Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1542

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BB53804 — BB53841
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Start kfith a uocd. By Isaac Asimov. (In lalkinq book topics, Jan. -Feb. 1977, p. 1-3) 6 Isaac Asimov; 1JaD77: BB53804.


Mystery at Hindsleigb. By Lorraine Moffett, pseud, of Iris L. Schnaufer. (In Capper's seeicly, Topeka, KS, July 20-27, 1976, p. 17, etc.) S Iris L. Schnaufer; 20JU176; BB53805.


Mystery at Hindsleigb. By Lorraine Moffett, pseud, of Ids L. Schnaufer. (In Capper's ueekly, Topeka, KS, Auq- 3-10, 1976, p. 17, etc.) « Iris L. Scbnaufer; 3Aaq76; BB53S06.


Mystery at Mindsleigh. By Lorraine Moffett, pseud, of Iris L. Schnaufer. (In Capper's weekly, Topeka, KS,. Auq- 17-24,

1976, p. 17, etc.) e Iris L. Schnaufer; 17Auq76; BB53807.


Stuart Paterson, sailing in a race on Botany Bay, Sydney, Australia. Photos, by Bill Payne. (Helcone to our »orld. Instructor poster 7) (In Instructor, Mar. 1977, p. 86-9t) Appl. au: The Instructor Publicatious, Inc., eaployer for hire. o The Instructor Publications, Inc.; 17feb77; BB'i3808.


Tee talk. By Snow, pseud, of Donna Sno u Johnson. (In Cupboard news, Orlando, Mar. 1, 1976. p. 10) C Donna Know Johnson; laarV6; BB53809.


Johnson grain expulsion aired. By Earl Golz. (In The Dallas morning news, Feb. 20, 1977, p- 1A) Appl. au: The Dallas norninq News. C The Dallas Morning News; 20Feb77; BB53al0.


Texas-size gas leak costing millions. By Lyke Thompson. (In The Dallas morning news, Feb. 20, 1977, p. lA) Appl. au: The Dallas Morning News. The Dallas Morning News; 20Feb77; BB53811.


Father Grieco's fall: why the bishop ousted him. By Doug Garr C Bruce Locklin. (In The Sunday record, Hackensack, NJ, Feb. 13, 1977. p. A-1, etc.) Appl. au: The Hecord. 6 The Bergen Evening fiecord Corporation d.b. a. The Record; 13Feb77; BB53812.


Daughters of the middle class. By Diana Trilling. (In Harper's, Apr. 1977, p. 31, etc.) 8 Diana Trilling; 21Mar77; BB53at3.


Corky Civella rises: top mob role soon? By Harry Jones S J. J. Maloney. (In The Kansas City (MO) star. Mar. 2il, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Kansas City Star, employer for hire. Q The Kansas City Star: 2tllar77: BB538ia.


Cry havoc. By Davis Grubb. (In Ellery Queen's Mystery magazine, Aug. 1976, p. 69-76) e Davis Grubb; i»Jun76; BB53815.


Bull Pierson. By Davis Grubb. (In Ellery Queen's Mystery magazine, Feb. 1977, p. 114-119) e Davis Grubb; 21Dec76; BB53816.

iterpcetation and three phases 6f psychoanalysis. By Norman N. Holland. (In critical inguiry, winter 1976, p. 221-233) e Borman N. Holland; 22Dec76; BB53817.


A Plane for all seasons. By Patricia T. Groves, artwork: Bjorn Karlstrom. (Bare bird series) (In E/C sportsman, Oct. 1975, p. 32, etc.) <S Patricia X. Groves £ Bjorn Karlstrom: 18Sep75; BBS3818.


Selective neglect. By Hillard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel- tribune. Bowling Green, OH, aar. 24, 1977, p. 8) 6 Billard Fox; 24Mar77; BB53819.


In 1885 we were here when the peacemaker meddled in a fight, and lost. By John Wilds, drawing by John chase. (In The States-item, New Orleans, Mar. 22, 1977, p. 4-8) Appl. au: The Times-Picayune Publishing Corporation, employer for hire of John Uilds. 6 The States-Itea; 22Mar77; 6853820.


Contend earnestly for the faith. By Bobect Louis Passantino. (In Christian Apologetics: Research and Inforaation Service newsletter, Feb./Mar. 1977, p. 6-7) C Bobert Passantino; 15Mar77; BB53821.


Thought you'd like to know. By Pearl World. (In Senior citizen weekly, Sacramento, CA , Har. 23, 1977, p. 2) « Pearl World; 23Mar77; BB53822.


A Historian's perspective: American appeasement of Germany, 1941-51. By Bruce Kuklick. (In Prologue, the journal of the National Archives, winter 1976, p. 237-240) e Bruce Kuklick; 15Dec76: 6853823.


