Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1407

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A870146 — A870105
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A870145 (con.)

Br Harvin Meier. Hultiple voluaes C 2 p. Appl. au: Callaghao and Coapaaj. O Callaqban and Coapany: 28Hay77: A870145.


Federal regulatioo of enployaeot service nenslettet. Issue no. 6, June 1, 1977. 8 p. O The Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Coipany £ Bancrof t-»hitney Conpany: 6Jun77; A8701lt6.


Cufflulative suppleaent to Suomary o£ aississippi Ian- Vol. 1-3, issued May 1977. By Leslie B. Grant. O The Laayers Co-operative Publishing Conpany; 23May77; A870147.


P.U.B. question sheets. No. 141*3, June 9, 1977. Editor: Neil H. Duffy, toli^t (1 p.) Public utilities Beports, Inc.; 9Jun77: Ae701<t8.


P.a.B. executive inforaation service, »eekly letter — utilities. No. 2266, June 2, 1977. Managing editor: Lucien E. Siartt. Polder. Public Otilities Fortnightly (in notice: Public Utilities Reports, Inc.); 2Jun77; A870149.


P. U.S. executive inforaation service, weelcly letter — utilities. Ho. 2267, June 9, 1977. Managing editor: Lucien E. Saartt. Folder. O Public Utilities Beports, Inc.: 9Jun77; A870 150.


P. U.S. executive inforaation service, aeekly letter — utilities. No. 2269, June 23, 1977. Managing editor: Lucien E. Saartt. Folder. Public Utilities Beports, Inc.: 2JJun77; A870151.


P.U.B. executive inforaation service, aeekly letter — utilities. No. 2268, June 16, 1977. Managing editor: Lucien E. Saartt. Folder. Public Utilities Beports, Inc.: 16Jun77: A870152.


P.U.B. question sheets. No. 1442, May 26, 1977. Editor; Neil H. Duffy. Folder (4 p.) Public utilities Beports, Inc.; 26May77: A870153.


Public utilities reports (fourth series) Advance sheets. 18PUR4th, no. 1, June 3, 1977. Editor-in-chief: Neil H. Duffy. 130 P. O Public Utilities Beports, Inc.; 3Jun77; A870154.


Federal utility regulation annotated (FUBA), current service (FPC), Natural gas act. Federal poaer act. No. 696, June 23, 1977. Editor-in-chief: Neil H. Duffy. p. 17553-17576. Public Utilities Beports, Inc.; 23Jun77: A870155.


Federal utility regulation annotated (FUBA), current service (FPC), Natural gas act. Federal pover act. No. 695, June 8, 1977. Editor-in-chief: Neil H. Duffy, p. 17529-17552. Public Otilities Reports, Inc.; 8Jan77; A870156.


Federal utility regulation annotated (FUBA), current service (FPC), Natural gas act — Federal pover act. No. 694, May 23, 1977. Editor-in-chief: Neil B. Duffy. p. 17505-17528. C Public Utilities Beports, Inc.; 23May77; A870157.


Nei Jersey statutes annotated. CUBUlative annual pocket parts for use in 1977-1978. 79 v. Best Publishing Coapany; 9Hay77; A870158.


Best's California legislative service, 1977. 1977-1978 regular session, no. 4. 311 p. Best Publishing Company; 13Jun77; A870159.


Vernon's Texas session lav service, 1977. Laas 1977, 65th legislature, regular session, no. 3. 1 v. d Best Publishing Coapany; 17jun77; A870160.


Minnesota session lau service, 1977. Laiis of the 70th legislature, 1977 session, no. 3. p. 277-533. West Publishing Coapany; 9Jun77; A870161.


Connecticut legislative service, 1977. Jan. session of the general assembly, no. 2. 198 p. e Best Publishing Coapany; 7Jun77; A870162.


New Jersey statutes annotated, 1977. Title 54A; gross incoae tax. 71 p. O Best Publishing Coapany; 9Hay77; A870163.


Ne» Jersey statutes annutated, 1977. Title 17B: Insurance, subtitle 3: life £ health insurance code. 285 p. Add. ti: NJSA. O Uest Publishing Coapany; 9Hay77; A870164.


Neu Jersey statutes annotated, 1977. Title 40A: Municipalities and counties. 608 p. Add. ti: NJSA. O Best Publishing Coapany; 9May77; Aa70165.

