Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1511

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AI—16264 — AI-16297
JAN.-JUN. 1977

AI-16263 (con.)

Japan. 132 p. EDqlish, Japanese £ cofflaoized Japanese; title rooanized on appl. O California Association o£ Japanese Language School, Inc. (in notice: The California Association of Japanese Language Schools, Inc.); 1Nov76; AI-16263.


Stereotactic Treatment of Epilepsy. Edited by Franci ; John Gilliughau, Ediiard Eobert Hitchcock £ Faiel Nadvoroik. Austria. 281 p. (Acta neurochirurgica, Supplementus 23) SysiposiuD] held in Bratisla»a, Czechoslovakia, in 1975. Appl. au: X. K. Kim, J. B. Stevens £ T. acLardy. O S pringer- Verlag; 280ct76; AI-1626"t.


Current problems in elementary particle and mathematical physics. Edited by Paul Oskar Orban. Austria. 638 p. (Acta physica Austriaca, Suppleaentum 15) Proceedings of the 15th Internationale nniversitaetswochen fuer Kernphysik 1976 der Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz at Schladminq (Steiernark, Austria) Feb. 16-27, 1976. Appl. au: J. L. Challifour, J. J. Sakurai £ J. Froehlich. O Springer- Verlag; 280ct76; AI- 16265.


The Question of things happening: the letters of Virginia uoolf. Vol. 2: 1912-1922. Editor: »igel Hicolson, assistant editor: Joanne Tiautmann. England. 627 p. NH: editing £ editorial note. O Nigel Nicolson; 23Sep76;

AI- 16267.

Old age in European society: the case of France. By Peter N. Stearns. United Kingdom. 163 p. C Peter N. Stearns; 21Dec76; AI-16267.


Hilton reconsidered; essays in honor of Arthur E. Barker. Edited by John Karl Franson. Austria. 215 p. (Elizabethan and fienaissan(^e studies, 19. Salzburg studies in English literature) O John Karl Franson; 60ct76; AI-1626e.


Chroma Theoy; on the origins and theological interpretation of the musical imagery used by the ecclesiastical vriters of the first three centuries, uith special reference to the image of Orpheus. By

lobert A. Skeris. Uest Germany. 259 p. (Husicae sacrae melethmata, vol. 1) English £ Greek; title romanized. Eobert A. Skeris; litSep76; AI-16269.


Essays on ethics, social behavior, and scientific explanation. By John C. Harsanyi. Holland. 262 p. (Theory and decision library, vol. 12) O D. Seidel Publishing Company; 310ec76; AI-16270.

AI- 16271.

The Insect integument. Edited by B. B. Hepburn. The Metherlands. 5 71 p. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company; 21Sep76: AI- 16271.

AI- 16272.

Oligopoly and the theory of games. By James ». Friedman. The Metherlands. 311 p. (Advanced textbooks in economics, vol. 8) North-Holland Publishing Company; 6Jan77: AI-16272.

AI- 16273.

World mineral supplies; assessment and perspective. Edited by G. J. S. Govett £ H. H. Govett. The Hetherlands. 1172 p. (Developments in economic geology, 3) Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company; 18Aug76; AI-16273.


Tektites and their origin. By John A. O'Keefe. The Netherlands. 254 p. (Developments in petrology, <1) C Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company; 24Aug76; AI-t627i».


From baroque to store and stress, 1720-1775. By Friedhela Eadandt. Great Britain. 209 p. (Literary history of Germany, it) 6 friedheim Hadandt; 2Jan77; AI-16275.


A Parting of ways: government and the educated public inSussia, 1801-1855. By Nicholas V. Biasanovsky. United Kingdom. 323 p. Oxford University Press; 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AI-16276.


Belief and probability. By John H. Vickers. Holland. 202 p. (Synthese library, vol. 10 H) 0. Seidel Publishing Company; 31Dec76; AI-16277.


Differential geometry and relativity; a volume in honor of Andre Lichnerouicz on his 60th birthday. Edited by Hichel Cahen £ aoshe Flato. Holland. 3011 p. (Hathematical physics and applied mathematics, vol. 3] Appl. au : eobert S. Cahn £ Peter B. Gilkey. O 0. Seidel Publishing Company; 310ec76; AI-16278.


Metabolic aspects of alcoholism. edited by Charles S. Lieber. England. 30b p. U KTP Press, Ltd.; 29Nov76 (in notice: 1977) ; AI-16279.


