Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/142

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A819122 — A819161
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A819121 (con.)

Kalenik 6 Jay S. Bernstein: 16iuq76: A819121.


Hathefflatical proqramminq: finite lethods. Br Edvacd L. Kaplan. 1 v. S Eduard 1. Kaplan; 10ct76; 1819122.

AS 191 23.,

1977 supplement to the Uniform buildinq code, U_B.C. standards. Uniform housinq code, aniform code for the abatement of dangerous buildings and the Uniform fire code. 47 p. e International Conference of Buildinq Officials; 1i(Jan77; 481912J.


manual of forms for buildinq department administration. 1 v. NM: updating. © International Conference of Building Officials; 15Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 1819124.


North Carolina civil practice and procedure. 1976 suppl. By Hilliam A. Shuford. 167 p. € The Harrison Company; 21Dec76: 1819125.


Update sheets to be inserted in Harrison's Florida statutes, annotated^ 1976 pocket parts- 1 v- NW; updatinq. e The Harrison Company; 9Dec76: 1819126.


HPBS equipment and supplies cataioq, 1977. 1 80 p. e Heat Packers and Butchers Supply Company: 5Mov76; 1819127.


Ne» year, 1977. By Daya Mata. 1 p. Ippl. au; Self-aealization Fellovsblp. e Self-Bealization Fellodship; 17Dec76; A819128.


Kerrschners quality needlecrafts since 1899: cape and shawl. Cataioq lOOS, spring 1977. 63 p. 6 Herrschners; 19Dec76: 4819129.


Herrschners quality needlecrafts since 1899: Indian lore afghan. Cataioq IOCS, spring 1977. 63 p. 9 Herrschners; 17Dec76; 1819130.


S. and K. fiigqinq Corporation catalog 1. 680 p. @ S. and K. Rigging Corporation; 12Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 1819131.


Update sheets for insertion in Florida statutes annotated rules volume 30-33, 1975 revision. Sheets. NH: updatinq. 8 The Harrison Company: 9Dec76; 1819132-


Code of Georgia annotated advance annotation service, June-Hovember 1976. 230 p. Add. ti^ Georgia code annotated advance annotation service, June- November 1976- e The Harrison Company; 30Dec76; A819133.


Digestive index of decisions of the Georgia Supreme Court and Georgia Court of Appeals. 1976 suppl. Compiled by the Composition Department of the Harrison Company & Electronic Data Processinq Department of the Harrison Company- 88 p. Ippl. au: The Harrison Company. @ The Harrison Company; 16Dec76; 1819134.


Florida statutes annotated advance annotation service, August-November 1976. 168 p. e The Harrison Company; 30Dec76; 1319135.


Bedfearn: Wills and administration in Georgia. Vol. 1-3. 1977 cumulative suppl. By Joseph C. Jackson. 3rd ed. Add. ti; Jackson's third edition of Bedfearn: Bills and administration of estates in Georqia; Bedfearn, Hills and administration of estates in Georgia. (9 The Harrison Company; 8Dcc76; 1819136.


Use of discovery under the Georgia civil practice act, second edition, 1976 suppl. By Hilliam H. Agnor. 52 p. 6 The Harrison Company; 6Dec76; A819137.

18 19 138.

Georqia handbook on wills. By Dan E. HcConauqhey, illustrated by Parks H. Hajors 6 David 1. Postell. 292 p. NH: revisions, compilation 6 additions. © The Harrison Company; 22Dec76; 1819138.


Davis' Georqia pleading, practice and legal forms annotated. Vol- 6. 1976 revision. Classified e arr. B upert 1. Brovn, revision by £1. Uindle Davis, Jr. 361 p. e The Harrison Company; 22Dec76; A819139.


Florida civil and criminal discovery. By James C. Idkins, Jr. G Richard T- Jones. 2nd ed. 345 p. 6 The Harrison Company: 20Dec76; A819140.


Southwestern Petroleum's Money-making sales manual. 44th ed. 160 p. Appl. au: Arthur J. Dickerson £ Bob Stark. Q Southwestern Petroleum Corporation; 15Dec76; 1819141.


