Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/133

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A818741 — A818808
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A8187614 (con.)

poration S Boston's Fourth of July, Inc.; 26NOV76; A818764.


The Insured charitable remainder annuity plan and trust- 1 v. Appl. au: Bobert L. Kniqbt. 6 Deferred Giffinq Systems; 7Dec76: 4818765.


Save qas — save nooey. By Gene S. posner. 30 p. NM: additions & revisions. Gene S. Posner; 15Sep76: 4818766.


tlontessori approach to zooloqy. Pt. 3; stories. By Saiendra K. Gupta 6 Bary Lin Corso. 39 p. e Baiendra K. Gupta Mary Lin Corso: 230ct76: 4818767.


dandle vith care. By Oonna Lynn Poland. 63 p. O Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc.; 1Jun76: 481B768.


dother Goose's Place presents this cataLoq of oriqinal copyriqhted storybook doll patterns. 1 v. Appl. au: Thelma Jennevein. 6 Thelma Jennevein; liinar76: 4818769.


Entenmann's, Inc.; research report. By Barry 4. Gluck. 14 p. Appl. au: Dreiel Burnham and Coapany, Inc. e Drexel Burnham and Company, Inc.; 160ec76: A818770.


Ellis Sola Hoop. 1 p. e Alfred Ellis Jones C Nora n. Jones d.b. a. Ellis Bola Hoop; 10ct76; 4818771.


New steelcity 1" square outlet boxes with special cv bracket for metal studs, steelcity bulletin 7681. 1 p. Appl. au: Electrical Products Division, nidland-Eoss Corporation. C Bidland-Eoss Corporation; 15SOV76: 4818772.


Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. and Canadian Standards 4ssociation wiring capacity charts for Kindorf raceway. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Electrical Products Division, aidland-Koss Corporation. C Midland-Boss Corporation; 15Nov76; A818773.


Hey, mister, men don't wear earrinqs. Story by Lionel Hampton, illus. by Murray Nqoima. 1 V. Lionel Hampton: 23liov76;



Narconon, an effective solution in reducinq drug abuse and crime. 1 v. e narconon; lJan76; 48 18775.


The Narconon rehabilitation program. 7 p. KB: additions, e Narconon; 1Jan75; 4818776.


Beplacement motor quide. Form BHG 1076. 21 p. e P-G Assco Corporation or P-G Assco a.a.d.o. the P-G Assco Corporation; 4Dec76: 4818777.


P-G Assco consumer products cataloq. 15 p. S P-G Assco Corporation or P-G Assco a.a.d.o. the P-G Assco Corporation: 15l(ov76: 4818776.


Our flag. Britten by Lolita C. Church. 1 P. e Lolita C. Church: 2Jun76; A818779.


Pin the "pean'ts" on Jimmy; the sensational new adult party game, rated fi. Bali chart, e D.O.M. Corporation: 220ct76; 4818780.


Gaston the green-nosed alligator coloring book. Britten £ illustrated by James Bice. 1 v. Pelican Publishing Company. Inc.; 10Oct76: 4818781.


Cajun night before Christmas coloring book. Britten & illustrated by Janes Bice. 1 V. O Pelican Publishing Company, Inc.; 10Oct76; 4818782.


History of Pass Christian. By Bobert James Caire t Katharine D. Caire. 122 p. B. J. 6 Katy Caire; lDec76; A818783.

48 13781.

classrooa method for classic guitar. Book 1. By Harvey S. flalloy £ Joseph Glaser. 2nd ed. 10 p. e Harvey S. Malloy £ Joseph Glaser; 6Jan77; 4818781.


Accelerated training course for the NASD registered representative. Beview guestions for the NASD training course. 2 V. Appl. au; Harry Shore. NM: additions £ revisions. e Harry Shore; 8Jul76; A818785.


Sales. 8th ed. 116 p. (Gilbert law summaries) Appl. au: Billiam 4. Butter, e William 4. Butter; 310ct76; 4818786.


Los Angeles County Museum of Art bulletin, 1976. 72 p. Appl. au: Los 4ngeles county Museum of Art. C Museum Associates of Los Angeles County Museum of Art; 7Dec76; 4818787.


