Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/140

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A819045 — A819082
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A819044 (con.)

p. Most of the contents appeared oriqinally in The New Yorker, in somewhat different form. Ntl: approx. 5)i of text. e Eichard Harris; 29Sep76; 4819014.


Philosophy; history and problems- By Samuel Enoch Stumpf. 2nd ed. 2 ». in 1. Prey. pub. as Socrates to Sartre 6 Philosophical problems. e McGravj-Hill, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4819045.


Elementary functions. By Carl Barnett 411endoerfer, cletus Odia Oakley £ Donald B. Kerr, Jr. 314 p. S HcGrau-Hill , Inc.; 3Jan77; 4819046.


Linear alqebra- By Norman J. Bloch £ John S. Hichaels. 342 p. 9 McGrau-Hill, Inc.: 3Jan77: 4819047.


Statistics; basic techniques for solving applied problems. By Stephen 4. Book, drawings were done by ECL 4rt Associates, Inc. 511 p. e HcGrau-Hill, Inc.; 3Jan77: 4819048.


Enyironmental law for engineers, scientists, and managers. By Joseph I. Bockrath. 359 p. 6 acGraw-Hill, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4819049.

48190 50.

Social statistics without tears. By 411an G. Johnson. 270 p. 6 McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4 J 19050.


The Management of business and public organizations. By Bobert B. Buchele. 348 p. a McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4819051.


Strategy for personal finance. By Larry E- Lang & Thomas H. Gillespie. 594 p. 6 McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 3Jan77; 4819052.


Introduction to data processing. By Beryl Eobichaud, Eugene Muscat fi 41ii-Marie Hall. 2nd ed. 345 p. e McGrau-Hill. Inc.; 3Jan77: 4819053.

48190 54.

Technical electricity and electronics- By Peter Buban £ Marshall Langdon Schmitt. 2nd ed. 474 p. S McGraw-Hill, Inc. ; 3Jan77: 4819054.

48190 55.

ENR directory of contractors, 1974-75, 208 p. 4dd. ti; The Engineering news record directory: contractors. 1974-75, O McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 23Hay74 (in notice; 1973); 4819055.

68190 56.

ENE directory of design firms, 1974-75. 336 p. 4ad. ti: The Engineering news record directory; design firms, 1974-75. e McGraw-Hill. Inc, ; 23May74 (in notice: 1973); 4819056..

48190 57.

John Coltrane, By William Cole. 264 p. 4ppl- states text new except for scattered quotations £ compilation of illus. O Schirmer Books, a division of Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc.; 15Dec76; 4819057.


The California wine book. By Bobert Thompson £ Hugh Johnson. 320 p. 6 on entire text, 9 maps. 46 photos. £ 3 drawings; Bobert Thompson £ Hugh Johnson; 60ct76: A819058.


Viral infections of humans; epidemiology £ control. Edited by 41fred S. Evans. 584 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any portion of this work written by a U.S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties. 6 Plenum Publishing Corporation; 10Sov76; 4819059.


Hyperlipidemia; long-term considerations in management and patient compliance. 15 p. (Seminars on hyperlipidemia) Accompanied by sound recording. © 4yerst Laboratories, division of American Home Products Corporation; 18Nov76: 4819060.


Fun with spelling: lazy letters. Author; June Sark Heinrich, folder, sheets 6 54 cards, (Tutorette audiocard program, no. 2214) Accompanied by sound recording in box. Appl. au: Audiotronics Corporation a. k. a. Audiotronics. 3 4udiotronlcs Corporation a.k.a, 4udiotronics; 14Jan77; 4819061,

481906 2,

Pun with spelling; sneaky suffixes. Author; June Sark Heinrich. Folder, sheets 6 54 cards. (Tutorette audiocard program, no. 2213) Accompanied by sound recording in box. Appl. au; 4udiotronics Corporation a,k,a. Audiotronics, ti Audiotronics Corporation a,k,a, Audiotronics; 14Jan77; 4819062.


Make it many: irregular plurals. Guide written by Hark Taylor. Folder, sheets £ 48 cards. (Tutorette audiocard program, no. 2021) Accompanied by sound recording in box- Appl, au; Audiotronics Cor- poration a,k.a. Audiotronics, © Au- diotronics Corporation a,k,a, Audiot- ronics; 14Jan77; A819063,

A8 19064.

