Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1528

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BB53253 — BB53291
JAN.-JUN. 1977

BB53252 (con.)

Publishlnq Coopany. @ Chronicle PubllshiDg Coupany: 10Dec76: BB532S2.


Hiss Costanza tries out President Carter's chair. Photo, by Tio Planning. (In Democrat and chronicle, Rochester, NY, Jan. 21, 1977. p. 1A) &ppl. au: Gannett Compauv, Inc. @ Gannett Company, Inc.; 21Jan77; BB53253.


flidqe Costanza ran a tour of the Bhite House for her Rochester friends yesterday. Photo, by Tim Uanning. (In The Tines- union, Rochester, NY, Jan. 21, 1977, p. 1C) Appl. au: Gannett Company, Inc. 6 Gannett Company, Inc.; 21Jan77; BB53251.


1977 can be a brighter time for all. By Albert Shanker. (Hhere ue stand) (In The Nev Jorli times. Jan. 2, 1977, section 4, p. 7) e Albert Shanker; 2Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; BB53255.


Congress should bar employer pullout. Br Albert Shanker. (Uhere ue stand) (In The New York times, Jan. 9, 1977, section 4, p. 7) e Albert Shanker: 9Jan77 (in notice; 1976) ; BB53256.


RI workers won't get inflation pay. By Haqqie Henard. (In The Quad-city times, Davenport. lA. Jan. 6, 1977, p. 3) Appl. au: The Quad-City Times, employer for hire. O The Quad-City Times; 6Jan77; BB53257.


I killed your son. By Daniel J. Foley. (In The Quad-city times, Davenport, lA. Jan. 10, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Quad-Cily Times, employer for hire. 6 The Quad-City Times; 10Jan77; BB53258.


What turns them off, Pawlov? By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont, Jan. 18, 1977, p. 4) e Shirley .Halter (Mrs. Frank B.); 18Jan77; BB53259.


Just a sign of the times. By Shirley Halter. (In Greenville (SC) piedmont, Jan. 20. 1977, p. 4) Shirley Halter (Hrs. Frank B.) ; 20Jan77: BB53260.


An Immodest proposal. By Aaron Uitchell Cohen. (In Eclectic, a regional review of the arts, science, history, education and religion, Jan. 1, 1977, p. 1) e Aaron Cohen: 12Jan77; BB53261.


Interpreting peak current let-through curves of current- limiting fuses. By Hermann H. Reichenstein. (In Electrical construction and maintenance, Dec. 1976, p. 70-74) Prev. reg. BB35419, July 1969. NH: additions & revisions. IB Hermann H. Reichenstein; 200ec76; BB53262.


Student radicals at the "Southern Branch": campus protest in the 1930's. By Nerwin Robert Svanson. (In Idaho yesterdays, fall 1976, p. 21-26) 6 Herwin R. Swanson; 23Dec76; BB53263.


He's ready to fight crime — or whatever: Inspector Hector. By Vernon E. Her- schberger B Norman Hichael Ledgin. (In The Arthur (I L) graphic-clarion, Jan. 20, 1977, p. 1) C Harsha H. ledgin; 20Jan77; BB53264.


Inspector Hector. By Vernon E. Uerschberger & Norman Michael Ledgin. (In The Arthur (IL) graphic-clarion, Jan. 20, 1977, p. 12) e Harsha M. iedgin; 20Jan77: SBS3265.


You'd better talk to Adam; cartoon. (In The Flame, Seattle, Jan. 11, 1977, p. 2J Appl. au: Joann Haugerud. Q Joann Haugerud; 14Jan77; BB53266.


Performance means expected results, must be spelled out in the code. By Milton Snyder. (Snyder on plumbing, chap. 16) (In Contractor, Jan. 15, 1977. p. 54, etc.) e Hilton Snyder; 15Jan77; BB5326 7.


Simple pictures are best. By Nancy Hillard, pseud, of Nancy Lindblooo, pictures by Tomie De Paola. (In Cricket, Nov. 1976, p. 5-11) e Nancy Uillard; 100ct76; BB53268.


The Christmas tree that cried. By Bette Hoore Hurst. (In Savannah evening press, Dec. 24, 1976, p. 3) 6 Bette Hoore Hurst; 24Dec76; EB53269.


Three HC coaches asked to resign. By Linda Schaffrina. Coach concedes making mistake 'to help a kid.' By Ted Battles. (In The Midland (TX) reporter-telegram, Jan. 12, 1977, p. 1A, etc.) © The Hidland Reporter-Telegram; 12Jan77; BB53270.


