Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1539

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BB53690 — BB53120
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Play better golf — iiith Jack Hicklaus. (In The Ithaca INI) journal, Feb. 18. 1977, p. 14) Appl. au: Jack liicklaus 6 KeD Bouden. Jack Nlcklaus £ Ken Boudeu; 18Peb77; BB53690.


Play better golf — Hith Jack Kicklaus. (In The Ithaca (NYI journal, Feb. 21, 1977, p. 16) ippl. au: Jack Micklaus £ Ken Bowden. 6 Jack liicklaus £ Ken Bovden; 21Feb77; BB53691.


Play better qolf — with Jack nlcklaus. (Id The Ithaca (NI) journal, Feb. 23, 1977, p. 18) &ppl. au: Jack Uicklaus £ Ken Bovden. C Jack Nlcklaus £ Ken Bovden j 23Feb77: BB53692.


Play better golf — vith Jack liicklaus. (In The Ithaca (Nil journal, Feb. 25, 1977, p. 16) &ppl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bovden. C Jack liicklaus £ Ken Bovden: 25Feb77: BB53693.


Play better qolf — vith Jack Nicklaus. (In The Ithaca (NI) journal. Feb. 28, 1977, p. 17) ippl. au: Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bovden. Jack Nicklaus £ Ken Bovden: 28Peb77: BB5369I4.


Blisters. By J. £. B. Ladouceur £ Nell aoth. (In Fice nevs, Snithtovn, NI, Feb. 7, 1977. p. 2, etc.) O J. E. B. Ladouceuc £ Nell Both (in notice: Ladouceuc £ Eothi : 7Feb77; BB53b95.


Blob coilcs. (In lou. Mar. 1977, p. 81) l|ipl. au: Stuart Leeds. O Stuart Leeds; 28Feb77: BB5369b.


Understanding the logarithms of photography. By Jules Uilburu Bernard. (In The Professional photographer, Dec. 1976, p. UO-tit) C Jules U. Bernard; 27llov7e: BB53697.


Date book. Week of Jan. 30-Feb. 5, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco exaniner and chronicle. Jan. 3 0, 1977) O Chronicle Publishing Conpany; 28Jan77: BBS3698.


Sunday punch, January 30, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco ezaainer and chronicle, Jan. 30, 1977) o Chronicle Publishing Company; 28Jan77; BB53699.


This vorld, January 30, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco examiner and chronicle. Jan. 30, 1977) Chronicle Publishing Company; 28Jan77: BB53700.


And it all happened in February! By Linda Hillgate. (In Good housekeeping, Feb. 1977, p. 219) NS: compilation E editorial vork. C Linda Hillgate; iajan77; BB53701.


The Han vho vas afraid to cross a bridge. By Stella Terrill Hann. (In Unity, Apr. 1977, p. 20-28) Appl. au: Onity School of Christianity. e Stella Terrill Hann: tHar77: BB53702.


Kadzu strikes Plastic Pine Corporation, MAC rushes emergency aid. By Harilou B. Thompson. (In The Hemphis arts councilor. Har./Apr. 1977, p. 1) Harilou Thompson; 7Har77; BB53703.


In defense of the "nev realism" for children and adolescents. By Lee Sinsky E Boman J. Schveikert. (In Phi Delta Kappan, Feb. 1977, p. i472-i»75) C Bomao J. Schveikert £ Lee Einsky; 1Feb77; BB537011.


Cure yourself of unhappicess. By Barry Neil Kaufman. (In Family Circle, Apr. 5, 1977, p. 14, etc.) Barry Neil Kaufman; 5Har77; B65370S.


High skyline. (In Bervyn (IL) life, Har. «, 1977, p. 8) Appl. au; Eichard 0. loung. Pre». pub. 1975, i657147; 1976, BB50340. NM: revisions. C Bichard D. loung; 4Har77 ; BB53706.


City blocks. (In Bervyn (IL| life, Hac. 4, 1977. p. 6) Appl. au: Bichard 0. loung. Prew. pub. 1976. BB52458. NH: revisions. Kichard D. loung; 4Har77; BB53707.


Beasonable*: key to a canal treaty. By J. f. TorUorst. (In The Detroit nevs, Feb. 18, 1977, p. 4-B) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. C The Detroit Nevs-Uuiversal fress syndicate; 18reb77; BB5370U.


Hov do they name the stars? (In The Detroit nevs, Feb. 14, 1977, p. J-A) O The Detroit Nevs; 14Feb77; BB53709.


