Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1403

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A869990 — A870024
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A869989 (con.)

e on text e photos, not pcev. pub.; Bobert gbitinq: 1211ay77; A869989.


A Beginner* s book of vegetable gardening. By Sigaund A. Lavine, illustrated Kith photos. C uith drawings by Jane o'Began. 128 p. on teit S illus. not prev. pub.; sigound A. Lavine; 6aay77: A869990.


Great horses o£ the United States Equestrian Tean. By Uiiiiau Steinkraus £ Sam Savitt, with Ihe United States Equestrian Team, illustrated by Sam Savitt. 96 p. e on illus.; Sam Savitt; 1011aY77; A869991.


Great horses of the United States Equestrian Team. By Uilliaffl Steinkraus & Sam Savitt, Kith The united States Equestrian Team, illustrated by Sam Savitt. 96 p. on text; The United States Equestrian Team, Inc.; 1011ay77; A869992.


Boss Peterson: the new Edgar Cayce. By Allen Spcaggett, foreword by F. Logan Stanfieid. 182 p. Photos, of Allen Spragqett-Boss Peterson Nov. 197i| videotape interviev were part of television series ESP — Extra-special people. Appl. au: Boss Peterson. Allen Spraqqett 6 Boss Peterson; 17Jun77; A86 9993.


Prussian nights; a poem. By Alexander Isdevrch Solzhenitsyn, translated by Uobert Conquest. 11J p. English £ Bussian. Translation ot Prusskie nochi. O on translation; eobert Conquest; 13JUU77; A869994.


Ludell and Uillie. By Brenda Scott Hilkinson. 181 p. O Brenda Scott Bllkinson; 64pr77; A869995.


Parole et pensee; introduction au francais d* au jourd* hui. By Vvone Lenard, color photography by yayne Bowe. 3rd ed. 589 p. e Yvone tenard; 8Feb77; A869996.


Pairing and parenthood; an introd. to marriage 6 the family. By John Perry 6 Erna Perry. itOO p. O John £ Erna Perry; 2Jan77: A869997.


My purr-feet recipes. By His Boyal Highness Haximillian Pierre Justine Francois Tigere, pseud, of Carolyn C. Kendall. 57 p. C Carolyn C. Kendall; 29HOV76; A869998.


Colloquium on Hispanic Linguistics, 1975. Editors: Frances H. Aid, Helvyn C. Besnick & Bohdan Saciuk. 157 p. Papers presented at tbe Second Colloquium on Hispanic Linguistics, held in Tampa, FL, July 17-19, 1975; English 6 Spanish. O Georqetown University: 7Jan77 (in notice; 1976) ; A869999.


Georgetown University Bound Table on Lanquaqes and Linguistics, 1976. Editor; Clea Bameh. 279 p. Add. ti: GUBT: Georgetown University Bound Table on Lanquaqes and Linquistics, 1976; Semantics: theory and application. O Georqetown University; 8Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A870000.


Simplified medical dictionary. By Bichard Franks, edited by Harry Svartz. 276 p. Originally pub. as Beverse medical secretary. NH: revision of text & addition of pictorial matter. O Litton Industries, Inc. ; 27Hay77: Ae70001.


Hoody's Bank and finance manual, 1977. Vol. 1-2. Moody's Investors Service, Inc.; 10Jun77; A870002.


Valence instabilities and related narrow-band phenomena. Edited by fionald D. Parks. 562 p. Proceedings of an International Conference on Valence Instabilities and Belated Harrow-Band Phenomena held at the University of Sochester, NY, Sov. 11-13, 1976. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any portion of this work written by a U.S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties. O Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 17May77; A870003.


The Child's representation of the world. Edited by George Buttetwotth. 239 p. Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 9Hay77; A870004.


Theory of turbulent places. By Nadia Nikolaevich Tsytovich, translated from Bussian by Oavid L. Burdick. 535 p. Appl. au: Consultants Bureau, employee for hire of David L. Burdick. Oriqinailly pub. as Teoriya turbulentnos plazey. NM: translation. Communication Bureau, a division of Fleuum Publishing Corporation; 22Feb77; A870005.