Fundamental and clinical studies of bleomycin. Edited by Stephen K. Catter £ other editors. Japan. 320 p. (GAUN monograph on cancer research, no. 19. Issued by Japanese Cancer Association) O University of Tokyo Press; 10ct76 ; AI-16280.


Fundamentals in cancer prevention; proceedings of the 6th international symposium of the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Besearch Fund, Tokyo, 1975. Edited by Peter N. Hagee £ other editors. Japan. 433 p. Appl. au: 0. A. Goldthuait £ a. H. Lieberman. University of Tokyo Press; 8NOV76; AI- 16281.

AI- 16282.

Neuro-otological examination; with special reference to equilibrium function tests. By Takuya Uemura, Jun-ichi Suzuki, Jiro Hozaua £ Stephen h. Highstein. Japan. 176 p. O Iqaku Shoin, Ltd.; 1SNOV76 (in notice: 1977); AI- 16282.

AI- 16283.

Principles of dairy processing. By James Nickerson Warner. India. 317 p. Riley Eastern. Ltd.; 8Dec76; AI-16283.

AI-162 8it.

Chemistry of organic fluorine compounds; a laboratory manual with comprehensive literature coverage. By Hilos Hudlicky. 2nd rev. ed. England. 903 p. 6 Hilos Hudlicky £ Ellis Horwood; 30Nov76; AI- 16284.


Anales de la novela de posguerra. Vol. 1, 1976. Editor: Luis I. Gonzalez- Del-Valle 6 other editors. Spain. 109 p. Add. ti: ANP, volume 1, 1976. English t Spanish. Q Society of Spanish and

AI- 16286.

Irish tinkers. Photographed 6 compiled by Janine Hiedel with a foreword £ transcripts by llartina 0' Feacadhaigh. Great Britain. 121 p. O Janine aiedel £ Martina o'Fearadhaigh; 23Sep76; AI- 16286.


Apple pigs. Britten £ illustrated by Buth orbach. United Kingdom. 1 v. C Euth orbach; 23Aug76; AI- 16287.


Bela Bartok essays. Selected £ edited by Benjamin Suchoff. Great Britain. 567 p. O Benjamin Suchoff. successor-trustee, the Estate of Bela Bartok; 1 Nov 76; AI- 16288.

AI- 16289.

The New limerick: 2700 unpublished limericks, American and British. Edited by George Alexander Legman. France. 1 v. 6 George Alexander Legman; 5Jan77; AI-16289.


World naphtha survey, 1976. No. 15. By Parpinelli TECtiON, S.e.L. , DeWitt and Company, Inc. £ The Stakes Consulting Group. Switzerland. 2 v. Hyplan. A.G.; 22Sep76; AI- 16290.

AI- 16291.

World naphtha survey capacity tables, 1976. No. 101 £ 110. By Parpinelli TECNON. S.K.L.. DeUitt and Company, Inc. £ The Stokes Colii^ultiug Group. Switzerland. 2 v. O Hyplan, A.G.; J0Jun7b; AI-16291.


The Nature novel from Hardy to Lawrence. By John Alcorn. England. 139 p. c John Alcorn; 13Jan77; AI-lb292.

AI- 16 29 3.

In vitro metabolic activation lu mutagenesis testing; proceedings of the Symposium on the Bole ot Metabolic Activatj-on in Producing Mutagenic and Carcinogenic Environmental Chemicals, Besearch Triangle Park, NC. Feb. 9-11, 1976. Editor: Frederick J. Ue Serres £ other editors. The Netherlands. 363 p. C Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press; I5Dec76; AX- 16293.


National planning for informatics in developing countries; proceedings of the IBI international symposium, 2-6 Nov. 1975. Edited by G. Bussell Pipe £ 4. A. M. Veenhuis. The Netherlands. 531 p. Proceedings of the Conference on National Planning for Informatics in Developing Countries. O IBI (InteC9avernmental Bureau for Informatics) ; 21Sep76; AI-16294.


Critical perspectives on the Decameron. Edited by Bobert S. Dombroski. Great Britain. 148 p. O on introd.. tran- slations £ editorial material; Eobert S. Dombroski; 210ct76; AI-16 29 5.

AI- 16296.

The Dual vision; Alfred Schutz £ the myth of phenomenologjcal social science. By Bobert A. Gorman. England. 234 p. O Eobert A. Gorman; 6Jan77; AI-16296.


As I see it; the autobiography of J. Paul Getty. Great Britain. 361 p. Appl. states all new except for prev. pub. material. O Jean Bonald Getty. Gordon Peter Getty. Title Insurance and Trust

Company, executors of the Estate of J.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.