Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1468

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APO-86600 — APO-86723
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Sounotrs et les ballons. By Claude Laydu. Fcance. 23 P- e IF 1 a.a.d.o. societe Nationale— leletision Francaise 1, Telecip a.a.d.o. Coapagnie Internationale de ProqirammeE de Television £ Claude Laydu; 30Jun76; AF0-8668B.


Nounours et les violettes. By Claude Laydu. France. 23 p. O TF 1 a.a.d.o. Societe Nationale— Television Francaise 1, Telecip a.a.d.o. Coapagnie Internationale de Proqraaaes de Television £ Claude laydu; 30Jun76; 4FO-86689.


Interpolation spaces; an introduction. By Joeran Bergh 6 Joergen Loefstroea. west Germany. 207 p. (Grundlehren der aatheaatischen Bissenschaf ten , 223) e Springer-Verlaq; 30Nov76: AFO-86690.


Une Fete chez Nounours. Par Claude laydu. France. 28 p. e TF 1 a.a.d.o. societe Hationale— Television Francaise 1, Telecip a.a.d.o. Compagnie Internationale de Prograaaes de Television £ Claude laydu: 29Sep76; AFO-86691.


Explorers of the north: the polar voyagers. By Frank Rasky. Canada. 320 p. O Frank fiasky; 22Nov76; AFC-86692.


The Coral seas. By Andrew C. Campbell, Ken of the coral islands, by C. B. Hallpike. England. 128 p. Nil: text, compilation of illus. orbis Publishing, Ltd. S IGDA (Istituto Geoqrafico de Aqostini, S.P.A.); 27Sep76; ArO-86693.


The national union catalog; pre- 1956 imprints; a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 395-399. Compiled £ edited with the cooperation of the Library of congress S the National Union Catalog subcommittee of the Besources Committee of the Eesources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association. United Kingdom, ippl. au: Hansen Inforaation/Publishing, Ltd. Appl. states copyright not claimed in the original National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints, as maintained in the Library of congress in card form or in any publication of the U.S. Govt. Mithin the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C. 8. NH: final abridgment 6 editorial revisions of each entry, sequence £ location coding £ original prefatory materials, e Hansell Information/Publishing, Ltd.; 15Jul75; AFO-866911.


Structure and bonding. Vol. 30; Bare earths. Editor: J. D. Dunitz £ other editors. West Germany. 197 p. Appl. au; 3. Sinha 6 Eenate Eeisfeld. 6 Springer- Verlaq; 151IOV76; AFO-86695.


optical and electrical properties. Edited by Peter A. Lee. Holland. ten p. Appl. au; B. L. Evans. D. Beidel Publishinq company; 24Dec76; Aro-86696.


iceedinqs of the Fifth International rence on Numerical Methods in Fluid lies, June 2a-July 2, 1976, Tuente rsity, Enschede. Edited by Adriaan van De vooren fi P. J. Zandberqen. Germany. 459 p. (lecture notes in Les, vol. 59) Appl. au: H. G. Hall fi

hmid. e Springer-Verlaq; 29Nov76;



Laser monitoring of the atmosphere. Edited by Everett David Hinkley. Best Germany. 380 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol. lit) 4ppl. au: Humio Inaba £ V. E. Zuev. © Springer-Verlaq; 10Dec76; AFO-86698.


Language hierarchies and interfaces; International Summer school. Edited by Friedrich Ludnig Bauer £ Klaus Samelson. West Germany. 128 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 46) Appl. au; C. A. E. Hoare. Springer- Verlag; 15Dec76; AFO-86699.


L'Autre front, 1914-1918. Etudes coordonness £ rassemblees par Patrick Fridenson. France. 235 p. 8 Les Editions ouvrieres; 27Jan77; &F0-86700.


Combats d'un militant: une intervieu de Christian Aguerre et Philippe Nouveau. By Bene Careme. France. 155 p. e Les Editions Ouvrieres; 28Jan77; Aro-a6701.


Analiza kohortowa i je j zastosonanie. pod red. Stanislana Boronskiego. Poland. 300 p. e PanstwOBe Wydaunictuo Naukoa

conf' Dyna Univ< Isak

170ct76; AFO-86702.


La Liberte d'apprendre. Situatio retrospective sur un enseignement non-directif. By Daniel Hameli-- " Marie-Joeile Dardelin Les Editions ouvrie 6FO-86703.


Le cheval applaudit: poemes pour les enfants. By Alain Bosguet. France. 101 p NM: unpub. poems. 8 Les Editions Ouvrieres; 31Jan77: 4PO-86704.


