Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1533

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BB53454 — BB53492
JAN.-JUN. 1977

BB5453 (con.)

eaploycr for hire. O The Detroit Neu 21JaD77; BB53453.


"Redress" your chairs at honie. By Lucille Deyieu. (Things your Bother aevei. taught you) {In The Detroit news, Jan. lit, 1977, p. 2-D) ippl. au: The Detroit Ueus, eoiployer toe hire. 6 The Detroit Hens; 1l4Jao77; BB53154.


How do they Bake trick airrors? (In The Detroit news. Jan. 21, 1977, p. 3-A) e The Detroit News; 21Jan77; BB53II55.


Home aud training school threatened. By Star-Journal, Chieftain, Denver Bureau. (In Pueblo (CO) star-journal, Feb. 1, 1977, p. IB) Appl. au: Star-Journal Publishing Corporation. 6 Star- Journal Publishiog Corporation; 1Feb77; BB53456.


How the faraer's wife took care of things: a folk tale from Iceland. Translated £ adapted by Hary Buckley, illustrated by Jocelyn Hild £ Bobin Hild. (In cricket, Jan. 1977, p. 26-30) e on tejt, translation £ adaptation: Mary Buckley; 10Dec76: BB53457.


A narsh grows lu Brooklyn! Sierra Club evaluates future of Pluab Beach. Text £ photos, by Stephanie Foqel. (In New York State environoent, Albany, Dec. 1976, p. 6-7) O Stephanie Pogel; 7Dec76; BB53458.


Minchestec house of mystery. By Gerry o'Hara. (Ueekend wanderer) (In potpourri, Caupbell, CA, Jan. 4, 1977) Appl. au: Adz, Inc. d.b.a. Potpourri. Adz. Inc.: <ljau77: BB5314S9.


FilB preservation. By Harold Dorfaan. (Shop talk) (In HicrofilB technigues, Nov. /Dec. 1976, p. 7, etc.) Harold Dorfaan; 15Dec76; BB53460.


Treasurer's deputy admits personal trips. By Saa Attlesey £ Don Mason. (In The Dallas sorninq news. Feb. 2, 1977, p. 1A) Appl. au : The Dallas Morning News. The Dallas Morning News; 2Feb77: BB53461.


Thin veneer. By Herbert D. Brody. (Slice of spice with Herb) (In Apple Valley (MN) free press, Nov. 17. 1976, p. 2) Herbert D. Brody; 17Nov76; BB53462.


Christmas is. By Al H. Bartel. (In Chilton (SI) tiaes-jourual, Dec. 23, 1976, p. 5. section 2) Al M. Bartel; 23Dec76: BB53<t63.


Let your perspective be your guide. (In Inscope, Nov. -Dec. 197U) Appl. au: Barry Arthur Faecher. C Barry Arthur Faecher; 22Dec7lt; BB53I16II.


fiespoDses to Mexican iaaigration, 1910-1930. By Sicardo Boao. (In Aztlan: international journal of Chicano studies research, summer 1975, p. 173-194) Bicardo Boao; 1Mar76 (in notice: 1975) ; BB53465.


The Spirit of the '76; a Bicentennial story as told by James Baswell, Dec. 1776. By Lillian De La Torre (Lillian De La Torre McCue) (In Ellery Queen's mystery magazine, Jan. 1977. p. 31-46) 6 Lrllian Oe La Torre, whose legal name is Lillian De La Torre McCue; 2Dec76; BB5J466.


Inspector Hector. By Vernon E. Herschberger £ Norman Michael Ledgin. (In The Arthur (IL) graphic- clarion, Jan. 27, 1977, p. 10) O Marsha M. Ledgrn; 27Jan77: BB53467,


Latin America: a petroleum profile. By Ewell £. Murphy, Jr. (In Vanderbilt journal of transnational law, summer 1976, p. 509-515) Ewell E. Murphy, Jr.; 240ec76: BB53468.


A Gift from Gertrude Stein. By Lloyd Alexander. (In Cricket: the magazine for children, Jan. 1977. p. 54-59) C Lloyd Alexander: laDec76: BBS3469.


Sunday punch, February 13, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Feb. 13, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. Chronicle Publishing Company; 1 lreb77; BB53470.