Excellent earnings selling information by mail. By a. F. Bamsey. 17 p. M. F. Bamsey; 20ec76; 4818788.


Teambuilding. By Del Lind, edited by Kay Jennings, art £ design by Marlys Jax. 32 p. (Caring for community) Appl. au: Center for Community organization and Area Development (Cencoad) 9 Center for Community Organization and Area Deve- lopment (Cencoad) ; 19oct76: A818789.


How to analyze a war without fronts, Vietnam 1965-72. By Thomas C. Thayer. p. 767-952. Thomas C. Thayer; 23Mar76; A818790.


Management Assistance, Inc. of Southern California management services agreement. 1 V. C Management Assistance, Inc. of southern California; 26Jul76; 4818791.


Management Assistance, Inc. of Southern California employment contract. 3 p. C Management Assistance, Inc. of Southern California; 26Jul76; A818792.


People who wheel, people who walk. By Genevieve S. Freeman. 23 p. C Genevieve S. Freeman; 280ct76; 4818793.


Historical highlights, 1826-1976. 3 p. 4dd. ti: 1826 historical highlights 1976. Appl. au: Oorris Clark Fludd. NM: compilation. e Dorris Clark Fludd; 21NOV76; A818791.


How to make money having a garage or basement sale. By Karen Buth Sorensen. 6 p. e Karen B. Sorensen; 10ct7f; A818795.


Hartt's Guitar book 1. 32 p. NM: compilation £ new text. 8 Kenneth Hartt; 1Sep76; 48 18796.


Trial handbook for Massachusetts lawyers. Cumulative suppl., issued Dec. 1976. By Edward H. Swartz. 103 p. 6 The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company; 28Dec76; Aei8797.


Instructor's manual to accompany Police operations: tactical approaches to crimes in progress. By 4ndrew p. Sutor. 62 p. (Criminal justice series) O Best Publishing Company; 7Dec76; A818798.


Michigan compiled laws annotated. Dec. 1976 cumulative pamphlet. 190 p. Supplementing Michigan compiled laws annotated, Michigan court rules annotated £ Michigan court rules* 1976 pamphlet. Best Publishing Company; 11Dec76; A818799.


Hit and Ms. Britten by Nom D. Guerre, pseud, of Drew Hammond, illustrated by John 4. Newman. 68 p. 4dd. ti: The Standard of Xcellence presents Hit and Ms. O Brand X Publishing, Ltd.; 14pr76; 4818800.


Patent la« review, 1973. Vol. 5. Edited by Thomas E. Costner. 57 1 p. O Clark Boardman Company, Ltd.; 15Mar71; A819801.


Environment law review, 197 3. Vol. 1. Edited by H. Floyd sherrod, Jr. 795 p. e Clark Boardman Company, Ltd.; 19Sep73; A818802.


Environment lav review, 1971. Vol. 5. Edited by H. Floyd Sherrod, Jr. 707 p. 3 Clark Boardman Company, Ltd.; 30ec71; A818e03.


Securities law review, 1971. Vol. 6. Edited by Ernest L. folk, 3rd. 730 p. e Clark Boardman Company, Ltd.; 7Dec71; A818801.


Patent law review, 1971. Vol. 6. Edited by Thomas E. Costner. 180 p. e Clark Boardman Company, Ltd.; 16Dec71: 4818805.


Securities law review, 1973; intro- ductory survey. Vol. 5. Edited by £ introductory survey by Ernest L. Folk, 3rd. 893 p. 6 Clark Boardman company, Ltd.; 21Dec73; 4818806.


A Kafka bibliography, 1908-1976. By Angel Flores. 193 p. 6 Angel Flores; 210ct76; A818807.


Eating is okay! A radical approach to successful weight loss, the behavioral- control diet explained in full. By Henry A. Jordan, Leonard S. Levitz £ Gordon M. Kimbrell, edited by Steve Gelman. 180 p. 6 Associates for Behavioral Education £ S. and B. Gclnan Associates, Inc.; 11Nov76;



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