Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1421

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A870710 — A870749
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Cosmic basis for self esteea. By Neffleo Qichel Terc. 1 p. NeoeD flichel Terc; 2l(Jun77: A870710.


Uater fim for three aad under--as a road to swiBiiing. By Nancy Rouard. 6 p. 9 Nancy Boward; 27Jun77; A870711.


Lasec 1: the laser liqbt concert, folder. 4ppl. aui Bussell J. Bauch. e Laser Presentations, Inc.; 1Jul76: A870712.


The Bright May music course. By Otis Jay Bright. 1 ». 6 Otis Jay Bright; 16Jun77; A870713.


It's ay iob to make him a happy husband, it's God's "job to make him a good husband! 8 p. 4ppl. au: Connie Van De Pol. Connie Van Oe Pol; 8Jun77: A870714.


"Zany" tic tac toe; a board game. By 411en Chester Pelch £ Da»id Jounq Horine. Jr. 3 p. 411en Chester Felch £ David Young Horine. Jr.; 28Jun77; A870715.


Learning style inventory; technical manual. By Davrd 4. Koib. 40 p. C Davrd 4. Kolb; 54ug76; A870716.


S.4.F.E. Introduces Sioux V. Near. 26 p. 4ppl. au: Frank L. Spencer. O Security Abstract Forest Enterprises (in notice: S.4.F.E., Security Abstiact Forest Enterprises); 3Juo77; A870717.


Old Fashion Home-Hade Ice Cream Social: a competition and promotion program. 5 p. Appl. au: Jack Mickey. O Jack Uickey; 27Jun77; A870718.


Fiddleheads and mustard blossoms; a guide to edible plants of the forest and meadov. By Catherine Derevitzky. 1 v. e Catherine Derevitzky; 18Apr77; A870719.


If you say "sew", speed sewing with knits. By Janet K. Hay. 25 p. Janet K. Hay; 24Jun77; A870720.


Update: hypertension. By Harriet Oustan, Robert Tarazi, Emanuel Bravo, Charles Chidsey £ Bay Gifford. 22 p. Adapted from the film of the same title. 4ppl. au: 4yerst Laboratories, division of 4merican Home Products Corporation. 4yerst Laboratories, division of 4merican Home Products Corporation; 13Apr77; A870721.


BIA Federal tax coordinator 2d: weekly alert. Vol. 23. no. 21, Hay 26, 1977. 2 V. £ sheets. Add. ti: Besearch Institute of America Federal tax coordinator 2d. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks. 6 The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 26Hay77; A870722.


BIA Federal tax coordinator 2d: weekly alert. Vol. 23, no. 20, Hay 19, 1977. Sheets. Add. ti; Research Institute of America Federal tax coordinator 2d. Appl. au: James E. cheeks. O The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 19aay77; A870723.


Besearch Institute pension coordinator: checklist. Vol. 4, no. 9. May 11. 1977. Sheets. Add. ti: Besearch Institute of America pension coordinator: checklist. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks. S The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; nnay77; A870724.


Tax action coordinator. Vol. 8, no. 7, June 1977. 1 ». 4dd. ti: Besearch Institute of 4merica tax action coor- dinator. 4ppl. au: James E. Cheeks. The Besearch Institute of America. Inc.; 27May77; A870725.


Tax action coordinator. Vol. 8. no. 6, Hay 1977. Sheets. Add. ti: Besearch Institute of America tax action coor- dinator. Appl. au: James E. cheeks. The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 4Bay77; A870726.


Executive compensation '77: an BIA survey. 68 p. (Staff recommendations. Bay 30, 1977, file 22) Add. ti: Executive compensation series. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmana. 6 The Besearrh Institute of America, Inc.; 30Bay77; 4870727.


Tax coordinator: weekly alert. Vol. Z3. no. 19, Bay 12, 1977. 1 v. Add. ti: Besearch Institute of America tax coordinator: weekly alert. 4ppl. au: James E. Cheeks. O The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 12Hay77; 4870728.


