Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1424

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AF44605 — AF44729
JAN.-JUN. 1977

AF44239 (con.)

fload, with an introd. by Elton John, edited by Alan ildridqe 6 Milce Dempsey. Great Britain. 1H3 p. Ippl. au; Bernie Taupin 6 Dick James Music, Ltd. 6 on tent 6 illus. ; Cick James Music, Ltd.; 17Mar76; AF44239.


5788-DHK. France. Printout. 6 IBK Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 7Jul76 (in notice: 1975) ; AF44605.


5788-DGE. France. Printout. S IBH Deutschland, G.Cl.B.H.; 2Feb76 (in notice: 1975) ; AF44606.


The Uncertain future of the Lower Fraser. Edited by Anthony H. J. Dorcey. issued by yestwater Research Centre, University of British Columbia. Canada. 202 p. NH: integrated summary of project for which technical reports pub. © Westwater Research Centre, University of British Columbia; 13iuq76; AF44693.


The Road home: sketches of rural Canada. By Philip Barber, te:£t by Brian Suarbrick. Canada. 1 v. © Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 10MOV76; AF44694.


5788-DGG; DOS-ABSIS. Ablauf -Sicher unqs- System fuec das D0S/V3. France. Printout. e IBM Deutschland, G. M. B. H. ; 22Jan76 (in notice: 1975); AF44695.


57a8-ABU; pcoqcamme de tci sur 3790. France. Printout. Sppl. au: IBM France. O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.; IBB Corporation; Ia0ct76; AF44696.


5797-NDC; qenecal ledqer. United Kinqdom- Printout. N«: revision 6 country adaptation. a IBM United Kinqdom, Ltd. a.a.d.: IBM UK, Ltd.; 80ct75; AFt'4697.


5797-NDD; costing. United Kinqdom. Printout. NM: revision 6 country adaptation. (5 IBM United Kinqdom, Ltd. a.a.d.; IBS UK, Ltd.; 80ct75; AFt^egs.


5797-liCX; payroll. United Kinqdom. Printout. 6 IBM United Kinqdom, Ltd. a.a.d.: IBM UK, Ltd.; 80ct75; AFitit699.


5797-NCY; purchase ledger. United Kingdom. Printout. e IBM United Kingdom, Ltd. a.a.d.: IBM UK, Ltd.; 80ct75: AF44700.


3750 switching system. Vol. 1; system, book 4: maintenance. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SB 19-6161, Aug. 15. 1976) Appl. au: IBM France. NM: revisions & updating. © International Business Machines Corporation a..d.: IBM Corporation; 12Qct76; AF44701.


3750 switching system. Vol. 2: 3751 controller unit, book 2: switching control adapter theory of operation. Denmark. 3 p. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SN19-6163, Aug. 15, 1976) Appl. au: IBM France. SH: revisions 6 updating. ^ International Business Machines Corporation a.d. : IBM Corporation; 120ct76; AF44702.

ntout. a IBM de Venezuela, S.A.; 20Apr76 (io notice: 1975) ; AF44703.


3750 switching system. Vol. 1: system, book 1: fundamentals. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SH19-6156, Aug. 5, 1976) Appl. au: IBM France. NM: revisions S updating. © International Business Machines Corporation a.d.: IBM Corporation; 220ct76; AF44704.


5797-NPJ. The Netherlands. Printout. 6 IBM Nederland, N.V.; 1Jun76; AF44705.


5797-NDE; subcontractors ledger. United Kinqdom. Printout. 8 IBH United Kingdom, Ltd. a.a.d.: IBM UK, Ltd.; 80ct75; 4F44706.


5797-(14X; wholesale food. United Kinqdom. Printout. 5 IBM United Kingdom, Ltd. a. a.: IBM UK, Ltd.; SOct75; 4F4470 7.


Pirates. By David Mitchell. England. 208 p. NM: text e compilation of pictures & illus. e Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 10Bay76; 4F4470a.


The Splendour of Scotland. By H. V. Morton. England. 160 p. Based on extracts taken from In search of Scotland 6 In Scotland again. NM: compilation, additional text S photos. 6 H. V. Morton; l'1Nov76; 4F44709.


