Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1546

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BB53955 — BB53993
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Fear o£ parasites: Isadora meets her match. By Ecica Jong, illostratea by David itartin. From the novel How to save your o«D life. (In New lock. Har. Ht. 1977, p. 53-63) BH: text. Q Erica Jong; 1«llar77; BB53955.


The fieuards of patience. (In The Croun messenger* Feb. 1977, p. 3-6) Q Fel- loKship of the Cronn: 9Feb77; BB53956.


flajority finds 55 mph limiting. (In The Dallas morning ne»s. Bar. 21, 1977, p. 1A» e The Dallas Morning Hens; 211iar77: BB53957.


Dallasites sho« favor for pari-mutuel betting. (In The Dallas morning neus. Har. 14, 1977. p. U) C The Dallas HOEDing Nevs; 1«Har77: BBS3958.


Poll shows fondness for home gardening; third of Dallasites surveyed plan to groM vegetables this spring. (In The Dallas morning neu^, Har. 7, 1977, p. 6A) The Dallas Morning Ne«s; 7Mar77; BB53959.


The World of the secretary: double- space, double-time and double-talk. By Ingrid Bengis. (In Mother Jones. Feb. /Mar. 1977, p. 16, etc.) Ingrid Bengis: 1iUan77: BB53960.


Vested interest: a lobbyist's story. By Charles B. L-ipsen, uith Stephan Lesher. (In The Uashinqtonian, Apr. 1977, p. Ill, etc.) tf Charles B. Lipseu £ Stephan Lesher: UApc77: BB53961.


Judy Holliday. By Lee Israel. (In Ms., Dec. 1976, p. 72, etc.) Lee Israel; 18NOV76: BB53952.


Kant*s Thesis about being. By Martin Heidegger, translators: Ted E. Klein, Jr. £ William £. Pohl. (In The Southwestern lournal of philosophy, fail 1973, p. 7-33) Appl. au: Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc., employer for hire. Originally pub. in German as Kants These uber das Sein in Ezistenz und Ordnung. BM: English translation. 6 Harper and Bow, Pub- lishers, Ted E. Klein, Jr. fi Hilliam E. Pohl; 11Feb74 (in notice: 1973); BB53963.


BHCA bulletin, April 1977. Editor: Dennis B. Borgman £ other editors. (In American hairdresser/salon owner magazine, Apr. 1977, p. 1B-16a) S Bational Hairdressers and Cosmetologists Asso- ciation: 25Mar77 (in notice: 1976) ; BB53964.


The whooping crane. (In The Capital times, Madison, UI, Mar. 28, 1977, p. 17) Appl. au: Caroline Beckett. C Caroline Beckett: 28Mar77; BB53965.


The Leadbeater*s possum. (In The Capital times, Madison, BI, Har. 21, 1977, p. 13) Appl. au: Caroline Beckett. e Caroline Beckett: 21Mar77; BB53966.


Harkhor. (In The Capital tiaes, Madison, WI, Apr. 11, 1977, p. 21) Appl. au: Caroline Beckett. Q Caroline Beckett; 11Apr77; BB53967.


Small world. By Joan H. Lexau, art by James H. Connelly. (In Cricket, Apr. 1977, p. 10-11) on text; Joan H. Leiau; 10Mar77; BB53968.


The Barnes of things. By Siv Cedering Fojc, drawing by Donald Carrick. (In Cricket, Apr. 1977, p. ilt-US) on text; Siv Cedering Fox; 10Mar77: BB53969.


Three tricltstecs and the pot of butter. A Turkish folk tale retold by Barbara K. Walker, illus. by Imero Gobbato. (In cricket, Apr. 1977, p. 51-58) C on text; Barbara K. Walker; 10Har77: BB53970.


chess- word puzzle. By Pal Benko & Charles Schafer. (In Chess life and review. Mar. 1977, p. 159) C Pal Benko; lMar77; BB53971.


The Dreamer. By Jim Slattery, pseud, of Dan H. Eiler. (The Slattery continuum) (In Dallas-Fort Worth singles news, vol. 1, no. 3, 1977, p. 10, etc.) C Dan H. Eiler, whose pseud, is Jim Slattery: lFeb77; BB53972.


Church, asseiablies, and Sunday: pastoral reflections and perspectives, pt. 2. By Joseph Gelineau. (In Celebration, Oct. 1976, p. 3-10) Appl. au: Division of Liturgy of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Originally appeared in La Haison-Dieu: revue de pastorale liturgigue, 1975. O on translation; Division of Liturgy of the Archdiocese of Baltimore; 30Sep76; 685397 3.