This world, February 13, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, Feb. tJ, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. O Chioaicle Publishing Company: 11Feb77: BB53471.


Date book. Ueek of Feb. 13-19, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle, (lu San Francisco Sunday exaainer and chronicle, Feb. 13, 1977) Appl. au: The Curonicie Publishing Company. O Chronicle Publishing Company; 1 lFeb77; BBS3472.


Food costs rise 8.6 percent. By Elizabeth Schoenfeld. (In Deseret news. Salt Lake city, Oct. 11, 1976, p. B- 1 1) Appl. au: Deseret News. Deseret News; 110ct76; BB53473.


Hard sell does convention job. By Joe Costanzo £ Hal Spencer. (In Deseret news. Salt lake City, Oct. 18, 1976, p. B-1, etc.) Appl. au: Deseret News. 6 Deseret News; 180ct76: BB53474.


McKay leading with 59.2 percent. By Maxine Martz. (Deseret news poll) (In Deseret news. Salt Lake City, Sept. 20, 1976, p. A-1, etc.) Appl. au: Deseret News. Deseret News; 20Sep76: BB53475.


Mind as healer, aind as slayer. By Kenneth B. felletier. (In Psychology today, Feb. 1977. p. 35. etc.) C Kenneth B. Pelletier; 10Jan77; BB53476.


Preainger remembers. (In cosmopolitan, Feb. 1977, p. 118, etc.) O otto Preminger; 20Jan77; BB53477.


The Transcontinental Sailroad: what it was like for the first travelers. By Dee Brown. (In American heritage, Feb. 1977, p. 14-25) e Dee Brown; 25Jan77; BB53478.


Our man in Uashington. By Lee fioderick. (In The Enterprise courier, Oregon City, OB, Jan. 24, 1977, p. 12) Scripps



Longaout daily times-call roundhouse, February 1977. (In Longmont (CO) daily times-call, Feb. 5-6. 1977, 40 p. insert) d Times-Call Publishing company; 5Feb77: BB53480.


Mollie and Pretzel's dream comes to end. By Buth Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking, last adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, Feb. 11. 1977, p. IB) C Buth Leslie Smith; llFeb77; BB53481.


Mollie and Pretzel escape the tidal wave. By Buth Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking, 15th adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, Feb. 4, 1977, p. IB) O Buth Leslie Smith; 4Feb77; BB53482.


A Big tidal wave hits the diving sauces. By Buth Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking, 14th adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news. Jan. 26, 1977, p. IB) Buth Leslie Smith; 28Jau77; BB53483.


Pretzel escapes froa the guardian clam. By Buth Leslie Saith. (Look who's talking, 13th adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, Jan. 21, 1977, 1st section, p. 8) O Buth Leslie Smith; 21Jan77; BB53484.


The Oarfish gets his tail loose from pipe. By Buth Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking, 12th adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, Jan. 14. 19 77. 1st section, p. 8) C Buth Leslie Saith; 14Jan77: BB534tt5.


Mollie, Pretzel meet the oarfish. By Buth Leslie Saith. (Look who's talking, 10th adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, Dec. 31, 1976, 1st section, p. 10J O Buth Leslie Smith; 31Dec76; BB534U6.


Jackals steal boat from lighthouse man. By Buth Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking, 8th adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, Dec. 17, 1976, 1st section, p. 12-13) O Buth Leslie Smith; 17Dec76; BB53487.


Pretzel's crew visits the lighthouse. By Buth Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking, 7th adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, Dec. 10, 1976, 1st section, p. 6) 6 Suth Leslie Smith; 10Dec76; BB53488.


flollie finds way out of the cave. By Buth Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking, 6th adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, Dec. 3, 1976, 1st section, p. 8) Buth Leslie Smith; 3Dec76; BB53489.


Mollie rescues poor Pretzel. By Buth Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking, 5th adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, Nov. 26, 1976, 1st section, p. 10) 6 Buth Leslie Smith; 26Nov76 ; BB53490.


Mollie, friends meet the cave fish. By Buth Leslie Smith. (Look who's talking, 4th adventure) (In Boca Baton (FL) news, NOV. 19, 1976, 1st section, p. 10-11)

O Buth Leslie Smith; 19Nov76; BB53491.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.