Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1526

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BB53169 — BB93211
JAN.-JUN. 1977

BB53168 (con.)

p- y^) Appl- au: Jack Nicklaus & Kea Bowden. 6 Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bouden; 20Dec76: BB53168.


Play better qolf-nith Jack Nicklaus. (In saint Petersburg (FL) times, Dec. 17, 1976, p. 2-C) Appl. au; Jack Nicklaus & Keo Boirden. 6 Jack Nicklaus t, Ken Bouden; 17Dec76 (in notice: 1977); BB53169.


Play better qolf-Mith Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner, dgc^ 15, 1976, p. 72) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken BoMden. 6 Jack Nicklaus 6 Ken BoHden; 15Dec76 (in notice: 1977) ; BB53170.


Play better golf-yitli Jack Nicklaus. (In Ihe Ithaca (NY) iournal, Dec. 13, 1976, p. 21) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus 6 Ken BOHden. O Jack Nicklaus 6 Ken Bowden; 13Dec76 (in notice: 1977); BB53171.


NO more clutter. By John D. Bloodqood. (Your home: build to improve) (In Bridgeport (CT) Sunday post, Dec- 19, 1976. section H, p. 2) John D. Bloodgood; 19Dec76; BBb3172.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In San Francisco examiner, Dec. 30, 1976, p. 40) O Stanley B. Smith; 30Dec76; BB53173.


Play better qolf-nith Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner, Dec. 31, 1976, p. 42) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus G Ken Bouden. O Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bouden: 31Dec76: BB5317't.


Play better qoii-uith Jack Nicklaus. (In The Miami herald, Dec. 29, 1976, p. 5-r) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken BoBden. O Jack Nicklaus fi Ken Bouden; 29Dec76; BB53175.


Styled for informal li»ing. By John D. Bloodgood. (In Ihe Boston herald American, Oct. 24, 1976, p. A-26) John D. Bloodgood; 240ct76; BB53176.


Disappearing act. By John D. Bloodgood. (Your home; build to improve) (In Bridgeport (CT) Sunday post, Nov. 7, 1976, p. E-17) e John D. Bloodgood; 7Nov76; BB53177.


Space-saver. By John D. Bloodgood. (Your home: build to improve) (In Bridgeport (CT) Sunday post, Oct. 10, 1976, p. G-9) e John D. Bloodgood; 100ct76; BB53178.


Play better golf-with Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner, Dec^ 1, 1976, p. 58) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bo»den. 6 Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 1Dec76; BB53179.


Play better golf-with Jack Nicklaus. (In The Ithaca (NY) journal, Dec. 6, 1976, p. 19) Appl. au; Jack Nicklaus fi Ken Bowden. 6 Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 6Dec76 (in notice; 1977) ; BB53180.


Play better golf-with Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner, Dec. 3, 1976, p. 61) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. e Jack Nicklaus fi Ken Bowden; 3Dec76; BB53iai.


Play better golf-with Jack Nicklaus. (In San Francisco examiner, Dec. 8, 1976, p. 64) Appl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden. © Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 8Dec76 (in notice: 1977); BB53182.


Play better golf-with Jack Nicklaus. (In Saint Petersburg (PL) times, Dec. 10, 1976, p. 2C) Appl- au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bouden. 6 Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bowden; 10Dec76 (in notice: 1977); BB53183.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In The Boston herald American, Dec. 5, 1976, section 3, p. 41) 6 Stanley fi. Smith; 5Dec76; DB53184.


Stan Smith's Tennis class. (In The Beading (PA) eagle, Dec. 2, 1976, p. 48) e Stanley B. Smith; 2Dec76; BB53185.


The Hhiteness of his shoulder blades. (In Friends review, 1975-1976, p. 29) Appl. au: Bobert Leuze. e Bobert Leuze; 10Sep76; BB53186.


Jimmy thinks I'm a fool. (In Friends review, 1975-1976, p. 58-60) Appl. au: Robert Leuze. 9 Bobert Leuze; 10Sep76; BB53187.


Ralph Vincent Hhite; black police honor Ralph V. Bhite; tenga un buen viaje, have a good journey. (In Ihe Hiami times, July 22, 1976, p. 7) Appl. au; Bobert B. Ingram. O Bobert B. Ingram; 22Jul76; BB53188.


If the shoe fits, wear it. By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont, Jan. 11, 1977, p. 4) O Shirley Halter (ars. Frank B. ) ; 11Jan77; BB53189.


