Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1451

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AF45695 — AF45736
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Sharks and shipwrecks. Br Hugh Edwards. Australia. 126 p. UN: revisions, e Hugh Edwards; 2«Jul75; 4F45695. (See also Sharks and shipwrecks: 24JuI75i AF43877)


The Europa year book, 1977: a world survey. Vol. 1. England. 1457 p. O Europa Publications, Ltd.; 2eaar77: Aflt5696.


Eneaies of society. By Paul Johnson. England. 278 p. Paul Johnson; 19Hav77; 4F1I5697.


Crises on Conshelf Ten. By nonica Hughes. England. 143 p. e Honica Hughes; 21Aug7S; AF45698.


Another world, 1897-1917. By Anthony Eden. England. 156 p. C Anthony Eden; 29Apr76; AF45699. (Seprint copies, 1976, deposited)


Very special intelligence; the story of the AdBiraltY*s Operational Intelligence centre, 1939-1945. By Patrick Beesly, with a foreword by the Earl /lountbatten of Bursa. England. 271 p. Patrick Beesly; 24(lac77; AF45700.


Doctor Copernicus. By John Banville, nap drawn by Cartographic Enterprises froa an original drawing by Seaaus HcGonagle. Great Brrtain. 241 p. John Banville; 22)lov76; AF43701.


Uater for the thousand aillions. Written by the Uater Panel of the Interaediate Technology Oevelopaent Group; David Bradley 6 others, coapiled 6 edited by Arnold Pacey. Great Britain. 58 p. Appl. au: Pergaaon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of the editor. O The United Nations; IIApr77; AF457Q2.


Parler avec un crayon; a language concepts workbook/un cahier de concepts linguistiques. By Doris Kerr & Patricia Parry, illus. by Jack Gray. Canada. 232 p. (Ici on parle franca is, level 2/2. niveau) Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 1Upr77; AP45703.


The Canadian economy and its problems. By Huriel Armstrong. 2nd ed. Canada. 388 p. Prentice-Hall of Canada. Ltd.; 15Apr77; AF45704.


nusic and society since 1815. By Henry Baynoc. England. 213 p. Henry Eaynor; 27Hay76; AF45705.


A Dictionary of drugs. By Bichard B. Fisher & George A. Christie. England. 256 p. UH: foreword & revisions throughout text. Bichard B. Fisher £ George A. Christie; 27Hov75; AF45706.


L'Analyse des correspondances. Par J. P. Benzecri & others. 2. ed. France. 616 p. (L*Analyse des donnees, t. 2) Bordas; 30Jun76: AF4S707.


La Taxinomie. Par L. Bellier e others. 2. ed. France. 616 p. (L'Analyse des donnees. t. 1) e Bordas: 30Jan76; AF45708.


Couleurs de Vacoise. Avant-propos: Lucien Chavoutier, texte; Pierre Gensac. maguette: Daniel Fraissard, photos: Daniel Fraissard, C. Hactin, macropho tographies: Jaogues-Pierre Joguet. France. 56 p. D. Fraissard; 711ar77; AF45709.


Voltaire. By Theodore Besternan. 3rd ed. Great Britain. 718 p. O Theodore Besterman; 31Cec76; AF4S710.


Puritanism and liberty; being the army debates (1647-9) from the Clarke manuscripts with supplementary documents. Selected £ edited with an introd. by A. S. P. Uoodhouse, pref. by Ivan Boots. 2nd ed. England. 1 v. O J. H. Dent and Sons, Ltd.; 5Aug75 (in notice: 1974); AF45711.


The Value of life: an econoaic analysis. By n. R. Jones-Lee. Great Britain. 162 p. C H. «. Jones-Lee; 15Sep76; AF45712.


Victorian novelists and publishers. By John A. Sutherland. Great Britain. 251 p. O J. A. Sutherland; 20Aug76; AF45713.


The Hirage of social justice. By F. A. Hayek. Great Britaru. 195 p. (Law, legislation and liberty, vol. 2) C F. A. Hayek; 15aec76: AF45714.


