Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1415

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A870461 — A870503
JAN.-JUN. 1977


The Day before doomsday: an anatOBy of the nuclear arms race. By Sidney Lens. 274 p. O Sidney Lens: 2itJuu77; A870461. A870462.

The Biography of Alice B. Toklas. By Linda Siaun. 324 p. O Linda Simon; 30Apr77: A670462.


Pcopecty of. 1 novel by Alice Hoffman. 247 p. Appl. states all neo except portions pcev. pub. in American review 23 e others. O Alice Hoffman: 23May77: A870463.


The Grand jury: an institution on trial. By Harvin E. Frankel S Gary P. Naftalis. 148 p. A revised and expanded version of an article which originally appeared in The Uew leader. Nd: revision & expansioa. O American Labor Coafereoce on Inter- national Affairs, IDC. : 23Jun77: A870464.


The Best: encore. By Peter Passell, illus. by Kimble Bead. 166 p. Portions of the text oriqicaliy appeared in Esquire, o on illus.: Kimble Mead; 24Hay77; A870465.


The Best: encore. By Peter Passell, illus. by Kimble nead. 166 p. Appl. states all new except excerpt pcev. pub. in Esquire. C Peter Passell : 24nay77; A870466.


Advances in heart disease. Vol. 1. Edited by Dean T. Hasuu. S48 p. (Clinical cardiology monographs) O Grune and Stratton, Inc.: ianay77: A870467.


Lung cancer: clinical diagnosis and treatment. Edited by Hare J. Straus. 29S p. O Grune and Stratton. Inc.; 16Jun77: A870468.


Democracy under pressure; an intro- duction to the American political system. By Dilton c. Cummings, Jr. £ David vise, illus.: EH Technical Services. Inc. 3rd ed. 716 p. C Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inc.: 29Apr77; Aa70469.


ilasters of sociological thought: ideas in historical and social context. By Lewis A. Coser. under the general editorship of Bobert K. Herton. 2nd ed. 611 p. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inc.: 28Apr77: A870470.


Bichard Uoolcer: Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity. Pref. 6 books 1-4. Editor: Georges 8. Edeien. 372 p. (Eolqec Library edition of the works of Bichard Hooker, vol. 1) HH: additions. O The President and fellows of Harvard college; 4aar77; A870471.


Harvest of the palm: ecological change in eastern Indonesia. By James J. Fox. 290 p. The President and Fellows of Harvard College; 1SJun77; A870472.


Primates of South Asia: ecology, sociobiology and behavior. By Hithan Lai Soonwal e S. a. Hobnot. 421 p. C The President and Fellows of Harvard College: 14Jun77; A870473.


Bocky aarclano: biography of a first sou. By Everett H. Skehan with family assistance by Peter. Louis £ Hary Anne Harciano. 369 p. Everett a. Skehan: 29aar77; A870474.


Little America. A novel by Bob Swigart (Eugene Bobison Swigart) 196 p. Bob Swigart; 23Feb77; 187047S.


Literature: a college anthology. By Patrick u. Shaw. 12SS p. BH: compilation & additions. Houghton Mifflin Company; 9Feb77; A870476.


Management: a middle-management approach. By Kenneth H. Killen. 356 p. C Houghton Mifflin Company; 20Jan77; A87D477.


With ignorance. By Charles Kenneth Ullllams. 37 p. Appl. states all new except 8 prev. pub. poems. Some poems have appeared In the Hew Yorker £ others. O C. K. Williams; 4Apr77: A87D478.


Fair-weather friends. Text by John Cantos, art by Leslie Bubel. 32 p. O on illus.; Leslie Bubel; 9Feb77: 1870479.


Pair-weather friends. Text by John Gantos. art by Nicole Bubel. 32 p. O on text; John Cantos (in notice: John B. Gantos. Jr.): 9f'cb77; A87a480.

187048 1.

The IBM 5100 portable computur: a comprehensive guide tor users and programmers. By Harry Katzan. Jr. 'jib p. O Litton educatioual Publishing. Inc.; 13Hay77: 1870481.