Bumble seat concept. By Billard Fox. (Fox tales) (In Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green, OH, Jan. 13. 1977, p. 12) e Willard Fox; 1JJan77 (in notice: 1976) ; BB53190.

BB5319 1.

Autopsy. By Bruce Edmund Jacobs. (In Dialogue, Dec. 1976, p. 19) 6 Bruce E. Jacobs; 8Jan77 (in notice: 1976);



Echos; essay. By Linda D. Terrell. Add. ti: Buffalo essay for Tampa Bay sounding: "Echos." (In Tampa Bay sounding, Jan. 1977, p. 9-12) S Linda D. Terrell; 5Jan77 ; BB53192.


Personal slants. From James Holt acGavran. (In Ideas for better living, Jan. 1977, p. 15) © James Holt BcGavran; 1Jan77; BB53193.


Chess nuts. Puzzle no. 1. (In Ihe Verde independent, Cottonwood, AZ, Jan. 5, 1977, p. 23) Appl. au: John E. Nelson. e John B. Nelson; 5Jan77; BBS3194.


'78 speculation ends: Curtis uill not run. By Darwin olofson. (In Omaha world-herald, Jan. 10, 1977, p. 1-2) O Omaha Uorld-Herald Company; 10Jan77; BB53195.


Goodbye, old house: machinery is more than metal. By Eleanor Preston Clarkson. (In The village broadsider. Sandwich, aA, Jan. 13, 1977, p. 8) 8 Eleanor Preston Clarkson; 13Jan77; BB53196.


Rationalizing the rational man, and other titles. (Ex parte line) (In Res gestae, Jan. 1977, p. 7) Appl. au: Paul H. Buchanan, Jr. 6 Paul H. Buchanan, Jr.; 5Jan77; BB53197.


Constable "vacationing" in Belize: Johnson case investigation denied. By Bill Hester. (In Corpus Christi (IX) times, Jan. 14, 1977, p. 1A, etc.) Appl. au: corpus Christi limes. 6 Corpus Christi Times; 14Jan77; BB53198.


aan's rib or women's lib? By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmodt, Jan. 13, 1977, p. 4) Shirley Halter (Hrs. Frank B.); 13Jan77; BB53200.


Am I okay2 are you ok? By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont, Jan. 6, 1977. p. 4) © Shirley Halter (ars. Frank B. ) ; 6Jan77; BB53201.


Grain dealer has $3 million in life insurance. By Earl Golz. (In Ihe Dallas morning news, Jan. 8, 1977, p- 1A) Appl. au; Ihe Dallas Horning News. 6 The Dallas Horning News; 8Jan77; BB53202.


New treasures by an old aine- By Barbara F. Zahner. (Beekend wanderer) (In Potpourri, Campbell. CA, Nov. 9, 1976) Appl. au: Adz, Inc. d.b.a. Potpourri. ©Adz, Inc.; 91)ov76; BB53203.


Police probe murder lead: teen in Beaumont claims he was with officer's killer. By Donnis Baggett 6 James Ewell. (In The Dallas morning news, Dec. 21, 1976, p.lA) Appl. au; The Dallas Horning News, e Ihe Dallas Horning News;

21Dec76; BB53204.


Li'l Bobby. By Robert Henry Bhiteside. (In The Boanoke (VA) tribune, Nov- 11, 1976, p. 2) e Bobert Henry Bhiteside; 11NOV76: BB53205.


Intaprobu. By Billard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green, OH. Dec. 23. 1976, p. 11) 6 Billard Fox; 23Dec76; BB53206.


Bhy kids fail. By Billard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling Green, OH, Dec. 16, 1976, p. 15) e Willard Fox; 16Dec76; BB5J207.


Homble. (In Bayne suburban news. Franklin Lakes, NJ. Nov. 23, 1976, p. 23) Appl. au: Richard H. Flaker. O Richard H. Flaker; 23Nov76: BB53208.


A Fijian firewalker fantasy. By Kent H. Keith. (Exchanges) (In Hawaii observer, Dec. 8. 1976, p. 7) © Kent a. Keith; 24NOV76; BB53209.


Living on the ocean. By Kent a. Keith. (In Hawaii observer, Dec. 22, 1976, p^ 17-21) © Kent a. Keith; 8Dec76; BB5321Q.


Another major industry for Hawaii. By

Kent a. Keith. (Exchanges) (In Hawaii


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.