The Beliable Corporation catalog, 1977- 288 p. Appl. au: The Reliable Corporation £ Irwin Helford. The Beliable Corporation; 10Jan77; 1819142.


Planning and qoal setting. By Del Lind, edited by Kay Jennings, art desiqn by Gloria Evans. 32 p. (Caring for community; involving citizens in community) Ippl. au: Center for Community Organization a^d Area Development (Cencoad) © Center for Community Organization and Area Development (Cencoad) ; 15Dec76; 1819143.


Harriage record of the Lutheran churches of Ithens and Best Camp, New York, 1705-1899. Iranscritied £ indexed by Arthur C. H. Kelly. 99 p. Nfl: text, transcription of German script into English E index. 6 Arthur C. H. Kelly; 1Jul76; A819144.


Your new will and inheritance tax law report: Illinois, Hichiqan. Folder. Ippl. au: Joseph 1. Samelsberqer . NH : additions. © Marshall Publications, Inc.; 26Dec76; 1819145.


Decorative boards. NEHl standards publication/no. LQ 1-1977- 1 v. NH: revisions & additions. © National Electrical Manufacturers Issociation; 17Jan77; 1819146.


Consumable electric arc-weldinq electrodes and rods. NEMl standards publication/no. EH 2-1977. 22 p. NH; revisions S additions. © National Electrical Manufacturers Issociation; 15Dec76; 1819147.


Residential controls — load control for use on central electric heating systems. NEHl standards publication no. /DC 22-1977. 4 p. NH: revisions 6 additions. © National Electrical Manufacturers Association; 7Jan77: A819148.


Residential controls — temperature limit controls for electric baseboard heaters. NEHl standards publication no. /DC 10-1977. 5 p. NH: revisions £ additions. © National Electrical Manufacturers Association; 7Jan77; A819149.


Hanufactured electrical mica. NEHA standards publication/no. FI-1977. 29 p. NM: revisions £ additions. 9 National Electrical Manufacturers Issociation; 7Jan77; 1819150.


Experiences in Supervisory management 2; a student handbook for Supervisory personnel management 2. Edited by Handa J. Zeman. 238 p. NH: compilation £ additional text. © The Institute of Financial Education; 11Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A819151.


Specialty papers. By Francis R- Gould. 246 p. Appl. au; Noyes Data Corporation. NH: compilation, abridgement £ additions. O Noyes Data Corporation; 22Nov76; 1819152.


Toxic metals: pollution control and worker protection. By Marshall Sittig. 350 p. NM: compilation, abridgement £ additions. © Marshall Sittig; 22Nov76; 1819153.


Foamed plastics: recent developments. By Yale L. Heltzer. 434 p. Appl. au: Noyes Data Corporation. NM: compilation, abridgement £ additions. © Noyes Data Corporation; 10Dec76; A819154.


cement and mortar additives. By Irnold J. Franklin. 2nd ed. 308 p. Appl. au: Noyes Data Corporation. © Noyes Data Corporation; 22Nov76; A819155.


Paper coatings. By Donald T. Harper. 335 p. Appl. au: Noyes Data Corporation. NM: compilation, abridgement £ additions. e Noyes Data Corporation; 10Dec76; A819156.


How to save energy and cut costs in existing industrial and commercial buildings: an energy conservation manual. By Fred S. Dubin, Harold L. Hindell fi Selwyn Bloome. 725 p. Appl. au: Noyes Data Corporation. NH: compilation, abridgement £ additions. © Noyes Data Corporation; 10Dec76; 1819157.


Brown eyed Susan, T 05041. Kit. © Emile Bernat and Sons Company; 27Dec76; 1819158.


Painted desert, T08502. Kit. 6 Emile Bernat and Sons Company; 27Dec76; A819159.


Down on the farm, S9227. Country crossing, S9228. Kit. © Emile Bernat and

Sons Company; 24Dec76; 1819160.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.