By J. r. Terllorst. (In The Detroit nevs, Feb. 16, 1977, p. 6-B) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs, employer tor hire. O The Detroit Nevs-Universal Press Syndicate; 16Peb77; BB5J7 10.


Uov do they make cough drops? (In The Detroit nevs, Feb. 16, 1977, p. 3-A) The Detroit Nevs; 16Feb77; BBS37 11.


tiov to paint vith nev pads. By Lucille DeViev. (Things your mother never taught you) (In The Detroit nevs, Feb. 18. 1977, p. 2-C) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. G The Detroit Nevs; 16Feb77; BB53712.


tiov do they grov seedless oranges? (In The Detroit nevs. Feb. 18. 1977, p. 3-A) O The Detroit Nevs; 18Feb77; BB53713.


Can't the FCC unsnarl that sideband mess? By Hlcbael F. Kendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday nevs. Detroit, Feb. 20, 1977, p. 9-H) Appl. au; The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. 6 The Detroit Nevs-Universal Press Syndicate, Inc. ; 20Feb77; BB53714.


Special interests still shape elections. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday nevs, Detroit, Feb. 20, 1977, p. 8-E) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. e The Detroit Nevs-Universal Press Syndicate; 20Feb77: BB53715.


Carter seen running 'strong Cabinet.' By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit nevs, Feb. 23. 1977, p. 6-B) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs, employer tor hir«. C The


Time is U.S. ally in Canada problem. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Detroit nevs, Feb. 25, 1977, p. 6-B) Appl. au : The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. O The Detroit Nevs-Universal Press syndicate; 25Feb77; BB53717.


Bureaucracy may be in for bear hug. By J. F. TerHorst. (In The Sunday nevs, Detroit, Feb. 27, 1977, p. 8-£) Appl- au: The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. O The Detroit Nevs-Universal Press Syndicate; 27Feb77; BB53718.


CB static. By Hichael F. Hendland. (In The Sunday nevs, Detroit, Feb. 27, 1977. p. 11-F) ippl. au: The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. The Detroit Nevs-Universal press Syndicate. Inc.; 27Feb77; BB537 19.


CB kids need help, not spanking. By »ichael F. Nendland. (CB break) (In The Sunday nevs, Detroit, Feb. 27, 1977, p. 10-F) Appl. au: The Detroit Nevs, employer for hire. O The Detroit Nevs-Universal Press syndicate. Inc.; 27Feb77; 8853720.


They that vould vorship as pilests must vorship in a male body and long dress; cartoon. (In The Flame. Seattle, Feb. 8. 1977, p. 2) Appl. au; Joaun Haugecud. O Joann Haugerud; 8Feh77; BB53721.


Thou Shalt not covet thy neighbor'^ house; cartoon. (In The Flame. Seattle, Bar. 8, 1977, p. 2) ippl. au: Joann Haugerud. O Joann Haugerud; Bllar77; BB53722.


BDF sveet and simple. By Frank Slatteiy, Add. ti: BDF bearings, sveet and simple. (In The Bounty boating nevs, Feb. 15. 1977. p.1U-21) O The Navigation Coach; 22reb77 ; BB53723.


Application of interactive graphics technology to the problem of standardizing diagnosis and therapy of schizophrenic patients. By Halter Sidoruk. (In Schizophrenia bulletin, vol. 2, no 4, 1976. p. 595-607) o Halter Sidoruk; 31Dec76; BB53724.


American textiles, an Listocical narrative: men and the machines they built. Chap. 12. By Hildred evin Andrevs. (In Southern textile nevs, Charlotte, NC, Feb. 28, 1977, p. 6, etc.) NH: compilation £ revisions. O Hildred Gvin Andrevs; 28Feb77; BB53725.


Has reading improved? By Uillard Fox £ Joseph Nemeth. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune, Bovling Green, OH. Har. 10, 1977, p. 15) Uillard Fox; 10Har77; BB5372b.


Variations on a theme by Haley. By Leonard Greenberg. (Perspective) (In The Beston (Vi) times, Feb. 24, 1977, p. A-b) e Leonard Greenberg; 24Peb77; BB53727.


Queen Elizabeth 2nd*s silver jubilee. (In The irmenian mirror-spectator, Hatertovn, Hi, Feb. 19, 1977, p. 10)

Appl. au: Anne Bishop (Anne Avakian-


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