The Media; a guide to work with radio-TV, newspapers and magazines. Pt. 1: definitions. By Robert Vainowski. (In The Peninsula bulletin, Palo Alto, CA, July 31, 1976, p. 5) O Tresgatos Enterprises: 31Jul76: BB5327 1.


The Longer I live: poems in the celebration of old age. By Elise Maclay. (In McCall's, Feb. 1977, p. 87) 8 Elise Baclay; 20Jan77; BB53272.


Baskets. By Elise Maclay. (In Mccall's, Feb. 1977, p. 236) 6 Elise Maclay; 20Jan77; BB53273.

BB5327 4.

Just doing homework, not playing Garbo, Teasdale says. By John M. McGuire. (In Saint Louis post-dispatch, Dec. 3, 1976, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, employer for hire. © Saint Louis Post-Dispatch whose sole owner is the Pulitzer Publishing Company; 3Dec76; BB5327 4.


Pre-med diary: recently discovered memoirs of undergraduate plight. By Lawrence flare Vincent. (In Dialogue, Dec. 1976, p. 20-21) e L. M. Vincent; 29Dec76; BB53275.


Uoolly bears. (In Delaware state news, Dover, NOV. 12, 1976. p. 1) Appl. au; Harold f. Lane (ULane) Harold F. Lane; 12NOV76: BB53276.


0TB exchange rate "slush fund" is confirmed. By Paul Uestmoore. (In Niagara gazette, Niagara Falls, NY, Jan. 23, 1977, p. 1A) Appl. au: Niagara Gazette. S Niagara Gazette; 23Jan77; BB53277.


A Lasting sweetness. By Eleanor Preston Clarkson. (Goodbye, old house) (In The Village broadsider. Sandwich, MA, Jan. 20, 1977, p. 12) e Eleanor Preston Clarkson; 20Jan77; BB53278.


Poll on cold gets some warm replies. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, Jan. 21, 1977, p. 1-2) © Saint Paul Dispatch: 21Jan77; BB53279.


A Store bought sleigh. (In The Big Sandy news, Louisa, KY, Jan. 19, 1977, p. 6) Appl. au: Francis £. Burgess. © Francis E. Burgess; 19Jan77; BB53280.


Collective bargaining: a rocky road; legislature considers again. By Kevin C- Endsley. (In Sagamore, Indiana Uni- versity — Purdue University at India- napolis, Jan. 24, 1977, p. 8-9) © Sagamore 6 Indiana University — Purdue Dniversity at Indianapolis (lOPUI) ; 24Jan77; BB53281.


Understanding I2t let-through energy of current-limiting fuses. By Hermann U. Reichenstein. (In Electrical construction and maintenance, Jan. 1977, p. 74, etc.) Prev. reg. July 1969, BB35643. NM: editorial revisions. O Hermann H. Reichenstein: iajan77; BB53282.


Coastal corralling. By John F. Hohmann. (In Coastlander, fall 1976, p. 26) John F. Hohmann; 31Aug76; BB53283.


The Guiding lights. By John F. Hohmann. (In Coastlander, fall 1976, p. 28-29) 3 John F. Hohmann, whose pseud, is Jack Hohmann; 3 1Aug76; BB53284.


The Tale of Lazy Lizard Canyon. By Doris Burn. (In Cricket, the magazine for children, Jan. 1977, p. 67-75) © Doris Burn; 10Dec76: BB53285.


Reflections in a goldfish tank. By Theodore Isaac Rubin, photography by Michael Tcherevkoff. (In Ladies' home journal, Feb. 1977, p. P.S.4) © El-Ied Rubin, Inc. ; iejan77: BE53286.


Hindu evil. By levis Clyde Smith, illus. by Bernie Englum. (In Fantasy crossroads, Aug. 1976, p. 34-39) © levis Clyde Smith; 15Aug76; BB53267.


Prelude to victory; a commemorative ode to the gallant men of the historic Delaware crossing, Christmas night, Dec- 25, 1776. Hritten by Raymond U. Koehlec. (In The Belle media, Dec. 1976, cen- terfold) © Raymond a. Koehler; 22Dec76; BB53288,


Kids' talk. By Kay Adele Buri & Janet M. Hauser. (In Van Schaack views, p. 3) © Educational Creations; 12Jan77; BBS 3289.


Girtha. By Alfred Borelli 6 Stephen H. Yoken. (In Height watchers, Feb. 1977, p. 10) © Stephen H. Yoken t, Alfred Borelli (in notice: Al Borelli 6 Steve Yoken) ; 5Jan77; BB53290.


Thoughts on local control. (Fox tales)

(In The Daily sentinel-tribune. Bowling


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.