Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1405

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A870061 — A870109
JAN.-JUN. 1977


The Law of strict tort liability in Texas. Br Janes B. sales & Ja.ii B. Pecdue, coauthored by Edward J. Cooaey, Byron Lee, James L. Hoore, Deborah Uatson Aider, Harleen Saaea Boosth £ Alan Voaacka. 29a p. NM: case £ subject index. Houston Law Beview, Inc.; 15Apr77: A870067.


Drift waves and anomalous transport. By lendell Horton, Jr. 1 i. e Hendell Horton, Jr.; 1Jun77; A870068.


Give ffle this mountain; S. A. F. B. action manual, an operations manual designed for senior adult programs in the local church. Prepared by church of God, General Department of Evangelism and Home Missions. 232 p. Appl. au: Leonard C. Albert. Church of God, General Department of Evangelism and Home Missions; 16Jun77; A870069.

A8700 70.

Policy manual of Trust Division, Mercantile National Bank at Dallas. 1 v. Appl. au: Paul U. Baines. Paul 8. Baines; 20Jun77: Ae70070.


Journals of the House of Representatives of Hassachusetts, 1770. Tol. 46. Editor: Malcolm Freiberg. 298 p. NM: additional text. Massachusetts Historical Society; 23Jun77: A870071.

A8700 72.

Stamford's soldiers: genealogical biographies of fievolutionary Har patriots from Stamford, Connecticut. Compiled by Edith H. Uicks e, Virijinia H. Olson, edited by Paul U. Prindle. ilU7 p. C The Stamford i;enealogical society. Inc.; 9May77 (in notice; 197b); A870072.


Anglo over Bracero: a history of the Mexican worker in the United states from Boosevelt to Nixon. By Peter Neil Kirstein. 113 p. Peter N. Kirstein; 1JUD77: A870073.


Filing your own U.S. patent application. 2nd ed. 55 p. Appl. au: Bert H. Hhitehurst. C Bert U. Uhitehurst; 1Jun77; A870074.


Tuffy. By Bay E. Fernandez, pictures by Handa Mallette. 1 v. O Bay E. Fernandez; 1Hay77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4870075.

18700 76.

Labeling manual. Vol. 1-2. NM: vol. 1 e additions to vol. 2. Council for aesponsible Nutrition; llMay77; A870076.


Waterway guide '77; northern ed. Vol. 30. no. 3. 428 p. Waterway Guide, Inc.; 5May77; 1870077.


Bacchus is back. 2 1 p. Appl. au: Bichard J. Lazes. Bichard J. Lazes; 31May77; A870078.


The K.S.O. speech discrimination test. By Kenneth I. Berger. 26 p. NH: revisions t additions. e Kenneth V. Berger; 20Jui77: 1870079.


The Most common 100,000 «ords M«d in conversations. By Kcnnath U. Berger. 40 p. O Kenneth a. Berg*r; 20Jun77; 1870080.


Hearing aid bibliography. By Kenneth U. Berger. 72 p. 6 Kenneth U. Berger; 20Jun77; A87008 1.


The oyster Bay Boat Shop, Inc., 1977. 65 p. Appl. au: James C. Miller 2nd. e The oyster Bay Boat Shop, Inc. ; 15Apr77; 1870082.


Write a resume novl 35 p. Appl. au: Carole Thomas. Carole Thomas; llMay77; A870083.


Foundations of Kronal technique. By Bobert Keith Joyce. 10 p. e Bobert K. Joyce; 25Jun77; A870084.


Outdoor education lab. sections 1-8 £ illus. by Sharon Hardee, sections 9-10 by Jack Doman. 159 p. Add. ti: Uildwood outdoor education lab. Appl. au: Conejo Becreation and Park District. 6 Conejo Becreation and Park District; 6Jun77; A870085.


Moveable position scales for guitar. By Vincent Joseph Mitchell, Jr. 6 Fran Ferry (Francis Bruce Ferry) , cover 6 inside drawings: Bobert Engman. 18 p. Vincent Mitchell 6 Fran Ferry; 20Jun77; A870086.


Commodex commodity trading kit. Prtpared by Comaodex Besearch Department. 40 p. Appl. au: Philip Gotthelf t Carl H. Gropper. O Commodex; 25Apr77: 1870087.


