Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1445

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AF45464 — AF45510
JAN.-JUN. 1977

AF45463 (con.)

systeo/32 country generated progran) C IBH Nea Zealand, Ltd.; 16Feti76; AF45463.


Integrated aanagenent accounting system: accounts receivable installation guide. Program no. 5797-HQD. Hen Zealand. 1 0H p. (IBM system/32 country generated program) O IBH Hen Zealand, Ltd.; 16Feb76; AF45464.


Integrated management accounting system: accounts receivable, guide to daily operation/run book. Program no. 5797-llOD. Hen Zealand. 156 p. (IBH system/32 country generated program) 6 IBM New Zealand, Ltd.; 16reb76: AF45465.


Integrated management accounting system: inventory control, installation guide. Program no. 5797-llQC. Nev Zealand. 102 p. (IBH system/32 country generated program) e IBM Ken Zealand, Ltd.; 16Feb76; AF45U66.


Integrated management accounting system: inventory control, guide to daily operation/run book. Program no. 5797-»ec. Sen Zealand. 157 p. (IBH systea/32 country generated program) O IBM New Zealand, Ltd.: 1bFeb76; AFtSDe?.


VIDEO-KOBB Korrektur von Belegleserdaten ohne originalbeleg am Bildschirm IBH 3270 fuer 3886-Belegleser mit VIDEO-COLLECT; Llzenzprograam Systemhandbuch. Programm- Nr.' 5788-OGll. West Germany. 12 p. (Spezlelles Anaendunqsprograom SAP) NH: updating. O IBM Oeutschlaud, a. H. B. u. ; 63ep76: AF45468.


Guide systeme, code dispositif 8315, DITTO/3790. Program special no 5788-ABG. France, 10 p. (Programmes speciaui) IBH France; 14Feb77 (in notices 1976); AF45469.


Description de l*application et guide de l'utilisateur, DITIO/3790. Programme special no 5788-ABG. France. 58 p. (Programmes speciaux) Add. ti: DIT- TO/3790, description de I'application et guide de 1* utilisateur. C IBM France; 1«Fcb77 (in notice: 1976); AFlt5ll70.


IBH System/3 Fertigungsdatenbank fuer IBM System/370 in DOS-BPG 2; Lizenz- programm Systemhandbuch. Programm-Mr. 5738-DBil. uest Germany. 264 p. (SAP spezielles Anuendungsprogramm) 6 IBH Deutschland, G.M.E.U.; 70ct74; AF45471.


EedaktionsEystea in cn-line-Betrieb; Lizenzprograoa Programm-/Bedienerhandbuch. Proqramm-ar. 5788-DKJ. France. 392 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) IBM Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF45472.


Integrated management accounting system: inventory control, programs description and operation manual. Program no. 5797-NQC. Hen Zealand. 148 p. (IBM svstem/32 country generated program) O IBM Nev Zealand, Ltd.; 16Feb76; AF45473.


5979 base baud modem with external clock, BPQ 96234, theory o£ operation and maintenance manual. Denmark. 7 p. (IBM maintenance library) Suppl. to 5979 base


Legierungsrechnung fuer die Stahlin- dustrie einsetzbar auf deo IBH System/370 und dem Prozessrechner IBM Systea/7; Lizenzprograoffl Programffl-/Bedienerhandbuch. Programm-Nr. 5788-DJ4. Sest Germany. 19 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) IBM Deutschland, G.H.B.H. ; 6Sep76; AF45475.


Legierungsrechnung fuer die Stahlin- dustrie einsetzbar auf dem IBH System/370 und dem Prozessrechner IBH Systeo/7; Lizenzprogramm Systemhandbuch. Programm- Nr. 5788-DJA. iest Germany. 18 p. (Spezielles Anuendungsprogramm SAP) @ IBH Deutschland. G.M.B.H.; 6Sep76 ; AF45476.


DIAOP Offene-Posten-Buchhaitung im Dialog fuer Debitoren-, Kreditoren- und Sachkonten; Lizenzprogramm Programm- /Bedienerhandbuch. Programm-Nr. 5788-DBE. Nest Germany. 124 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) IBM Deut- schland, G.M.B.H.: 30Jun75; AF4S477.

Af 45478.

VIDEO-KOBfi Korrektur von Belegleserdaten ohne Originalbeleg am Bildschirm IBH 3270 fuer 3886-Belegleser mit VIDEO-COLLECT; Lizeazprogramm Prograom-/Bedienerhandbuch. Programm-Nr. 5788-DGU. Uest Germany. 44 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) O IBM Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 6Sep76; AF45478.


