Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1474

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APO-86912 — APO-86949
JAN.-JUN. 1977

AFO-86911 (con.)

texts. Librairie rlon ; 301iov76; AFO-86911.


Odyssee stellaire. By Peter Kolosimo, traduit de 1' italien par Simone De Verqennes (Sioone Marie Gravier De Verqennes) France. 265 p. Translation of Odissea stellare. NM: translation, e Editions Jlbin Hichel; 12Nov76: 4FO-86912.


Profession; chasseur de tetes; I'art de chercher un diriqeant & de le trouver. By Jean- Claude Lasante^ pref. de Jose Bidecjain. France. 139 p. HB: text £ compilation of texts. © Librairie Hachette; 270ct76; AFO-86913.


Histoire de la psycholoqie- T. 1-2. By Fernand-Lucien Mueller. 4- ed- entie- reaent revue S auqmentee. France. Payot; 30Nov76; 4FO-86911.


Les Pheniciens; 1* antique royaume de la pourpre. De Gerhard Herm, traduit de I'alleiuand par Denise Heunier. France. 351 p. Translation of Die Phoenizier. NM: translation. iS Librairie Artheme Fayard; 130ct76; AFO-86915.


Je plaide pour I'homme. By Leon Arthur Elchinqer. France. 301 p. NM: text 6 compilation of texts. O Librairie Artheme Fayard; 270ct76; 4FO-86916.


Imaqine you're Enqlish; tMo year course, first book. By Diane Gibbs, Noel Goodey, F. Horcl e B. Thomas a»ec la collaboration d'Helene Clement. France. 134 p. Librairie classique Euqene Belin; 30NOV76; AFO-86917.


Les fihumatismes. By Philippe Stora. France. 309 p. US: new text £ illus. £ compilation of illus. O Editions Bobert Laffont, S.&. ; 30Sep76; AFO-86918.


L'Accessible du merveilleux. By Frederic Lionel, pseud, of Frederic Louenbach. France. 186 p. NH: text £ compilation of texts. Q Editions Robert Laffont, S.A. ; 30Sep76; AFO-86919.


Dans la foret humaine. By Pierre Gascar, pseud, of Pierre Fournier. France. 201 p. 6 Editions Hobert laffont. S.A. ; 30Sep76; ArO-86920.


Naissance de la conscience romantique au siecle des lumieres. By Georqes Gusdorf. France. 451 p. (Les Sciences humaines et la pensee occidentale, 7) HH: text £ compilation of texts. Payot; 17No»76; 4P0-86921.


Le Backqamaon; comment iouer et qaqner au backqammon- By Arnaud De Bosnay. France. 204 p. e Librairie Artheme Fayard; 26No»76; AF0-B6922.


Psychiatrie et psychotherapie ins- titutionnelle; traces 6 conf iqurations precaires. By Jean Oury, pref. de Francois Tosquelles. France. 330 p. NM: text fi compilation of texts, e Payot; 30HOV76; . AFO-86923.


Les fiacines de I'homme. By Pierre Hour. France. 627 p. NH: text £ compilation of texts. e Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A.; 30Sep76; AFO-86924.


Guitar workshop; a course for quitar qroups in two parts. Pt. 2. By Frances Gray £ Barry Shan. Enqland. 40 p. sax neM text matter, exercises £ arrangements. e Oxford University Press; 140ct76; AFO-86925.

AFO-86 926.

Alice a la reserve des oiseaux. By Caroline Quine, pseud. , texte francais d* Anne Joba, illus de Jean-Louis Hercier. France. 187 p. Translation of The Double jinx mystery. NM: French text £ illus. e Librairie Hachette; 270ct76; AFO-86926.


Les Dents de la mer. By Peter Benchley, texte fraacais de Michel Deutsch. France. 250 p. Translation of Jaus. UM: French text £ abridqment. Q Librairie Hachette; 10NOV76; AFO-86927.

AFO-86 928.

L*Ile au diable. By Luce Fillol« illus de Paul Durand. France. 184 p. IS Librairie Hachette; 17!)ov76; AFO-86928.


C'est Mozart qu'on assassine. By Gilbert Cesbron, illus oriqinales de Andre-Paul Perret. Switzerland. 398 p. 3 on illus.; Edito-Service, S.A.; 290ct76; AFO-86929.

AFO- 86930.