How to speak dinosaur; a look at prehistoric creatures. Guide written by Bark Taylor. Folder, sheets £ 54 cards. (Tutorette audiocard program, no. 2351) Accompanied by sound recording in box. Appl. au; Audiotronics Corporation a.k.a. Audiotronics. © Audiotronics Corporation a.k.a. Audiotronics; 14Jan77; A8 19064.


Decimal kit. Program written by M Heinberger in consultation with Jean Guertin. program guide written by J Guertin. Folder, 90 cards £ sheets (6 (Tutorette audiocard program, no. 2302 Accompanied by sound recording. Appl. Audiotronics corporation a.k.a. 4udiot ronics. © 4udiotronics Corporation 4udiotronicE; 14Jan77; 4 819065.


Multiplication kit. Produced by Educational Systems. 4udiotronics Corporation in consultation with Jeanne Guertin. Folder. 144 cards £ sheets (4 p.) (Tutorette audiocard program, no. 2301) Accompanied by sound recording. Appl. au; Audiotronics Corporation a.k.a Audiotronics. Q Audiotronics Corporatio a.k.a. Audiotronics.; 14Jan77; 4819066


Fun with spelling; perplexing prefixes Author; June Sark Heinrich. Folder, 54 cards £ sheets (8 p.) (Tutorette audiocard program, no. 2212) Accompanie by sound recording. Appl. au; Audiot- ronics Corporation a,k,a, Audiotronics, e Audiotronics Corporation a.k.a. 4udiotronics; 3Jan77; A819067.


Fraction kit. Program written by Marcia Heinberger in consultation with Jeanne Guertin, progress guide written by Jean Guertin, Folder, 108 cards 6 sheets (6 p.) (Tutorette audiocard program, no. 2303) Accompanied by sound recording. Appl. au; Audiotronics Corporation a.k.a. Audiotronics. © Audiotronics Corporation a.k.a. Audiotronics; 14Jan77: 4819068.


Do it yourself universal fuel economy kit instruction booklet. 1 v. Appl. au: peter J. Incaudo, Jr. (9 C.H.A., Inc.; 24Sep76; A819069.


"Something" — a spiritual reality; the miracle of out nocturnal dreams E what they tell us. By Eric Everman. pseud, of U. Everett Dupuy. 87 p. Prev, reg, as Dialogue with the unconscious, NH; editorial revision, © W, Everett Dupuy; 9Dec76; A819070.


Serve, Stroke and Volley. 1 p. Add. ti; Tennis drill. Appl. au: Neil E. Johnson. © Talent-N-Iiming/Iennis, Inc.; 234pr73; 4819071,


Beal. By Fannie Lee Lowe. 61 p. Lee Lowe; 25Sep76; 48 19072.


Space 1; dedicated to spaces I've been with you. by shep Bowie, Space 2; space 2 is intended to bring forth feelings from me to you, by James J, Bowie. 1 v. Add. ti: Jours truly. 6 Shep Bowie fi James J. Bowie a.k.a. Jim Bowie; 20Oct76; A819073.


If your alligators have too big a bite. Folder. © Richards Manufacturing Company, Inc.; 25Sep76: A8 19074.


The Florio CPC band; circumferential partial contact. Folder. © Richards Manufacturing Company. Inc.; 10Aug76; A819075.


America, the land we love, (In Sounds of America, p, 4) Appl, au : Carolyn A, Spencer, © Carolyn A, Spencer; 23Apr76; A819076,


A Price guide to values of first editions, selected reprints and special editions of books written by Jesse Stuart and informational and statistical data, 1930-1976, Authored by Killiam J. Curry, 53 p, © Bill Curry; lJan77 (in notice; 1976) ; A819077,


Popeil's Bionic Knife and cutting board case, 2 folders, C Fopeil Brothers, Inc; 22NOV76: A819078,


Shakespeare's Globe; an introd. By David Toor, illus. by Doug Brown. 2nd ed. 30 p. oxford Crafts/Kenilworth Press; 1aay76; 4819079.


Final leaves; a collection of poems. By Stephen Val. 74 p. © The Stephen Val Memorial Fund; 30Dec76; 4819080.


So you found a baby squirrel! Written by Boseann Trezza £ Lee Bernstein, photography; Lee Bernstein, 31 p. Appl. au: Associated Humane Societies. © Associated Humane Societies, Inc.; 24ug76; A819081.


An Introduction to our professional


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