Donovan. By John Midgley, re-told by iornie Leete-Hodqe. England. 120 p. NM: editing £ revision. S Cedric chivers, Ltd.; 30Jun76; AFO-86705.

AFO-86 706.

Segelschulschiffe rund Kap Horn: die abenteuerlichen lebensvege der Vier- mastbarken, "Herzogin Cecilie," "Herzogin Sophie Charlotte." und "L 'Avenir/Admiral Karpfanger." By Heinz Burmester. Best Germany. 173 p. 6 Verlag Gerhard Stalling. A.G. ; lNov76: AFO-86706.


Bildbuch der Eoyal Air Force, 1939-1945. By John U. E. Taylor £ Philip J. E. Hubert aus dem Englischeu uebersetzt i Zuerl. Best Germany. 1 v. e on translation; Verlag Gerhard stalli A. G. ; 1NOV76; AFO-86707.


Luftkampf: Jagdf lugzeuqe im 2. Heltkrieq, laktik und Technik. By Alfred Price, aus dem Englischen uebertragen von Eruin peters. West Germany. 159 p. 6 on translation; Verlag Gerhard Stalling. A.G.; 1NOV76; AFO-86708.


Deutsche Fallschirma jaeger und Luftlandetruppen, 1936-1945. By Boger Ednards, aus dem Englischen uebertragen von Volkhard Satyssek. West Germany. 159 p. e on translation; Verlag Gerhard Stalling, 4. G. ; 1)lov76; AFO-86709.


Seeschlachten des 20. Jahrhunderts. By George Bruce, aus dem Englischen uebertragen von Niels Neelsen. West Germany. 159 p. Q ot» translation; Verlag Gerhard Stalling, A.G. ; lBov76; AFO-86710.


In Sattel und Sulky; Alles ueber den pferderennsport. By Adolf Furler £ Fritz Klein. West Germany. 174 p. Verlag Gerhard Stalling, A. G. ; 1Nov76; AFO-86711.


The Golden Age of style. By Julian Eobinson. England. 128 p. HM; text £ editorial selection £ arr. of illus. £ photos. C Orbis Publishing, Ltd.; 3Iiov76: 4FO-86712.


Clemence et les deui poneys. By Jeanne Develle, pseud, of Jeannine Marie, illus de Michele Beufe. France. 114 p. e Librairie Hachette; 30Dec76; AFO-86713.


La Croisiere des mille jours. By jlilfried Erdmann, texte francais de Michel Thery, illus de Jacques Poirier. France. 186 p. Originally pub. under the title: Les Eobinsons de 1" ocean. HM: illus. librairie Hachette; 30Dec76; AFO-86714.


Marie lumiere. By Ghisiaine Laramee, illus d' Annie-Claude Martin. France. 153 p. e Librairie Hachette; 30Dec7£; AFO-86715.


Isabelle et la maison qui chante. By louri, pseud, of Youri Komerovjki, illus d'Annie Beynel. France. 149 p. O Librairie Hachette; 8Dec76 ; AFO-86716.


Les Bebelles de la soif. By Christian Leourier. France. 183 p. Librairie Hachette; 30Dec76; AFO-86717.


Histoires d'amour des provinces de France. T. 8: La Champagne. By Serge Douay. France. 253 p. NM: ne» teit £ compilation of texts £ illus., some prev. pub. e presses de la Cite; 30Nov76; 4F0-86718.


Le Grand livre de la cuisine normande. By Bay Compas. France. 243 p. O Jean-Pierre Delarge. Editions Uni- versitaires; 30Dec76; AFO-86719.


Alice et le vase de chine. By Caroline Quine. pseud., texte francais d'Anne Joba, illus de Jean-louis Mercier. France. 155 p. originally pub. in English under tie title: The clue of the leaning chimney. NM: French text £ illus. O Librairie Hachette; 30Dec76; Aro-a6720.


La Pollution des eaux marines. Ouvrage collectif presente par J.-M. Peres avec une introd. de M. Fontaine. France. 230 p. (Geobiologie — ecologie amenagement) NM: nen text £ compilation of texts, some prev. pub. Bordas; 30Nov76; 4F0-86721.


Moby Dick. Koaan de Herman Melville, traduit de I'anglais par Lucien Jacques, Joan Smith £ Jean Giono, illustre avec des dessins de Marc P. G. Berthier. France. 253 p. HH: drawings. Editions Gallimard; 8Dec76; 410-86722.


Nouvelle histoire de Paris de la fin du

siege de 88 5-886 a la mort de Philippe


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.