Le Train bleu. Jeux de qlaces. By Aqatha Christie, illus oriqinales de Monique Gaudriault. Switzerland. 310 p. Translation of The Mystery of the blue train £ They do it with mirrors. Q on illus.; Edito-Service, S.A. ; 17Dec76; AFO-86930.


La Font sarrasin. By Jacqueline Pelletier Doisy, pseud, of Jacqueline Delachaux. France. 220 p. e Librairie Plon; 30NOV76; AFO-86931.


La Prison sous les arbres. By Odette Sorensen, illus de Paul Durand. France. 186 p. Librairie Hachette; 3Nov76; AFO-86932.


Un Espion Chez le Eoi-Soleil. By Saint-Simon, presentation par Jose Cabanj^s. France. 184 p. Extract of Memoires, by Saint-Simon. BM; editinq £ pref. 9 Editions Gallimard; 17Nov76; AFO-86933.


En avant soldats de Dieuj Presentation par Gilette Zieqler. France. 184 p. Extracts of Memoires de Joinville. NM: pref. 6 Editions Gallimard; 17Nov76; AFO-86934.


L'Appel de la foret. By Jack London, traduit de 1 'anglais par Madame De Galard, cahier illustre £ realise par Bernard Planche. Frajice. 131 p. Oriqinal ti. : The Call of the wild. NM: illus. £ editing. 6 Editions Gallimard; 17Nov76; AFO-86935.

AFO- 86936.

Moliere. By Jean-Louis Barrault £ others. France. 253 p. NM: new text £ illus. £ compilation of texts £ illus. e Librairie Hachette; 30Sep76 ; AFO-86936.

AFO- 86937.

Vincent et Nathalie au bord de la mer. Imaqine par Marc Saver, texte de Jean-Pierre Enard, illus de Jean Sidobre. France. 21 p. e Librairie Hachette; 30Sep76; AfO-86937.

AFO- 86938.

Contes de Bretagne; recits du folklore Breton. Choisis £ adaptes par Evelyne Lallemand, illus de Frederic Boulogne. France. 153 p. NH: editing, adaptation £ illus. librairie Hachette; 3Nov76; AFO-86938.


Guide-conseii du citoyen: droits, devoirs, defense. France. 701 p. Add. ti; Citizen and his rights. 6 Selection du Header's Digest, S.A.; 3Dec76; AFO-86939.


Der Grosse ADAC-Fuehrer durch Hald, Feld und Flur: Natur und Landschaft unserer Heimat. Best Germany. 534 p. Add. ti: Book of the German countryside. NH: translation. 3 Verlag das Beste, G.M.B.U. ; 18Jan77; AFO-86940.


Les Plus beaux contes d'Andersen. Illustres par Michel Dubre, adaptes par Sybil Capelier. France. 28 p. NH: adaptation £ illus. 6 Librairie Hachette; 270ct76; AFO-86941.


Statystyka matematyczna. By zbigniev Pawlovski. Poland. 305 p. Summaries in Enqlish £ Sussian. 6 Panstwowe Bydaw- nictwo Naukowe; 22Dec76; AFO-86942.


Spory miedzynarodowe; studium prawno- polityczne. By Marian Iwancjko. Poland. 275 p. Summaries in fiussian £ English. Panstwowe Hydawnictwo Naukowe; 28Dec76; AFC-86943.


SI implementation; an approach for secondary schools. Canada. 115 p. e Carleton Board of Education: 15Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFO-86944.

AFO-869 45.

Elementary school facilities study. Canada. 89 p. 6 Carleton Board of Education; 1Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AFO- 86945.


Lymphocytes, macrophages and cancer. Edited by Georges Mathe, Irene Florentin £ Marie-Christine Simmler. Best Germany. 160 p. (fiecent results in cancer research, 56) Proceedings of the EOBTC-Symposium held in Paris on June 26-27, 1975. Springer- Verlag; 241lov76; AfO-86946.


Lasers and their applications. Edited- by A. Sona. Great Britain. 629 p. Appl. au: Laura fionchi. Q Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ltd.; 140ct76; AFO-86947.

AFO- 86948.

Breast cancer: a multxdisciplinary approach. Edited by Guy Saiat-Arneault, Pierre Band £ Lucien Israel. Best Germany. 195 p. (Hecent results in cancer research, vol. 57) Proceedings of the National Conference on Breast Cancer, held in Montreal, Canada, Oct. 31-Nov. 1, 1975. e Springer-Verlag; 14Dec76; AFO- 86948.

AFO- 86949.

Ordinary and partial differential

equations. Edited by Hilliam Norrie


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.