Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1505

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AFO—88085 — AFO—88123
JAN.-JUN. 1977


L'Astrologie a la barce. By JeaD Hars* pseud. o£ Jean-Hacie Chappuis. Prance. 260 p. NB: text e compilatioD of texts. Editions Bobert Laffont, S. A. ; 30Har77; AFO-a8085.


Livre bXanc sut ies facteucs de risque et la prevention. Issued by Cooite National de Prevention Bedicale. France. 188 p. Appl. au; Baurice Cloarec, Paul Freour C Yves Aillaud. e Expansion Scientifique Francaise; 30Bar77; APO-88086.


Le Ciel est sur la terre. By Jacques Bourlanqes. France. 99 p. NB: revisions £ additions. Jacques Bourlanges; 30Bar77: APO-88087.


La Bible et Ies extraterrestres. By Pierre-Jean Boatti. France. 203 p. »B: text & cospilation of texts. C Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A.; 30aar77; AFO-88088.


Biochinie clinique. Vol. 1: Biochiuie aaalytique. By Pierre Betais, Jean Aqneray, Georqes Ferard, Jean-Charles Fruchart, Jean-Claude Jardillier. Andre Bevol . Gerard Siest G Andre Stahl. France. 221 p. C SIBEP-Editions; 30aar77: AFO-88089.


Deruatoloqle. By Georqes Boulia. 2. ed. France. 1 1 1 p. SIBEP, Editions: 28Feb77; AFO-8809a.


Production theory and its applications; proceedinqs of a workshop. Edited by Horst Albach K Goran Becqendahl. Vest Geraany. 1 8b p. (Lecture notes lu aconoaics and aatheaatical systeas, vol. 139) 5prlnqer-yerlaq; 25Bar77; AFO-a8U91.


Proqressive tiaed uritinqs. By Harion Goode Hodqins. Canada. 90 p. O BcGraa-Uill Syerson, Ltd.; SJan77:



Physroloqie huoaine. By A. J. Vander, J. H. Sheraan & 0. S. Luciano. Canada. 608 p. Appl. au: HcGraii-Hill Byerson, Ltd., eaployer for hire. Translation of Human physiology: the jDechanisns of body function, second edition, pub. 1975. KB: French translation. BcGrav-Uill. Editeurs, a.a.d.o. BcGrav-Hill Byerson, Ltd.; 3Jan77; APO-88093.


Business machine problems. By John Hubert Cool. 2nd ed. Canada. 110 p. Prev. pub. 1965. C BcGraB-Hili Byerson, Ltd.; 3Jan77; AFO-880911.


Cuisiniers a fioanne: Ies recettes oriqinales de Jean et Pierre Troisqros. France. 365 p. Appl. au: Emile Troisqros. O Editions Bobert Laffont, S.A.; 30aar77; AFO-88095.


Birliton. le poulain. By Barcelle yerite, pseud, of Barcelle Gershell, S Boiiain Siaon. France. in p. O Gautier- Lanquereau; 30Bar77; AfO-88096.


Elements de qeoqrapbie physique. By B- s. Inch t, v. G. Stone, traduit de I'anqlais par Hichel Lalbin £ Pierre-yves Le Dilicocq, sous la direction de Pierre Ganqloff. Canada. 328 p. Based on Geographic fundamentals. Appl- au: flcGraw-Bill Byerson. Ltd., employer for hire. Translation of The Physical euvironsent, pub. 1972. KB: translation. HcGrav-Uill, Editeurs a.a.d.o. BcGr ay-Hill Byerson, Ltd.; 1Feb77; AFO-88097.

AF 0-88098.

Shaleespeare the Elizabethan. By A. L. Souse. England. 128 p. NB: text & compilation of illus. A. L. Goise; 19aay77; AFO-8809a.


The Seashore and its yildlife. By Bobert Burton. England. 128 p. Appl. au: Orbis Publishing, Ltd. & Istituto Geografico de Agostiui, S.P.A. , employers for hire. UB: text, illus. 6 compilation of photos. Orbis Publishrng, Ltd. t Istituto Geografico de Agostini, S.P.A.; 30aay77; AFO-8a099.


The Desert. By John Cloudsley-Thoopson. England. 128 p. Appl. au: Orbis Publishing, Ltd. £ Istituto Geografico de Agostrni, S.P.A., employers for hire. KB: text, illus. 6 compilation of photos. orbis Publishing, Ltd. G Istituto Geografico de Agostiui, S.P. A. ; 25Apr77; AFO-88 100.

AFO-88 10 1.