Lambert's Birds of garden and woodland. Paintings by Terence Lambert, text by 41an Mitchell. United Kinqdom. 128 p. a Terence Lambert £ Alan Mitchell; 18Cct76; AF44710.


Dark guartet; the story of the Brontes. By Lynne field Banks. England. 374 p. a Lynne Eeid Banks; 23Sep76; 4F44711.


Beadinq companion- By Doris Kerr £ Patricia Parry, illus. by Sue Uilkinson. Canada. 173 p. (Ici on parle francais, level 1) 4dapted £ expanded from Ici on parle francais, level 1, by Doris Kerr & Morgan Kenney. 9 Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 20Sep76; AF44712.


Reading companion; teacher's resource book. By Doris Kerr S Patricia Parry, illus. by Sue Uilkinson. Canada. 104 p. (Ici on parle francais, level 1) e Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 25oct76; 4F44713.


Message and meaning; teacher's key. By Lillian Perigoe. Canada. 17 p. e Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 21Sep76; AF44714.


Livre de lecture, livre du maitre. By Doris Kerr 6 Patricia Parry, traduit par Claude Tatilon S Genevieve Quillard, illustre par Sue ailkinson. Canada. 120 p. (Ici on parle francais, 1. niveau) e Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 10ct76; AF44715.


Natural resource revenues: a test of federalism. Edited by Anthony Scott. Canada. 261 p. & The University of British Columbia; 30Nov76; AF44716.


This is a method of calculating your position from a radio direction finder bearing (fi.D-F. great circle bearing) with new formula. England. 1 v. S wall chart. Appl. au: Robert B. Commons. S Robert B. Commons: 22Dec75: 4F44717.


4 Man and his mission: Cardinal Leger in 4frica. By George Kenneth Bell, text by Henriette Major, translation by Jane Springer- Canada. 190 p. Translation of Un Homme et sa mission: le cardinal Leger en 4frique. NM: translation. e Prentice- Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 2Nov76; 4F44718.


4plicacion proqramada inventario en el sistema/32; manual de descripcion de la aplicacion. Venezuela. 1 v. 6 IBM Venezuela; 204pr76 (in notice: 1975) ; AF44719.


Military vehicles of the world. By Christopher F. Foss. United Kinqdom. 192 p. © Christopher F. Foss; 10Jun76;



Advances in ready mixed concrete technology. Edited by Ravindra K. Dhir. Great Britain. 492 p. Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Ready-Mixed Concrete held at Dundee University, Dundee, Scotland, 29th Sept.- 1st Oct. 1975. Appl. au: E. S. Armitage £ R. Astbury; Pergamon Press, Ltd. , employer for hire of editor. 6 H. K. Dhir; 250ct76; 4F44721.


The Professions in 4ustralia; a critical appraisal. Edited by Paul Boreham, 41ec Pemberton £ Paul Richard Wilson. 4ustralia. 290 p. O University of Queensland Press; 44ug76; AF44722.


Three decades in Shiwa; economic development £ social change in a Japanese farming community. By Mitsuru Shimpo. Canada. 14 1 p. e University of British Columbia; 15Nov76; 4F44723.


Birds in Bermuda. By Richard 4. Slaughter. Bermuda. 58 p. © Richard 4.

Slaughter: 1Sep75; 4F44724.


Political economy: past and present; a review of leading theories of economic policy. By Lionel Charles Bobbins. England. 202 p. 6 Lord fiobbins; 24Jun76; AF44725.


Player queen. By Constance Fecher, pseud, of Constance Heaven. England. 270 p. © Constance Fecher, a pseud, of Constance Heaven; 19Jun68; 4f 44726.


There is a season. By Barbara Bennett. England. 173 p. e Barbara Bennett; 9Sep76; AF44727.


Not all in the mind. By Richard MackarnesE. England. 158 p. 4dd. ti: These can make you ill! 6 Richard Mackarness; 16Jan76; Ar44728.


Moments of being; unpub. autobioq- raphical writings. By Virginia Hoolf, edited with an introd. £ notes by Jeanne Schulkind. England. 207 p. e on text; Quentin Bell £ Angelica Garnett, literary

executors; 3Jun76; AF44729.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.