Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1523

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BB53047 — BB53065
JAN.-JUN. 1977

BB53046 (con.)

maqazioe, Jan-Feb. 1973, werso of fcont covec) Appl> an: Leslie C. JSarbucger. Leslie C. Harbucqer: 1Jan72 (Id notice: 1973) ; BB530it6.


Craq. Art: Duane Hanson, story: Hill Frank, pseud. o£ Jon Sutec & Hichael Vance, pseud, of Michael Lail. (Id Olclahajia advertisec, Ada, Nov. 3, 1976, p. 5) Hichael Lail; 3Nov76: BB530it7.


Ccaq. Art: Duane Hanson, story: Hichael Vance, pseud, of Hichael Lail £ till Fraujt, pseud, of Jon Suter. (lo Oklahoaa advectisec. Ada, Nov. 10. 1976, p. 9) O Hichael Lail: 10Nov76: BBS3048.


To Haaa/froD Leo. (In Froto a regional perspective. Nov. 1976, p. 4) Appl. au: Francis B. Francois. Francis B. Francois: 19Nov76: BB53049.


Triality. Chap. 1-4. By Albert Busso. (In The Hidatlantlc reviek, fall 1976, p. 36-66) Albert Busso; 21Dec76; BB530 50.


BI chooses aanager. By Haqqie Henard. (L-a-t-e-s-t) (In Quad-city times. Davenport, lA, Dec. 22. 1976, p. 1) Appl. au: The Quad-City Tiaes, eaployer for hire. The Quad-City Times; 22Dec76; BB53051.


Prayer Is a daily habit for aany In Nebraska; Nebraska poll. (In Oaaba Korid-hecald, Dec. 25, 1976. p. 1) Appl. au: Hichael Kelly. O Oaaha Uorld-llerald Coapany; 25Dec76; BB53052.


Society of saaplers. By yillard Fojc. (Fo< tales) (In The Daily sentinel- tribune, Boklinq Green, OH, Dec. 30, 1976. p. 4) Uillard Fox; 30Dec76; 0853053.

80530 54.

Nectar. (In Bardic echoes, Dec. 1976. p. 79) Appl. au: Nancy Esther Jaaes. Nancy Esther Jaaes: 10ec76: BB53054.


Studies in blue and vhite — a haiku cluster. (In Bardic echoes, Sept. 1976. p. 68) Appl. au: Nancy Esther Jaaes. Nancy Esther Jaaes; lSep76: BB53055.


Huseua treasures: the ultiaate. By Hartha Thoaas (Hartha Thoaas Sheppard) (Soundings) (In UITF-FH prograa guide, Jan. 1977, p. 4. etc.) Hartha Thoaas Sheppard; 23Dec76; BBS3056.


Locals vary in popularity, fakes abound. By Calvet M. Hahn. (Collecting G.S. locals, pt. 1) (In Staap collector, Oct. 9. 1976, p. 22-23) O Calvet H. aaho; 90ct76; BB53057.


Locals can be the prize of any philatelic gathering. By Calvet a. Hahn. (Collecting U.S. locals, pt. 2) (In Staap collector, Oct. 16, 1976, p. 14-15) Calvet H. Hahn; 160ct76; BB53058.


Perry broke ground in researching for D.S. locals. By Calvet H. Bahn. (Collecting O.S. locals, pt. 3) (In Staap collector, Oct. 23. 1976, p. 22-23) calvet H. Bahn; 230ct76; BB53059.


Auction records provide iaportant inforaation. By Calvet a. Hahn. (collecting U.S. locals, pt. 4) (In Stamp collector, Oct. 30. 1976, p. 16-17) Calvet H. Hahn; 300ct76; BB53050.


The American Printing History Asso- ciation letter. No. 1-8, 1974-1975 index. (In The APHA: American Printing History Association letter, no. 12, July-Aug. 1976 suppl. ) Appl. au: Susan fi. Bourla. O Susan B. Bourla; 17Aug76; BB53061.


Life or death--yours. By John D. Haaaker. (In Acres, U.S.A., Sept. 1976, p. 13, etc.) John 0. Haaaker; 1Sep76; BB53062.


Archie Goodwin's Vampirella. By Norma C. Terrell. (In Boomer. Sept. -Oct., p. 13-16) Norma Terrell; 25Sep76; BB53063.


Air Force blue. Hritten by Jaaes D. Gunnels. (In The Dally republic. Fairfield, CA, Sept. 26, 1976. p. IS) James D. Gunnels; 26Sep76; BB53064.