Executive search: a guide for recruiting outstanding executives. Edi tor-in-chicf : Bichard e. Conarroe. 108 p. O Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 7Dec76; 1870482.


Control systems for heating, ventilating and air conditioning. By Boger H. Haines. 2ad ed. 233 p. Litton Educational Publishing. Inc.; 141pr77; 1870483.


Environmental Impact analysis: a new dimension in decision making. By fiavlnder Kumar Jain. Lloyd V. Urban £ Gary S. Stacey. 330 p. O Litton Educational Publishing. Inc.; 13aay77; 1870484.

1870 485.

How to save your teeth and your money: a consumer's guide to better, less costly dental care. By Melvin Deuholtz £ Elaine Oeuholtz. 263 p. O Litton Educational Publishing. Inc.; 4Hay77; 1870486.


Psychosomatic aspects of allergy. By Claude Albee Frazier. 257 p. O Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 281pr77: 1870486.


Marketing and promotion for design professionals. By John Philip Bachner £ Baresh Kumar Khosla. 354 p. C Litton Educational Publishing. Inc.; 281pr77: 1870487.


The Childhood emotional pattern: the key to personality. Its disorders and therapy. By Leon Joseph Saul. 323 p. o Litton Educational Publishing. Inc.: 2Feb77; AB70488.


Pain: from symptom to treatment. By Manuel Maria Villavcrde £ Charles Bright HacHillan. 346 p. o Litton Educational Publishing. Inc.; 2Feb77; A870489.


Handbook of adbesives. Edited by Irving Skeist. 2nd ed. 921 p. O Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 151pr77; 1870491.


Handbook of the psychology of aging. Editor: James E. Birren £ others. 787 p. O Litton Educational Publishing. Inc.; 9May77; A870492.


New design in crochet. By Clinton D. MacKenzie. 144 p. o Litton Educational Publishing. Inc.; 13Peb73 (In notice: 1972); A870493.


Handbook of the biology of aging. Editor: Caleb Ellicott Finch £ others. 771 p. O Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 6Bay77; A870494.


Keystones. By Harjorie Seddon Johnson, Boy A. Kress. John 0. McNeil £ P. J. Hutchins. 312 p. (American Book reading program) Litton Educational Publishing, Inc. ; 13Apr77; A870495.


Moments. By Har)orie seddon Johonon. Uoy A. Kre^^. John b. McNeil, El:iii.' U. Illdck £ Millard H. Black. 421 p. (American Book reading ptogram) o Litl.uu educational Publishing. Inc.; llApi//: A87049b.


Introduction to chemistry. Oy Charles E. Mortimer. 720 p. o Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 1JMay77: A870497.


The Blue book of men's tailoring; theatrical costunemaker 's pattern book for Edwardian men's costumes. By Frederick Timothy Croonborg. 238 p. NM: pref.. additional material £ revisions. O Litton Educational Publishing. Inc.; 2JHar77; A870498.


Clockmakers of Lancaster County and their clocks, 1750-1850. By Stacy B. C. Hood, Jr. c Stephen E. Kramer 3rd, with a study of Lancaster County clock cases by John J. Snyder, Jr. 224 p. O Litton Educational Publishing. Inc.; 12May77: 1870499.


rhe Pine art of cabinetmaking. By James Xrenov. 192 p. O Litton Educational Publishing, Inc.; 191pr77; 1870500.

1870 501.

Site planning for cluster housing. By Bichard Untermann E Bobert E. Small, with assistance by Lynn Lewlcki. 306 p. O Litton Educational Publishing. Inc.; 151pr77; 1870501.


Hopes: teacher's ed. By Marjorie Seddon Johnson. Boy 1. Kress £ John 0. McNeil. 1 V. (Imerlcan Book reading program) O Litton Educational Publishing. Inc.; 211pr77; 1870502.


Images; teacher's ed. By Marjorie Seddon Johnson. Boy A. Kress £ John 0. McNeil. 1 V. (Imerlcan Book reading program) O Litton Educational Publishing.

Inc.; 211pt77; A870503.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.