A870 166.

United States code annotated. June 1977. paaphlet no. 1. 1062 p. Add. ti: USCA, June 1977. Uest Publishing Coapany; 6Jun77; A870166.


1977 supplement to Unfair trade practices and consuaer protection, cases and coaments, third edition. By S. Chesterfield Oppenheia £ Glen E. Beston. 166 p. Add. ti; 1977 supplement to third edition Unfair trade practices and consumer protection. C Best Publishing Coapany; 10Jun77; A870167.


Arizona legislative service, 1977. 33rd legislature, 1st regular session, no. 2. p. 93-243. O West Publishing Company; 8Jun77; A870168.


Oklahoaa statutes annotated. June 1977, cuaulative paaphlet. 557 p. Supple- aenting pocket parts for use in 1976-1977 £ West's oklahoaa court rules and procedure, 1976-1977 desk copy. West Publishing Coapany; 14Jun77; Ae70169.


Federal income taxation; a lav student's guide to the leading cases £ concepts. By Marvin A. Chirelstein. 332 p. The Foundation Press, Inc.; 8Jun77; A870 170.


Federal labor la»s. 3rd ed. , 1977. 733 p. e Uest Publishing Company: 16Jun77; A870171.


Teacher's manual to accompany the second edition of Cases and aaterials on fundaffleutals of Federal income taxation. By James J. Freeland, Stephen A. Lind E Richard B. Stephens. 317 p. Add. ti: Fundamentals of Federal income taxation: cases and aaterials, second edition; Cases on Federal income taxation. The Foundation Press, Inc.; 10Jun77; A870172.


1977 supplement to Problems and materials in business planning. By Hilliam H. Painter. 378 p. Add. ti: 1977 supplement to Business planning: problems and materials, e Uest Publishing Company; 13May77; A870173.


Teacher's manual for Probleas, readings and materials on the lavyer as a negotiator. By Harry T. Edwards £ Jaaes J. White. 344 p. Add. ti: Teacher's manual for The Lawyer as a negotiator: probleas, readings and aaterials. Nest Publishing Coapany; 17Jan77: A870174.


Carlson Hade's Fact/book on arthritis, nutrition and natural therapy. 124 p. a Carlson Wade; 15Dec76; A870175.


Stud master. By Kurt Kimble. 156 p. Appl. au: Greenleaf Classics, Inc., employer for hire. O Greenleaf Classics, Inc. : 10Jan77; A870176.


Daddy's whorehouse. By Robert vickers. 158 p. Appl. au: Greenleat Classic;;, Inc., employer for hire. OGreenlejl Classics, Inc.; 10Jan77; A8 70 177.


Moa in the raw. By Brian Laver. 154 p. Appl. au: Greenleaf classics. Inc.. caployer for hire. O Greenleaf Classics. Inc.; 25nac77; A870178.


The Farmer's naughty wife. Oy J. T. Uatson. 158 p. Appl. au: Greenleaf Classics, Inc., eaployer for hire. O Greenleaf Classics, Inc.; 24Jan77; A870179.


Hot and naughty wife. By Jason Cannon. 160 p. Appl. au: Greenleaf Classics, Inc. , employer for hire. 6 Greenleaf Classics, Inc.; 17Jan77; A870 180.


The Hottest wife. By E. W. Finch. 158 p. Appl. au: Greenleaf Classics, Inc., eaployer for hire. Greenleaf Classics, Inc.; 24Jan77; A870181.


Peeping teacher. By Brian Laver. 154 p. Appl. au: Greenleaf classics. Inc., employer for hire. O Greenleaf Classics, Inc.; 18Mar77; A870182.


Dog-raped women. By Paul Gable. 159 p. Appl. au: Greenleaf Classics, Inc., eaployer for hire. O Greenleaf Classics, Inc. : 10Jan77; A870183.


Mother in bondage. By Paul Gable. 160 p. Appl. au: Greenleaf Classics, Inc., eaployer for hire. Greenleaf Classics, Inc.; 7Feb77; A870184.


Trailer park wife. By Gale Soman. 158 p. Appl. au: Greenleaf Classics, Inc., eaployer for hire. O Greenleaf Classics,

Inc.; 17Jan77; A870185.


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