Byrd leads Zumwalt by 2 to 1 . by James Latimer. (In fiichmond times-dispatch. Oct. 25, 1976, p. 1) Appl. au: Bichaond Times- Dispatch. O Richmond Times- Dispatch; 250ct76; BB53065.


Pittsburgh glass— 1797- 1891: a history and guide for collectors. By Louell Innes. (In Antiques, Dec. 1976, p. 1306-1309) C Lowell Innes; 29Nov76; BB53066.


Louise Boqau: a bibliography of primary and secondary materials, 1915-1975. Pt. 1. By Jane D. Couchaan. (In Bulletin of bibliography and magazine notes, Feb.-Har. 197b, p. 73, etc.) C Jane D. Couchaan; 26Har76: BB53067.


Louise Bogan: a bibliography of primary and secondary materials. 1915-1975. Pt.

2. By Jane D. Couchaan. (In Bulletin of bibliography and aagazine notes. Apr. -June 1976, p. Ill, etc.) O Jane D. Couchaan; 6Hay76: 8853068.


Louise Bogan: a bibliography of priaary and secondary aaterials, 1915-1975. Pt. 3. By Jane D. Couchaan. (In Bulletin of bibliography and magazine notes, July-Sept. 1976, p. 178-181) C Jane D. Couchman; 22Sep76; 8853069.


Hore to young's choice than color. By J. F. TerUorst. (In The Detroit nevs, Dec. 22, 1976, p. 16-B) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. The Detroit Bens — Universal Press Syndicate; 22Dec76; 8853070.


Bow do they aake artificial Christaas trees? (In The Detroit news, Dec. 24, 1976, p. 3-A) The Detroit Nevs; 24Dec76; B853071.


How do they sake things gloa in the dark? (In The Detroit news. Dec. 22, 1976. p. 3-A) O The Detroit News; 22Dec76; 8853072.

just isn't fair. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit news, Dec. 17, 1976, p. 6-8) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. The Detroit News — Universal Press Syndicate; 17Dec76; 8B53073.


How do they make autoaatic elevators work? (In The Detroit news, Dec. 17, 1976, p. 3-A) C The Detroit News; 17Dec76; 8B53074.


Greatest gift: giving of one's self. By J. F. TerHorst. (in The Detroit news, Dec. 24, 1976, p. 6-8) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. The Detroit News — Universal Press Syndicate; 24Dec76; 8B53075.

BB53 076.

Beady-to-use cedar boards make easy work of closet lining. By Lucille DeView. (Things your mother never taught you) (In The Detroit news, Dec. 24. 1976, p. 6-A) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire, e The Detroit News; 24Dec76: BB53 076.


Channel 9 in trouble? By Hichael F. Uendland. (C8 break) (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Dec. 19. 1976, p. 14-G) Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. The Detroit News — Universal Press Syndicate, Inc.; 19Dec76; 8853077.


No pardons seen for Uatergate men. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Dec. 19, 1976, p. 10-E) Appl. au: The Detroit News, eaployer for hire. O The Detroit News — Universal Press Syndicate; 19Dec7b; 8653078.


Mow do they aake candied truit? (lu The Detroit news, Dec. 20, 1976, p. J-A) O The Detroit News; 20Dec7b; BB5J079.


Beal wood parguet job won't floor you with this simple kit. By Luciiie DeView. (Things your mother never taught you) (In The Detroit news, Dec. 17, 1976, p. 4-CJ Appl. au: The Detroit News, employer for hire. O The Detroit News; 17Dec76; 8853080.


In old Chicago: city planning versus the archeology of the talking machine. By Timothy C. Fabrizio. (In Journal of the American Phonograph Society, Apr. 1976, p. 4-10) O Timothy C. Fabrizio; 31Dec76; BB53081.


The Heritage factor. By Andrew £. Szucs. (In Skywrighter, Dayton, Dec. 17, 1976, p. 20-21) C Andrew E. Szucs; 17Dec76; 8853082.


Journey of a woman, a review. (In Hatrix: resources for women, Santa Cruz, CA, Nov. 16, 1976, p. 7) Appl. au: Kaeren Prochnow. C Kaeren Prochnow; t6No>76; BB53083.


Hoonjuice 2, review: an open letter to the poets of Hoonjuice 2. (In Hatrix: resources for woaen, Santa Cruz. CA. Dec. 14, 1976, p. 10) Appl. au: Kaeren Prochnow. Kaeren Prochnow; 140ec76: B8S3084.


Time. (In The Voyeur, Sept. 1976, p. 6) Appl. au: Jeanne Voege. O Jeanne Voege;

29Sep76; BB53085.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.