Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/146

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A819203 — A819310
JAN.-JUN. 1977


InternatioDal trademark reqistcatioD aod liceasinq, April 17 and 18, 1975, New York; studv materials. Issued by American Law Institute-Anerican Bar Association Committee on Continuing Professional Education. 281 p- (ALI-ABA course of studv) Appl. au: ALI, employer for hire. Appl- states copyright not claimed in any material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. a The American Lav Institute; 17Apr75; A8192d3.


Bankruptcy Ian and practice; mate rials. Issued by American Law Institute-American Bar Association Committee on Continuing Professional Education. 302 p. (AlI-ABA course of study) Appl. au: ALI , employer for hire. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. C The American Lav Institute; 4Jul76; A81923«.

A8192 85.

Estate planning in depth: supplementary materials on paralegals; materials. Issued by American Law Institute- American Bar Association Committee on Continuing Professional Education. 89 p- (ALI-ABA course of study) Appl- aui ALI , employer for hire. Appl. states copyright not claimed on any material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. The American Law Institute; 20Jun76; A8 19285.


Litigation under the Federal securities laws; materials. Issued by American Lav Institute — American Bar Association Committee on Continuing Professional Education- 3 v. (ALI-ABA course of study) Appl. au: ALX, employer for hire, Appl. states copyright not claimed on any material taken from D-S. Govt- sources. 6 The American Lav Institute; 8Apr76; A81923£.


Enviroamental litigation; materials. Vol. 1. Issued by the University of Colorado, School of Law & American Law Institute — American Bar Association Committee on Continuing Professional Education. 407 p. (ALI-ABA course of study) Appl. au: ALI , employer for hire. Appl. states copyright not claimed on any material taken from U.S. Govt, sources. © The American Law Institute; 11Jul76; A819287.


Advanced business tax planning; materials- Issued by the Villanova Oniversity, School of Law & American Law Institute-American Bar Association Committee on Continuing Professional Education- 606 p. (ALI-ABA course of study) Appl. au: ALI, employer for hire. Appl- states copyright not claimed on any material taken from U- S- Govt, sources. C The American Law Institute; 27Jun76; A819288.


2-week postgraduate course in Federal securities law, June 27-July 9; materials. Vol- 2. Issued by American Law Institute- American Bar Association Committee on Continuing Professional Education. 404 p. (ALI-ABA course of study) Appl- au: ALI, employer for hire. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. Q The American Law Institute; 2 8Jun76; A 8 19289-


Energy and the law: problems and challenges of the mid-70' s; materials. Issued by American Law Institute- American Bar Association Committee on Continuing Professional Education. 350 p. (ALI-ABA course of study) Appl. au: ALI, employer for hire. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any material taken from U.S. Govt, sources. d The American Law institute; 22 Apr 76; A819290.


Tax planning for agriculture; materials. Issued by American Law Institute-American Bar Association Committee on Continuing Professional Education- 402 p. (ALI-ABA course of study) Appl- au: ALI, employer for hire. Appl- states copyright is not claimed in any material taken from U.S. Govt, sources. 3 The American Law Institute; 60ct76; A819291.


Value maintenance arrangements in international business transactions; materials. Issued by American Law Institute-American Bar Association Committee on Continuing Professional Education. 449 p. (ALI-ABA course of study) Appl. au; ALI, employer for hire. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any material taken from U.S. Govt, sources. & The American Law Institute; 7May76; A819292.


flodern real estate transactions, environmental litigation ; materials. Issued by American Law Institute-American Bar Association Committee on Continuing Professional Education. 250 p. (ALI-ABA course of study) Appl- au: ALI, employer for hire. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material taken from O.S. Govt- sources. © The American Law Institute; 11Jul76; A819293-


Municipal securities: disclosure requirements for underwriters and issuers; materials. Issued by American Law Institute-American Bar Association Committee on Continuing Professional Education. 294 p. (ALI-ABA course of study) Appl. au: ALI, employer for hire. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material taken from U. S. Govt, sources. © The American Law Institute; 27[lay76; A81929 4.


