dcrhaces-. teacher’s goide. 28 p. 99: noitoria iretiojon. B National Caapaep) ; lOHar7? fin catico: 1976); Oeegrcpbio Snocaty; 22Apr77 (in entice-. 1573. 1976); 0865929.

o 86 59 3d. tleoe nolortnl planters; asseebly handbook. Author; Clpde tleae Frcnilin. 1 e. B Clyde C. Prondlie; 1Jan77; 0 46 5 9 3d

0065931. 8—07 Stratejatieactdon. BE ton Ireedel K Too n’zbnod. 08 p. Ippl.. onates 0.5. coppriqit in cot claiaed 08 sep cotepiol tokon toe 0.5. sect. nounnen. B Sgaodrnn/Siqnal yeblrcctmnno Set.; 20Oct76; 0865931.

0865932. eeonetnchnict ef 110 Dorotoerer in action. Op Jerry L. Coapbtll. illonttnted by Don Oceer. 49 p. Oppl. ntoten 0.S ospyriqit in ost domed 00 any antecial token ff00 0.0. Ooet. nonrnen - 8 nqnadran/Signnl Pailitatinas. Inc.; 283ns77; 0865932.

0065933. ctqia Aeroaootioa: n pictorial history of the Italian Air Boron. 1900—1903. Op Christopher Siaten. 60 p Appl. ototas 7.0. nepyright La sot claiand Oa cop entanhal tame Cron U.S. bet. son0000. B Sgaadroo Sigaol pohlicotiosn. Ian.; 20Oct76; 0865933.

1865938. Octane reilracd goes in acts•ao. 0- Joenhi. Ongel.a:n. illantroted by con ocHer, edited ky Brute Coiner. 08 p. Appl. staten U.S. copyright is not cladeed bp cic sainnon. 25 p. B Bit Heienao; cop natenial toieo dron 0.0. Onet. 000rtos. B Sgaadron/Sogcnl tablioatinao, 0865935- Goldee dapo oC radio, telonmnion special. cy Proni ercoeo. 61 p. B prnoi anned bp Canpiail College; 1May76; ernoen; 9Jae73; 0865935. oakS 93 6. Sorotp Deal Estate school tool estate aaitara aoaninanioe. 24 p. App1. 00: nob tppl. en; tleaeor coctlatn. B lbs Cosetty 0. scod I John 0. Entrin. B norety Beat 1865537. ninth aennal 1110/001 neeiaap; aeon to intr000e pradnutinhty”; 1977 proceedings. 35 p. Pcooeodiegn at notinor hold in Chetrp Hill. NJ. eat. 8—10. 1977. nppl. eo: Jaaee 0. Toaptins. tools A. eeper 6 John P. Sneers. B Tie oaeri000 Inttitntc of Kodnetrial Onginanro, Inc.; 8Mar77; 0865937.

0865938. The Kay to cnocenotnl sailing. 7 p. Appi. au; lose 0. Patnoan (I. Parsons) B L. Parsoan; 138ep77; 0865938.

0865939. Bate cad iafoo.atioo for the 80010cr Jonotioc nnction. 104 p. (Pinhiag not Spate in eortbera ni000nnia.( Optl. aa; eobett casio Otopo. Appl. states nec teat, eacapt Cot aatetiol ookcoalelgal in prod. 0 cohort 0. Bnops 0 Becreathon eeaeooch Coapanp (eabart 0. nnops d.b.e. Settee tins Oaaearch Canposy) (ie notinp: Robert S. ((nato. sorreation Aeooorti Coepaae( ; 30ac77; 0865939.

0065900. nope aed icdotaatiae dat tbn Saint Ootaoie oottiaa. 40 p. (Pinking oot Spots On narthers Hiocoesis. ) Appl. as: Robert Dec10 Seeps. Oppi. statos non tent. nocept Car ectati ai aokaoeiedgcd ia pret. 0 Robert B. ieopn 6 Recreation Onoooroh Conpsay )tohett 0. Keops d.n.a. le0000tioa Beenarob Coepnep( (in aotioc; Robert I. Onops. Senteatias Research 0865908.