Tax coordinator: weekly alert. Vol. 2J, no. 18. Hay 5, 1977. 1 v. Add. ti; Besearch Institute of America tax coordinator: weekly alert. Appl. au: James t. Cheeks. O The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 5Bay77; 4870729.


EI4 sales alert: sales action. Vol. 6, no. 20, Bay 17, 1977. Folder (p. 104-107) Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. C The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 17Bay77; 4870730.


BIA marketing alert: personal report. Vol. 14, no. 41, Hay 25, 1977. Folder (p. 97-100) Appl. au: Bichard fi. Salzmann. O The Besearch Institute of America. Inc. ; 25aay77; 4870731.


BI4 marketing alert: sales aanagement action. Vol. 14, no. 49, Hay 18, 1977. Folder (p. 93-96) Appl. au: Bichard £. Salzmann. 6 The Besearch Institute of America, Inc. ; 18Hay77; A870732.


BIA marketing alert: sales management action. Vol. 14, no. 35, Hay 4, 1977. Folder (p. 85-88) Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. & The Besearch Institute of 4«erica, Inc.; 4Hay77; 4870733.


fiI4 management alert: personal report. Vol. 6, no. 41, Hay 25, 1977. folder (p. 100-103) Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. e The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 25Hay77; A870734.


BIA management alert: personal report. Vol. 6, no. 37, Hay 11, 1977. Folder (p. 92-95) Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. C The Besearch Institute of America, Inc. ; 11Hay77; 4870735.


Vol. 6, no. 39, Hay 18. 1977. Folder (p. 96-99) Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 18aay77; A870736.


Turning ideas into success: report on BIA's shine-a-light contest. p. 81-104. (BIA supervisory alert: special analysis, vol. 6, no. 19, Hay 10, 1977) Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. e The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 10Hay77; 4870737.


BIA supervisory alert: personal action. Vol. 6. no. 21, Hay 24. 1977. Folder (p. 119-122) Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. e The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 24Hay77; A870738.


BIA supervisory alert: action. Vol. b, no. 22, Hay 31, 1977. Folder (p. 123-126) Appl. au: Bichard B. salzmann. 6 The Besearch Institute of 4merica, Inc.; 3lnay77; 4870739.


BIA sales alert: sales action. Vol. 6, no. 22, Hay 31, 1977. Folder (p. 112-115) Appl. au: Bichard a. Salzmann. e The Besearch Institute of 4fflerica, Inc.; 3taay77; 4870740.


Alert, Hay 25, 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. O The Besearch Institute of America. Inc.; 25nay77; 4870741.


Alert. Hay 18, 1977. 1 v. 4ppl- au: Bichard 8. Salzmann. O The Besearch Institute of 4mei:ica, Inc.; I8Bay77; 4870742.


Alert, Hay 11, 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. u The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 11Hay77; Aa70743.


Alert, Hay 4, 1977. 1 v. Appl. au : Bichard B. Salzmann. The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 4Bay77; 4870744.


BIA sales alert: personal action. Vol. 6, no. 18, Hay 3, 1977. Folder (p. 81-84) Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. e The Besearch Institute of America, Inc. ; 3Hay77; 4870745.


Besearch Institute Barketing for sales executives. Vol. 3, no. 10, Hay 26, 1977. 6 p. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. e The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 26Hay77; A870746.


Besearch Institute Barketing for sales executives. Vol. 3, no. 9, Hay 12, 1977. 6 p. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 12Hay77; 4870747.


Besearch Institute pension coordinator: alert. Vol. 4. DO. 10. Hay 25, 1977. 1 V. Add. ti : Besearch Institute of America pension coordinator: alert. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks. 6 The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 25Hay77; A870748.


The Besearch Institute of America estate planners alert. Vol. 2, no. 5, May 2,

1977. 8 p. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.