VASTL Variable strukturlisten; Lize nzproqramm Prografflm-/Bedienechandbuch. Programai-Nr. 578a-DFU. Best Germany. 06 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) IBM Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 11Feb76 (in notice: 1975); AF45479.


The Angel Inn. By the Comtesse De Segur, translated by Joan Aiken, illustrated by Pat Harriott. Great Britain. 231 p. Translation of L*Auberge de I'Ange-Gardieu. on translation £ introd.; Joan Aiken Enterprises, Ltd.; 8JU176; AF45480.


The Angel Inn. By the Comtesse De Segur, translated by Joan Aiken, illustrated by Pat Harriott. Great Britain. 231 p. Translation of L'Auberge de I'Ange-Gardien. on illus.; Jonathan cape, Ltd. : 8JU176; AF45481.


Bobert Service, a biography. By Carl F. Klinck. Canada. 199 p. O Carl F. Kiinck; 16Sep76; AF45482.


Seawitch. By Alistair MacLean. England. 22 1 p. Alistair MacLean; 17Jan77; AF45483.


Charlie Muffin. By Brian Freemantle. England. 191 p. 6 Innslodge Publi- cations, Ltd.; 17Feb77; AF45484.


Season in purgatory. By Thomas Keneally. England. 223 p. Thomas Keneally; 2Sep76; AF45485.


The Ideal city; its architectural evolution. By Helen Rosenau. Great Britain. 176 p. KM: additional text 6 revisions. O Helen Bosenau; 17Apr75 (in notice: 1974); AF45486.


The G. 3at rabbit robbery. ^y E. U. Hildick, illustrated by Val Biro. England. 87 p. e on text; E. U. Blldick; 180ct76; AF45487.


The Great rabbit robbery. By E. U. Hildick, illustrated by Val Biro. England. 87 p. C on illus. ; Hodder and Stoughton, Ltd.; 180ct76; AF45488.


Victorian jewelry. By Nancy Armstrong. England. 158 p. NH: new text £ compilation of illus. 6 Nancy Armstrong; 210ct76; AF45489.


The Affair of the blood stained egg cosy. By James Anderson. Great Britain. 250 p. 6 James Anderson; 29Sep75: AF45490.


The Philippines: a past revisited. By Benato Constantino* with the collaboration of Letizia fi. Constantino. Philippines. 457 p. O Benato Constantino; J0Hay75: AF45491.


Imperialism and the accumulation of capital. By Gosa Luxemburg fi Nikolai Bukharin, edited with an introd. by Kenneth J. Tarbuck, translated by Budolt Wichmanii. Great Britain. 289 p. NH: translation, compilation £ editoiial additions. O Kenneth J. Tarbuck £ Uuduif Uichmann; 90ct72; AF45492.


This law o£ ours; study guide. By Patrick Fitzgerald £ Uichard Hernliam. Canada. 166 p. O Prentice-Hall ot Canada, Ltd.; 7Mar77; AF4549J.


Surface with daring. By Douglas Beeman. England. 271 p. Bolitho Maritime Productions, Ltd.; 110ct76; AF45494.


Cold hand in mine; 8 strange stories. By Bobert Aickman. Great Britain. 252 p. I) Bobert Aickman: 22Jan76 (in notice: 1975); AF45495.


The Stepdaughter- By Caroline Blackwood, pseud, of Caroline Lowell. Great Britain. 100 p. C Caroline Lowell; 20Hay76; AF45496.


Metodo illustrative del modelsistema Callegari. Ideato fi creato dal Sante Callegari, testi: Luigino Callegari. Italy. 82 p. Appl. au: Istituto callegari. O Istituto Callegari; J00ct76; AF45497.


L'Ecologle. Par Paul Claval £ others. France. 255 p. (Encyclopoche Larousse) NM: text fi compilation of texts fi illus. e Librairie Larousse; 30Nov76; AF45498.


Journal de I'annee, ler juillet 1975-30 juin 1976. France. 415 p. Appl. au: Etienne Giilon, Claude Moreau fi Jean-Louis Moreau. O Librairie Larousse; 30Sep76; AF45499.


Oeuvres completes. Vol. 5. De Julieu Green, textes etablis, presentes fi annotes par Jacgues Petit. France. 1794 p. NM:

compilation, presentation fi annotation of


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.