Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1417

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A870544 — A875585
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Supceme Court reporter. Vol. 95A. 1 v. NH: coDpilatioD. revisions e additions. O dest Publishing Company; 10Jun77; A870544.


Federal reporter* second series. Vol. 5117. I ». KH: coiipilation, revisions 6 additions. O Nest Publishing Company; 1IUua77; A870545.


minors digest. Vol. 7A e 7B. Nil: conpilation, revisions & additions. Vest Publishing Coipany; 21Mar77: A870546.


Contract lau and its application. By Addison Mueller £ Arthur 1. Sosett. 2nd ed. 888 p. e The Foundation Press, Inc.; 17Jun77; A870547.


Cases and materials on fundamentals of Federal income taxation. By James J. Freeland, Stephen A. Lind £, ilichard B. Stephens. 2nd ed. 1043 p. e The Foundation Press, Inc.; 10Jun77; A870S48.


Vernon's Texas rules of civil procedure. vol. 3 & 3A. KM: compilation, revisions, additions £ editorial selection £ arc. O Best Publishing Company; 11llay77; A870549.


Minnesota statutes annotated. Vol. 8, OA 6 9. Il«: compilation, revisions, additions, editorial selection £ art. O West Publishing Company; 6Jun77; AB70550.


The American way at competition. No. 373. Program guide writer: Edward Lerner, executive editor: Barbara a. Martinsons, editors: Sally Paris £ Linda Schick. 30 p. Add. ti: The American way: compe- tition. Accompanied by sound recording £ 2 filmstrips in box. Appl. au; Prentice- Hall Media, Inc. C Prentice- Hall Media, inc.; 30Jun77; A870551.


The American way of leisure. No. 376. Program guide writer: Edward Lerner, executive editor: Barbara fi. Martinsons, editors: Sally Paris £ Linda Schick. 32 p. Add. ti: The American way: leisure. Accompanied by sound recording £ 2 filmstrips in box. Appl. au: Prentice- Hall Media, Inc. Prentice-nall Media, lac; 30Jun77; A870552.


The Art of analytic relaxation therapy. By Frank J. Monaghan. 179 p. C Frank J. Monaghan; «May77; A870553.


Engineering and technology degrees, 1976. Part 1: by school. Issued by Engineering Manpower Commission of Engineers Joint Council. 55 p. Appl. au: Engineers Joint Council. Engineers Joint Council; iejan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A87055».


Engineering and technology enrollments, fall 1976. Issued by Engineering Manpower Commission of Engineers Joint council. 168 p. Appl. au: Engineers Joint Council. Engineers Joint Council; 17May77; A870555.


Engineering and technology degrees, 1976. Part 2: by minorities. Issued by Engineering Manpower Commission of Engineers Joint Council. 135 p. Appl. au: Engineers Joint Council. Q Engineers Joint ciuncil; 18Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A870556.


Engineering and technology degrees, 1976. Part 3: by curriculum. Issued by Engineering Manpower Commission of Engineers Joint Council. 92 p. Appl. au: Engineers Joint council. @ Engineers Joint Council; 18Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A870557.


Prospects of engineering and technology graduates, 1976. Issued by Engineering Manpower Commission of Engineers Joint Council. 31 p. Appl. au: Engineers Joint Council. 6 Engineers Joint Council; 28Jan77; A870558.


Scripture study series. By Benuie R.

Harris. Multiple volumes. 6 Bennie Harris; 29Dec76 ; A870559.


Public participation and environmental guality. By Bick Applegate. (In Environmental duality Council, third annual report, p. 93-115) Rick Applegate; 1Dec7lt; A970560.


Lights from other men: a course in American ideals. By James A. Kirk. 102 p. O James A. Kirk; 10Jun77; A8705b1.


Making it till Friday; a guide to successful classroom management. By James D. Long fc Virginia H. frye. 200 p. «3 Princeton Book Company, Publishers; 2b4pr77; A870562.


Morality examined: guidelines for teachers. Editors: Lindley J. stiles £ Bruce D. Johnson. 226 p. O Princeton Book Company, Publishers; 26Apr77; A870563.


Making it till Friday: test questions. By James D. Long £ Virginia H. Frye. 1 v. C Princeton Book Company, Publishers; 26Apr77; A870564.


Been gone so long. By Keith Carradine. 2 p. (With Honey won't you let me be your friend £ others) C Easy Music; 25May76; Aa70565.


High Sierra. By Keith Carradine. 2 p. (Uith Honey won't you let me be your friend fi others) 6 Easy Music; 25May76; A870566.


Spellbound. By Keith Carradine. 2 p. (With I will never forget your face £ others) 6 Easy Music; 25llay76; 4870567.

A87056 8.

It's been so long. By Keith Carradine. 2 p. (With I will never forget your face 6 others) O Easy Music; 25May76; 4870568.


I'll be there. By Keith Carradine. 2 p. (With I will never forget your face £ others) 6 Easy Music; 25May76; 4870569.


Saining in the city. By Keith Carradine. 2 p. (With I will never forget your face £ others) e Easy Music; 25ilay76; 4870570.


The soul is strong. By Keith Carradine. 2 p. (with Honey won't you let me be your friend £ others) (S Easy Music; 25May76; 4870571.


I will never forget your face. By Keith Carradine. 2 p. (With It's been so long fi others) e Easy Music; 25May76; 4870572.


Contract at Mount Horeb. By Allen Mayo. 171 p. 411en Mayo; 16May77; 4870573.


ATA VMES handbook, 197a edition. Suppi. no. 6, issued Apr. 1977. Sheets, e American Trucking 4ssociations , Inc.; 15Jun77; 48705711.


The Suncatcher, sunshine and chickenart book. By Kathleen Mary Adamski. 36 p. ifl Kathleen Mary 4damski; 9Jun77; 4870575.


Guide for audit planning; supplement to policy/procedure statement no. 07 139. 35 p. O Ernst and Ernst; 2Jun77; A870576.


Guide to U.S. taxes for U.S. citizens abroad. May 1977; a supplement. 27 p. (International business series) Appl. states copyright not claimed for any material from U.S. Govt, sources. O Ermit and Ernst; 9Jun77; A870577.


SEC proposes major changes in bank reporting. SEC release no. 33-5823. 78 p. (Financial reporting developments) 1} Ernst and Ernst; 6Juu77; A87057B.


Astrologer's worksheet number 1 series. 3 p. Appl. au: Horst Wietstruk. O Horst Wietstruk; 20Oct76; 4B70579.

4870 580.

Factory to dealer catalogue, 1976. 10 p. Corbin-Gentry, Inc.; 13Feb7t); 4870580.


It's as simple as 4 8 C: a nutrition workshop for preschool teachers. 2 p. £ 3 folders in portfolio. O Saint Louis District Dairy Council; 7Jun77; A870581.


The Monitoring and Survey Committee's Heport on children's television programs. 32 p. Appl. au: Washington 4ssociatian for Television and Children — W4TCH. © Washington 4ssociation for Television and children — W4TCH, Inc.; 1Hay77; A870582.


cue panelmaster. catalog 8"t8-77. 7 p. Q W. 4. Whitney corporation, an Easterline company; 13Jun77; A870583.


Through the mill: 39 talc workers out of work and out of luck. 15 p. Appl. au: Dale cotton, Andrew Dellon t Kevin Duffy. e The North country Research Center (in notice: The North Country Research Center, Saint Lawrence University) ; 23May77; A870584.


Surety Real Estate School Broker's examination B/M. 18 p. Appl. au: Hal G. Ward £ John B. Petrin. C Suiety Beal

Estate School; 1Jun77; 4870585.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.