Progress in lympholoqy. Edited by E. C. Hayall Harlys H. Uitte. 389 p. Selected lectures from the 4 th £ 5th International Congresses in Lympholoqy held at Tucson, AZ, Mar. 6-10, 1973 6 Bio de Janeiro, Brazil, Mar. 27-29, 1975. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any portion of this work written by a U.S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties. O Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 18May77; A870006.


Orqanic chemistry of sulfur. Edited by Shiqeru Oae. 713 p. B Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 27May77; A870007.


Purine metabolism in man — 2z requlation of pathways and enzyme defects. Purine metabolism in man — 2: physioloqy, pharmacoloqy and clinical aspects. Edited by Mathias H. Mueller, Erich Kaiser £ J. Edwin Seeqmiller. 2 v. (Advances in experimental medicine and biology, vol. 76A £ 76 B) Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Purine Metabolism in Man, held in Baden, Austria, June 20-26, 1976. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any portion of this work written by a U.S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties. O Plenum Press, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation; 21Mar77; A870008.


Halk the night unseen. By Lucinda Baker. 287 p. e Lucinda Baker; 5Hay77; A87a009.


Horizons in biochemistry and biophysics. Vol. 3. Editor-in-chief: E. Quaglia- riello, manaqinq editor: F. Palmieri, consulting editor: Thomas P. singer. 336 p. 6 Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 26May77; A870010.


Horizons in biochemistry and biophysics. Vol. 2. Editor -in-chief : E. Quaglia- riello, managing editor: F. Palmieri, consulting editor: Thomas P. Singer. 3it0 p. O Addison-yesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 15JU176; A870011.


Computational probability and simu- lation. By Sidney J. Yakowitz. 210 p. (Applied mathematics and computation series, no. 12) D Addison-Uesley Publishing Company, Inc.; 3Jun77; A870012.


Emergency! Written fi photographed by Bona Beame. 61 p. Bona Beame; 18Apr77; A870013.


How animals communicate. By Anabel Dean, drawings by Haris Petie. 63 p. C on text; Anabel Dean; 18Apr77; A870014.


How animals communicate. By Anabel Dean, drawings by Haris Pctie. 63 p. O on illus.; Haris Petie; 18Apr77; 48700 15.


Exploring with pocket calculators. By Gary G. Bitter £ Thomas H. Hetos, photos, by Thomas u. Hetos £ Jeffery T. Metos, cartoons by Sal Hurdocca. 61 p. O Gary G. Bitter £ Thomas H. Metos; llApr77; AH7U01b.


A History of early Carbondale, Illinois, 1852-1905. By John U. D. Wright. 368 p.

Jackson County Historical Society; 31Mar77; A870017.


The French Popular Front; a legislative analysis. By Paul Warwick. 211 p. O The University of Chicago; 7Mar77; A870018.


Oglethorpe in America. By Phinizy Spalding. 207 p. C The University of Chicago; 15Apr77; A870019.


The Second time around: remarriage in America. By Leslie Aldridge Hestoff. 171 p. Appl. states all new except the excerpt prev. pub. in the New York times, Aug. 10, 1975. C Leslie Aldridge Bestoff; 6May77; A870020.


Ihe Far forests: tales of romance, fantasy, and suspense. By Joan Aiken. 151 p. NH: addition, selection £ compilation. Joan Aiken Enterprises, Ltd.; 9May77; A870021.


Monster night at Grandma's house. By Bichard Peck, illustrated by Don Freeman. 1 V. e on text; Bichard Peck; 9May77; A870022.


Monster night at Grandma's house. By Bichard Peck, illustrated by Don Freeman. 1 V. e on illus.; Don Freeman; 9May77; A870023.


Jane, wishing. By Tobi Tobias, pictures by Trina Schart Hyman. 1 v. O on illus.;

Irina Schart Hyman; 9aay77: A870021.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.