Arid land irrigation in developing countries: environmental problems and effects. editor: Edgar Barton Hort- hiugton. Great Britain. 463 p. Based on the International Symposium on Arid Lands Irrigation held 16-21 Feb. 1976. in Alexandria, Egypt. Appl. au: J. A. Couabaras C G. Kovacs; Pergaaon Press, employer for hire of editor. Inter- national council of Scientific Unions; 281Iar77; AF45715.


Auto guide 74; a buyer's manual. By Jacques Duval, as translated by Ken Hill, originally edited in French by Les Editions La Presse. Canada. 367 p. Les Editions La Presse; 271lar74; AF45716.


Action ether (ae) theory and the psychic organ. By Ivan Bohov Goldberger- Venezuela. 29 p. NM: revision. O Ivan Hohov Goldberger; 15Say76; AF45717.


Assassination day. By Oliver Jacks, pseud, of Kenneth Boyce Gandley. United Kingdom. 224 p. Oliver Jacks, pseud, of Kenneth Soyce Gandley: 26Aug76; AF45718.


Strangers in the land. By George Shipway. England. 248 p. George Shipway; 250ct76; AF45719.


Advances and technical standards in neurosurgery. Vol. 4. Hanaging editor; H. Krayenhuehl & other editors. Austria. 154 p. Appl. au: Uilhelm Schwabl, employer for hire. C Springer- Ver lag; 7Api77; AF457 20.


Lawrence of Arabia. By Phillip Knightley. England. 84 p. O Phillip Knightly (in notice: Phillip Knightley); 26Feb76; AF45721.


Reptile ecology. By Harold Franklin Heatwole. Australia. 178 p. O Uni- versity of Queensland Press; 81iov76; 4F45722.


Insect ecology. By Eric Glasswell Hatthews. Australia. 226 p. O Uni- versity of Queensland Press; 8llov76; AF45723.


Sister aaloga: Daniel Batthews and his mission, Murray Siver, 1864-1902. By nancy Fotheringham Cato. Australia. 422 p. Add. ti; Hister Haloga: Daniel Hatthews and his Haloga mission. 3 University of Queensland Press; 8Nov76; AF45724.


Principles and practice of nursing. By Hargaret Dawn Emerton. Australia. 389 p. O University of Queensland Press; 151IOV76; AF45725.


The Europa year book, 1977: a world survey. Vol. 2: Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australasia. England. 1894 p. Prev. pub. 1926. O Europa Publications, Ltd.; 2fiApr77; 4F45726.


The Knotting sequence. By dartin Booth. Italy. 67 p. O Hartin Booth; 28Apr77: AF45727.


The nusical expetlence of the pte-schooi child. By Helmut noog, translated by Claudia Clarke. Great Britain. 140 p. Original ed. pub. 1966. O on translation; Schott and Company, Ltd.; 6Sep76; AF45728.


A Judgement in stone. By Buth Keudeii. England. 190 p. o Kingsmarkham Enterprises, Ltd.; 16(lay77; 4F45729.


Paddy Pork's holiday. By John S. Goodall. England. 1 v. John S. Goodall; 12Jun76; AF45730.


Growing pains: the shaping of a writer. By Daphne Du Haurier. England. 172 p. O Daphne Ou Haurier; 12Hay77; AF4573I.


The Tinfish run. By Bonald Bassett. Great Britain. 264 p. 6 Bonald Bassett; 7Apr77; AF45732.


Herbs with everything: how to grow, preserve, and cook them. By Sheila Howarth, with drawings by yvonne Skargon. England. 128 p. Sheila Howarth; 180ct76; AF45733.


201 indoor plants in colour. By Bob Herwig, translated by Harlan Powell. England. 128 p. O on English tran- slation; Luttemorth Press; 30Sep76; AF45734.


A Game of catch. By Helen Cresswell, pseud, of Helen Bowe, with drawings by Gareth Floyd. England. 47 p. Helen Bowe; 13liov69; AF4b735. (3rd imp- ression, 19 75, deposited)


On eagles' wings: the personal story of the leading commander of the Israeli Air Force. By Ezer Heizman. England. 302 p.

Appl. au: George Ueidenfeld and Micolson,


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.