The City collector- Editor: Susan LUQbard, designer e coordinator: Patricia Florio, assistant editors: Hichelle Stern e Boshanna Rothberg. 115 p. © Barnard College (in notice: The Program in the Arts, Barnard College) ; 5Hay76; A819295-

A81929 6-

YIVO annual of Jewish social science. Vol. 16: Essays on the American Jewish labor movement. Guest editor: Ezra Mendelsohn. 423 p. <Q YIVO Institute for Jewish Research; 20Dec76; A819296.


Basic software library- Vol. 1-3, By Roger H. Brown. NM: compilation of computer programs. @ Scientific fiesearch Inst. a. a. d. for Scientific Research Instruments Company, Inc.; 60ct76; A819297.


The Development and preliminary evaluation of plans and materials for a home furnishings exhibit. By Mary Judith Uojick- 243 p. & 6 slides. © Mary Judith Hojick; 3Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A8 1929 8.


Minority groups and the American society; an elective microcourse. 45 p. (Curriculum guide for Onited States history in the secondary school) © Board of Education of the City of Chicago; 23NOV76; A819299.


Role of institutions in maintaining and developing the American way of life; an elective microcourse- 67 p. (Curriculum guide for Onited States history in the secondary school) Add. ti: Bole of American institutions. © Board of Education of the city of Chicago; 23NOV76; A819300.


National expansion; an elective microcourse- 49 p. (Curriculum guide for United States history in the secondary school) © Board of Education of the City of Chicago; 23Nov76; A819301.

American foreign policy; an elective microcourse. 103 p. (Curriculum guide for Onited States history in the secondary school) © Board of Education of the City of Chicago; 23Nov76; A819302.


Contemporary problems; an elective microcourse, 25 p. (Curriculum guide for Onited States history in the secondary school) © Board of Education of the City of Chicago; 23Nov76; AB19303.


The Pipe organ. Supervising editor: Halter Simmons, script: George Hall & Nellie Hall, photography: Sean M. Higgins, Nellie Hall, Charlotte Brooks & Torrence Associates, music editors Halter Simmons, art director: Richard Reynolds- 7 p- 6 2 film strips- Accompanied by sound recording in box. Appl. au: Educational Audio Visual, Inc. Appl. states all new except some pictorial matter on films trips which is newly compiled. © Educational Audio Visual, Inc. ; 27Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A819304.


SRA Listening Language Laboratory, 1c; kit. Editors: Ann Bishop, Dale Eskra & Cecile McGuire £ other editors, illus- by Bill Marvin. Sheets in box & 78 p- Accompanied by sound recording in box. Appl. au: Science Research Associates, Inc. © Science fiesearch Associates, Inc.; 22Apr76; A819305-


SRA Listening Language Laboratory, lb; kit . Edi to rs: Ann Bishop, Dale Eskra, Arlene Gluck & other editors, illus. by Bill Marvin. Sheets in box 6 78 p- Accompanied by sound recording in box. Appl. au: Science Research Associates, Inc. 3 Science fiesearch Associates, Inc.; 25Sep75; A819306-


Model 8295 graphic display generator; tech ni c al m an ual , oper at ion a nd main- te nance- Vol. 1-2, document no. 150-7156-001. © Aydin Corporation, Ay din Controls Division; 27Dec76; A819307-


Engineering drawings for display generator model 5215; document 150- 6040-005A. Vol. 2- 1 v. Accompanied by Model 8295 graphic display generator technical manual, operation and main- tenance, document number 150-7156-001. © Aydin Corporation, Aydin Controls Division; 11 Jan 77; A8 19308-


A Different world: stories of great hotels. By Christopher Matthew, photos- by Ben Martin. 350 p- © Paddington Press, Ltd.; 1Dec76; A819309-


The Quapaws (those who went downstream) By Velma Seamster Nieberding. 230 p-

© Dixons, Inc.; lMay76; A819310.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.