Church, assemblies, and Sunday: pastoral reflections and perspectives. Pt. 3. By Joseph Gelineau. (In Celebration, Christmas 1976, p. 3-9) Appl. au: Division of Liturgy of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Originally appeared in La Maison-Dieu: revue de pastorale litur- gigue, 1975. 6 on translation; Division of Liturgy of the Archdiocese of Baltimore; 30Bov76; B853974.


Perforaance codes need more data than normal 'basic principles*. By Hilton Snyder. (Snyder on plumbing, chap. 17) (In Contractor, Feb. 15, 1977, p. 83, etc.) O Milton Snyder; 15Feb77; BB53975.


Officials told to ignore 1972 peace pledge. By Hike Blankenheim £ Phillip Svann. (In The Diamondback, University of Maryland, College Park, Oct. 4, 1976, p. i, etc.) Appl. au: The Diamondback. The Diamondback; 'IOct76; BB53'976.


Albert leads Abbott iu survey: 39 per cent undecided. (Omaha poll) (In Sunday world-herald, Omaha, Har. 20, 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: David Thompson. 6 Omaha World-Herald Company; 20Mar77; BB53977.


Bewsman's JFK tale doubted. By Dan Watson. (In The Dallas morning news, Apr. 2, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. aui The Dallas Morning Bews. The Dallas Homing Bews; 2Apr77: BB53978.


Stitchin* post. By Marsha A. Sch- loesser. (In South Florida horse sense, Apr. 1977, p. 7) O Marsha A. Schloesser; 1Apr77; BB53979.


Joshua and the conquest of Canaan. (In Light for the deaf, Jan. 1977, p. 5-12) Appl. au: Billy Leavell. i8 Billy Leavell; 12Apr77; BB53980.


Lovely picture of the future. By S. Jay Levy. (In Applied strategy package-the April universe, Apr. 1977, p. 5-7) S. Jay Levy; 7Apr77; 8853981.


Bugs Bunny. By Balph Ueimdahl £ Al Stoffel. (In BEA comic weekly. Mar. 21, 1977, p. 19-20) Appl. au: Warner Brothers, Inc. , employer for hire. O Warner Brothers, Inc.; 21Mar77; BB53982.


Bugs Bunny. By Ralph Heiadahl £ Al Stoffel. (In BEA comic weekly. Har. 7, 1977, p. 19-20) Appl. au: Warner Brothers, Inc. , employer for hire. O Warner Brothers, Inc.; 7Har77: BB53983.


Bugs Bunny. By fialph Heimdahl & Al Stoffel. (In BEA comic weekly, Har. 14, 1977, p. 19-20) Appl. au: Warner Brothers, Inc., employer for hire. e Warner Brothers, Inc.; 14Har77; BB53 984.


your motorcycle and you. (In Buy— lines press, Baldwin, B!, Apr. 13, 1977, p. 42) e B-L Press, Inc. : 7Apc77; BB5J985.


your home and you. (In Buy— lines press, Baldwin, By, Apr. 13, 1977, p. 57) B-L Press, inc.; 7Apr77; 8853986.


Giant animals. By Howard £. Smith. Jr., drawings by Fritz Wegner. (In Cricket, Apr. 1977, p. 22-27) BM: text. Howard Smith, Jr.; 10Mar77; BB53987.


Certain complications. By Luigi Barzini, illus. by Daniel Haffia. (In American heritage, Apr. 1977, p. 64-67) Luigi Barzini; 17Har77; BB53988.


The Young woman who lived by the stars. Pt. 1. By Stella Terrill Mann. (Stories from life) (In Onity, May 1977, p. 24-32) Appl. au: Dnity School of Christianity. Stella Terrill Mann; 10Apr77; BBS3989.


High country hiking; a trail guide for Boosevelt Bational Forest, Bocky Mountain Bational Park and Colorado State Park. Photos. £ stories by Hary Uagen. (In Triangle review. Fort Collins, CO, Apr. 13, 1977, p. lb-32b) Appl. au: Triangle fievieu McMillen Publishing Company, Inc. : 13Apr77: BB53990.


Introducing the Hockyf ellers. By Bans, pseud, of John fi. Schneider. (In The Geode, Apr. 1977, p. 10) Appl. au: Mary Peeler £ Mary Tripp. Q Hary Peeler, Mar; Tripp fi Jack Schneider; 11Apr77; BB53991.


Dprooting the Haley family; a first for Betwork readers. By Bruce C Davis. (Xu Betwork, Apr. 1977, p. 4) 6 Bruce C. Davis; 1Apr77: BB53992.


Solving the puzzle of the mosquito. By

Louis s. Alfano. (In The American


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