Asha Masih invites you to come to the fair! (Welcome to our world. Instructor poster 8) Add. ti: Instructor (welcome to our world) — Asha of India; Asha's world. (In Instructor, Apr. 1977, p. 86-96) Appl. au : The Instructor Publications, Inc., employer for hire. 9 Instructor, solely owned by The Instructor Publi- cations, Inc.; 15aar77; BB53824.


Improving school climate. By Eileen 6reckenridge, pseud- of Jayne Freeman. (In Phi Delta kappan, Dec. 1976, p. 314) & Jayne Freeman, whose pseud, is Eileen Breckenridge; 27Nov76; BB53825.


The Adventures of Ziggy Zebra- (In The Latrobe (PA) bulletin, Nov- 4, 1976. p. 12) ^ppl. au: George M. Lynch- 6 George M- Lynch, t.a- JCJ Publications; 411ov76; 6653826.


The Adventures of Ziggy Zebra. (In The Latrobe (PA) bulletin, Nov. 5, 1376, p. 11) Appl. au: George M. Lynch. George M. Lynch, t.a. JCJ Publications; 5Nov76; 6853827.


Henry Cowell state Park: a living cathedral; weekend wanderer. By Vern Hansen. (In Potpourri, Campbell, CA, Mar. 8, 1977) Appl. au: Adz, Inc. d.b. a. Potpourri. O Adz, Inc.; 8HarT7; BB53S28.


The Lyndon Hotel; looking back. By Ina Gregory, (In Potpoutri, Campbell, CA, Mar. 8, 1977) Appl. au : Adz, Inc. d.b. a. Potpourri. ie Adz, Inc.; 8Mar77; BB53829.


New foul-up will cost taxpayers millions; HUD's apartment blunder. By David Ashenfelter t Clark Hallas. (In The Sunday news, Detroit, Jan. 2, 1977, p- 1A. etc.) Appl. au: The Sunday News, employer for hire. e The Sunday News; 2Jan77; BBS3630.


Women wita a grip on success. By □argaret Hennig & Anne Jardim, photo, by sally Good. (In Chicago tribune. Mar. 20, 1977, section 5, p. 1, etc.) 9 Margaret Hennig £ Anne Jardim; 20Mar77; 6B53831.


Examples of the form. (In The New York times, Oct. 10, 1976, section 4, p- E7) Appl. au: David Abrahamsen. O on paragraph by David Abrahamsen; David Abrahamsen; 10Oct76; BB53832.


Inspector Hector. 6y Vernon E. Herschberger £ Norman Michael Ledgin. (In The Arthur (IL) graphic-Clarion, Har. 2ft, 1977, p. 14) flarsha a. Ledgin; 24Mar77; 8653833.


Inspector Hector. By Vernon E. Herschberger & Norman Michael Ledgin. (In The Arthur (IL) graphic-Clarion, Mar. 10, 1977, p. 12j e Marsha a. Ledgin; 10Mar77; BB53834-

BBS3 835-

Case undecided after 2 1/2 years. By Eston Melton- (In Bichmond times- dispatch. Mar. 13, 1977, p. I) C Bichmond limes-Dispatch; 13Mar77; BB53835.


Edmund Wilson's letters: to and about F- Scott Fitzgerald. (In The New york review of books, Feb. 17, 1977, p. 3, etc.) Q Elena Wilson, executrix of the Estate of Edmund Wilson; 17Feb77; 6653836.


Edmund Wilson on writers and writing. (In The New York review of books. Mar. 17, 1977, p. 10, etc.) e Elena Wilson, executrix of the Estate of Edmund Wilson; 17Mar77; BB53837.


The Teacher's friend: continuity, religious lifeline. By Ruth Candida Palmer. (In Living light-teacher, Dec. 1976, Jan. /Feb. 1977, centerfold) 6 Buth Candida Palmer; 100ct76; BB53838.


De-bunking an inventor. 6y Mildred Gwin Andrews. (American textiles — an historical narrative, chap. 13) (In Southern textile news, Charlotte, NC, Mar. 21. 1977, p. 5, etc.) NM: compilation £ revision- 3 Mildred Gwin Andrews; 21aar77; BB53839.


Citizen complaints top 70: state begins TCO probe. By John Finnegan, Jr. (In The Catholic bulletin. Saint Paul, ilar. 25, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Catholic Bulletin Publishing Company. & The Catholic Bulletin a.a.d.o. the Catholic Bulletin Publishing Company; 25Mar77; 3B53840.


5 cents, 10 cents, 25 cents, $1,0- 00,000,000: a history of the origin of the automatic coin laundry. Pt. 6. By Clinton H. Fuller. Jr. (In New era

laundry and cleaning lines. Mar. 1977, p.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.