0865941. P digest—77; oydtaolits, pneaactien. lubricatioe. tilttationn process and octdrnnaeatal. 1 e. 610. ci; p tanner hydraulics, petoentine, lolricatice, filtrotioa, process and oneitenaeetal. 0—77. B J. 5. Paaeer Coapaay, Iso.; 11Apr77; 0565941.

1865902. Peal habit aanao000nt; a 000tno ie self—eonagaannt tnaieing for eeigbt ooatrol; inottnotnt nonnal. By anile Inn noitc. 126 p. 0 Jolla Aolto; loat37; 0865902.

0865903. The Bight to liiai, and other titles; theological caooo. Prepnrod by Bnbert 8. osalep K atoors. Boltiple caiuaee. Oppl. tecoanandatisa. Oay 9073. 15 p. ao: 0.0cm Hooks. B Tie Cane Stody destitnte; 30Apr77; 08k5953.

0865004. Cook a can of beer today. By John a. yiarleia. 58 p. Add. ti: toNi a boot todap. 0 Jois 5. Bietleie n.k.e. coal—Line; lOaoe76; 1865900. 0865905. Feed Oreilia profiloc. By lee Toylor (Leon ceaoin Taylor) 334 p. 80: editorial raeisionn K pbotos. hone ieee added. B toe Taylor: 23Apr77; 0865905.

0865906. The Lent pbcsas ad Joe Onrboais. Edited 2980 28Dec76; 0865946.

0865907. tin Lyrinint. Vol. 10, 1975—1576. 58 p. Oppl. no; Cocpbeil Collage ntadacts 8 onset etitarn. B Tin Lyricint, solely oak 5 90 7. 0865008. The Canatry Frieeds’ osoibont. 163 p. friends, Inc.; lkcao7k; 0465908.

0865909. The Oath—too—tics tniee visit Ind— roniion. By Hilline Henry penable. 83 p. 0 SuIte. Beery Oaeabie; 22Feb37; 0845909.

1865950. yin Baptist ad Jcooa and door othern 05 toond it tie dolt hyanal of tio College of Ostre coca of saopiand. 28 p. Ippl. 00; Nary dealyn euler (005) 0 00 sOngs od See Biller; Oacy Osolpo Billet; 12Peh77; b865 NSA.

0865951. Ito Children’s literntsrn ocrkat, 1977—1982. By Jodini S. Ooio. 201 p. 0 Beoeiadge lcdastrp pobllcotions. Inc.; 1Jan77 (In notion: 1976); 0865059.

0865902. Tie Banagoaent deeelapaoet nod edacation nariot, 1977—1982. By Oilhott a. Blotk. 180 p. 0 Boonledge Kndaatry yobiicatiooo, dcc.; 1Apr77; 0065952. 0865953. OSOPsraoto tad. 8 p. Ippi. 00; Prank cltaaan. B Frank Olt,oan; 2Sep76; 0865953.

0865950. CbilOseatchiagisrot,ation. By Oanid Claytoe Poihecos. 0 p. 0 David Cboytac Belbeans-, 10sep76; 0863954. 0865955. Arc adding. By Jaseph H. sicobies. 163 B. B 0 nerica a Technical Sotiety; 15Apr77; 1865955.

1865956. Onsetiding. By Joseph H. Oiochieo. 92 p. B Onepioan Tenheical Ssciotp; lStpr77; 1865956.

b86 5957. Oroan eyes or blae2 isa ohoat you? Bp siofia Stoptel. 18 p 0 Stopfei doterpriaen; 5npr77; 0865957.

1865950. teas and foot control. By Looms Losdan. 156 p. (Ohe Institute od Popar Ciaalstry bibliographic snties, no. 277) O The Institete of Poyer Cheniotry; 23aoy77; 1865956. 1865959. Norci ood Coapony. mo. ; ontion O cosaidsoa. maCkin nod Joarntte naoorition Corporation; 208ay73; 0815959.

0865965. Oelatiee colon onaipnio; .oathiy npdate. BoB 1977. 1 e. 0 Ronaldnoe. tofiin sad Jearatte Setatutios CarporotiOn; 265ay33; 0865960. 0865961. ecU Conada; action reoaaceedatloaa sop 1977. 23 p. B ronei050e. totkin sad Jeapatta Securities Cntpotatioa; 200ay33; 0869911.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.