Un Eveil: journal d'une militante social iste (1967-19711) By Annie Oesgranges, pseud, de Francoise Carle, pref. de Colette Audry. France. 257 p. O Librairie Artheme Fayard; 15Apr77; AFO-88 10 1.


Adieu la vie, adieu i'amour. By Armaud Lanoux. France. 3Hb p. MB: nev text G compilation. O Editions Albin Bichel; 30Bai:77; AFO-e8102.


Le Borschach en ciinigue infantile. By Nina Bausch Oe Traubenberg G Bane-France Boizou. France. 350 p. Bordas; 30Har77; AFO-8al03.


Homme- plus. By Frederilt Pohl, traduit de I'americain par Philippe Hupp. France. 278 p. Original ti. : Ban plus. NH: translation. Calmann-Levy; 25Har77; AFO-88104.


Fonctions de 1 'electronique- By Bogdan GraboHslti. France. 182 p. Bordas: 30Bar77; AFO-88 10 5.


Beponses et guestions sur I'histoire et la politique. By Hartin Heidegger, interroge par Der Spiegel, traduit de I'allemand par Jean Launay. France. 81 p. on translation £ notes; Bercure de France; 1laar77; AfO-88106.


Les Demi-dieux meurent aussi. By Alfred Fabre-Luce. France. 290 p. NB: text 6 compilation of texts £ illus. 6 Librairie Artheme Fayard; 15Apr77; AFO-88107.

APO-88 108.

Baurras et son temps. By James Bccearney. France. 294 p. NB: text 6 compilation of texts £ illus. C Editions Albin Bichel; 30Bar77; AFO-88108.


Parler aux francais. By Bichel Jobert, avant-propos de Bertrand Fessard De Foucault. France. 236 p. NB: text £ compilation of texts £ illus. Librairie Arthaud; 30Bar77; AFO-88109.


Les Passagers du souvenir. By Baurice Bessy. France. 282 p. NB: new text, ney illus. £ compilation of illus. Editions Albin aichel; 30Bar77; AFO-88110.


Le Grand retour. By Christian Jelen 6 Leopold Unger. France. 3<t8 p. Na: text £ compilation of texts G illus. Editions Aibin Bichel; 30aar77; AFO-88111.


Le Trou du diable. By Pierre Salva. France. 188 p. e Pierre Salva E Librairie des Champs- Elysees; 30Bar77; AFO-88112.


La Cellulite. By Jean-Jacques Leqrand, maquette G dessins: Carlo Hieland G Bireille uieland. France. 235 p. NB: new text, neu illus. G compilation of illus., some of which have been prev. pub. d Editions Bobert Laffont, S. A. ; 30Har77; AFO-88113.


Composants de I'electrouique. By Bogdan Grabowski. France. 201 p. Bordas; 30Bar77: AFO-88114.


Le Taoisue vivant: mysticisme et maqie. Oe John Blofeld, traduction par Jean Herbert. France. 286 p. SB: tran- slation. O Editions Albin Bichel; 10Bar77; AF0-eei15.


Vocabulaire des psychotherapies. By Andre Virel. France. 373 p. NB: new text £ compilation of texts, some of which have been prev. pub. O Librairie Artheme Fayard; 15Apr77; AFo-««llb.


Le Pont inacheve. by Banes Spebet, traduit de I'allemand par Edmond Beaujon £ i'duteut. France. 2o9 p. Original ti.: Die Vergebliche Barnung. NH: Fiench translation. Calmann-Levy: Jlnai.77; AF0-a8117.


Le Bat de Venise et utres histoires de criminalite animale a . 'intention des amis des betes. De Patricia Highsmith, traduit de 1 *americain par Alain Delahaye. France. 211 p. Original ti. ; The Animal-lover's book of beastly murder. NB: translation. Calmann-Levy; 25aar77; AFO-88118.


Le Bazar des lettres. By Boqer Gouze. France. 282 p. NB: neu text £ com- pilation of texts, some of which have been prev. pub. Calmann-Levy; 31flar77; AFO-88119.


Boi, un qendarme. By Jacques Lannier. France. 235 p. 6 Librairie Arthaud; 30aar77; AFO-88120.


Crime and personality. By Bans J. Eysenck. England. 222 p. Prev. pub. 19611. NB: revisions £ additions. u. J. Eysenck; 19Bay77; AFO-88121.


Short-term contracts in social work. By Joan aary Uutten with Stella a. Hall. Elsie Osborne, Bannie Sher, Eva Sternberg G Elizabeth Tuters. England. 122 y. O eoutledge and Kegan Paul; 19flay77;



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