Breaker one nine. 2 p. O Calvin B. Blair d.b.a. Midway Shows; 17Hay77; A870088.


The Greatest "truckin* on" show ever. 2 p. O Calvin B. Blair d.b.a. Midway Shows; 3Jun77; A870089.


Hempstead, South Hempstead, Hest Hempstead, NY, yellow book community telephone directory, 1977-78. 28th ed. O yellow Book Corporation; 20Jun77; 1870090.

187009 1.

Hempstead, South Hempstead, Hest Hempstead, NI, yellow book street address and numerical directory, 1977-78. 28th ed. Yellow Book Corporation; 20Jun77; 187009 1.


Graphic arts pen techniques. By Michael L. Kleper. 38 p. O Graphic Dimensions; 18May77; 1870092.


Pomo cradles. By Janice Halters Boyoe. Sheets (212 p.) C Janice Halters Boyce; 17Jun77; 1870093.

187009 4.

Simplified football score and statistic book. 1 V. Ippl. au: James Douglas. MM: arr. James Douglas; 1Jun77; 1870094.

187009 5.

Dear Friend. By Jvanne libers (Jeanne Albers PitzSimons), calligraphy by Suzanne Pearson Healy. 1 v. Jeanie Albers; 23Jun77; A870095.


Soldiers of th* lar of 1812 buried in Tennessee; names abstracted from Colonel David Henley's Uastebook, regular C militia personnel for period 1793-1798 in Southwest Territory (Tennessee), petition from Overton County, 18 13, t Henderson t McGhee, storekeepers, Maryville, TN, account Oct. 1814 to Dec. 1815. Compiled by Maty Hardin McCown 6 Inez E. Burns. 183 p. Prev. pub. 1959. NM: revisions £ additions. 6 Mary Hardin McCoin (Mrs. L. U.) i Inez E. Burns; 15Apr77; A870096.


Plain Bible talk tor Joy bus parents. Written £ illustrated by nick Fogoros. Folder. Idd. ti: Plain talk. Ippl. au: Billy H. Stewart. 6 Plain Bible Talk Series; 13Jun77; 1870097.


Troika: three red horse tales. By Bobert Brooks Sorrells. 25 p. O Boberfc Brooks Sorrells: 16Jun77; 1870098.


The E-Z telephone directory of brokers and banks. June 1977 ed. Sheets (186 p.) Appl. au: Anthony 1. Gentile. O The E-Z Telephone Directory Corporation; 16Jun77; 1870099.

1870 100.

His story: the life of Christ. By William George. 132 p. Pathway Press; 1Jun77; 1870100.


Evangel sermons. By Wade H. Horton. 127 p. O Pathway Press; 17Jun77; 1870101.


Effective communication. By David S. Bishop. 112 p. O Pathway Press; lJun77; 1870 102.


When students grow. Edited by Fred Bichards (Alfred L. Bichards) £ others. 170 p. Prev. pub. under the title Educational accountability: a humanistic perspective. NM: abridgment c revision. U Fred Bichards; 21Jum77; A870103.

1870 104.

Nichols simplified payroll record; standard ed. 1 v. Ippl. au: Idao J. Gutjabr. Appl. states copyright is not claimed on any material from U.S. Govt. sources. NM: revisions £ additional text. Idam J. Gutjahr; 18Mar77; 1870104.


Nichols simplified payroll record; time in £ out ed. 1 v. Ippl. au: Idam J. Gutjahr. Ippl. states copyright is not claimed on any material from U.S. Govt, sources. NM: revisions £ additional text, e Adam J. Gutjahr; 18Mar77; 1870105.


Eva Bubinstein portfolio. Text of additional conversation between Eva Bubinstein £ Will Faller. 9 p. Appl. au: Peter Nicastro d.b.a. Photography Learning Systems. Peter Nicastro d.b.a. Photography Learning Systems; 25May77; A870106.


Traditional bridal posing; module 37-39, supplemental study booklet, by Van Moore. Bridals by candlelight; module 25, supplemental study booklet, by Peter Nicastro. 4 v. Ippl. au: Peter Nicastro d.b.a. Photography Learning Systems. peter Nicastro d.b.a. Photography Learming SystMs; 25aay77; 1870107.


Simple thomghts (in a complem world) Poaas by toal Istacly. 38 p. a leal

Bsterly; 22D«:75; 1870108.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.