Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1559

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BB54462 — BBS6501
JAN.-JUN. 1977

BB54561 (con.)

theatrical hoax. By Haoey Sabiuson. (In Playbill. Feb. 1977) C Uacvey Sabinsou: 1Feb77; BB54461.


Fair use and pernissiODs: a publisher's assessaeot. By Charles 1. Butts, Jr. (In news bulletin of the Boston Chaptec. Special Libraries Association, Har./Apr. 1977, p. 40-43) C Charles A. Butts, Jr.; 16llay77: BBS4462.


Orlqin o£ the drop letter charge. Part 3. By Calvet a. Bahn. (In S.P.A. journal. Mar. 1977, p. 433-436) Calwet 8. Bahn; 1Har77; BBS4463.


Oriqin of the drop letter charge. Part 2. By Calvet a. Bahn. (In S.P.A. ioucnal. Feb. 1977, p. 361-366) e Calvet H. Bahn; 1Feb77; BBS4464.


Origin of the drop letter charge. Part 1. Br Calvet a. Bahn. (In S.P.A. lournal, Jan. 1977, p. 279-286) 3 Calvet a. Bahn; 3JaQ77; BB54465.


A Philatelic salmagundi: flourning bands used in 1850's. By Calvet H. Bahn. (In Staap collector, Nov. 20, 1976, p. 38-39) O Calvet a. Haho: 20llov76; BB54466.


Original iak still exists: Philadelphia blue postal aarlciogs. By Calvet a. Hahn. (Id Staap collector, Jan. 22, 1977, p. 12-13) Cal vet B. Hahn; 22Jan77: BBS4467.


In today's seCBOn He Hill consider the epistle that the Corinthians alght have HCitteo to Paul. (In The Flaae, Seattle. Bay 10, 1977. p. 2) Appl. au: Joann Hauqerud. Joann Haugerud; 10Bay77; BB54U68.


Survey says voters prefer tax hike to layoffs to avoid deficit. By Christopher Jennenein. (The Coaaercial appeal poll) (In The Coaaercial appeal, Beaphis, flay 15. 1977. p.1) e Beaphis Publishing Coapany (The Coaaercial Appeal) ; 15Hay77; BB54469.


Strict construction in Sung China: the case of A TUD. By Albert I. Borovitz. (In Aaericao Bar Association journal. Apr. 1977. p. 522-528) C Albert I. BoroHltz; 14Apr77; BB54470.


tour guide to the heart of tiie fiockies. By Bichard Cutler. (In Suaaer fun '77 (The flountain aail. '^jlida. CO) Bay 6, 1977. p. 13-14) Afipl. au: The Bountain flail. O Tho Bountain flail; 6flay77; 8854471.


Laetrile — a cancer cure? (In The Tribune, aoaston ed. , flay 5. 1977, p. 4-5) Appl. au: 8. P. strube. Jr. 8. P. Strube. Jr.; SBay77; BB34472.


California vine line. By Alan Bagary. (In The aeporter. Stanford. CA, Bay 13, 1977. p. 7) C Kerstin flagary £ Alan flagary (in notice: Kerstin S Al flagary) ; 13flay77; B854473.


Opiaion ev recall. (?a

nly split c r opinion)

1 legislature (In Saint Paul

dispatch, June 3, 1977. p. 1) C Saint Paul Dispatch; 3Jun77: BB54474.


Parochiaid. By Hxllard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune, BoHling Green, OH. June 2. 1977, p. 9) O Uillard Fox; 2Juc77; BBS4475.


It's the principal of the thing. By Uillard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel-tribune. BoHling Green, OH. Bay 26, 1977. p. 7) BUiard Fox; 26aay77; BB54476.


The Looking-glass tree. Pt. 2. By Joan Aiken, dranings by Shirley Hughes. (In Cricket. June 1977, p. 51-59) C Joan Aiken; 10flay77; BB54477.


The Young Hoaan vho lived by the stars. Mo. 3. By Stella Terrill flano. (Stories frOB life) (ID Dnity. a nay of life. July 1977. p. 16. etc.) Stella Terrill flann; 10Jun77; BB54478.


Fireaen's overtiae pay snells. By Bobert T. Nelson. (In The Kansas City (BOj star, flay 27, 1977, p. 1, etc.) Appl. au: The Kansas City Star, employer for hire. O The Kansas city Star Coapaoy; 27flay77; BB54479.


Post-huaan intelligence. By Bobert JastroH. (In Natural history. June-July 1977, p. 12. etc.) O Bobert Jastron; 23Bay77; B854480.


Bepoct froa Bars. By Bobert Jastron. (In Natural history. Barch 1977. p. 48-53) O Bobert JastroH; 17Feb77; BB54481.


Shall we destroy our standard of living? in New fork's coapetition for business. By Albert Shauker. (Where He stand) (Id The sen York tiaes. flay 29, 1977. section 4. p. 7) O Albert Shanker; 29Hay77; 8854482.


All about aoney. testing and 'cures'; recent newspaper pieces aerit coaaent. By Albert Shaoker. (Uhere ve stand) (In The NeH York tiaes. flay 22. 1977, section 4. p. 9) O Albert Shanker; 22flay77; BBS4«a3.


Chinese shadoHs. By Siaon Leys. (In The New York revrew of books. Bay 26, 1977. p. 21-27) Appl. an: ?iking Penguin, Inc. on English language translation; Viking Penguin, Inc.; 26Bay77: BB54464.


Peering into the fog: the future of children's books. By John Bowe Tonnsend. Based on a talk delivered to aeabers of the Children's Book Couacil in NeH York on Nov. 10, 1976. (In The Horn book aagazine, June 1977, p. 346-355) C John Bove Toansend; 23flar77; BB54485.


Children, huaOr, and folklore. By Alvin Schwartz. Based on a speech delivered at the conference of the NCTE, Nov. 26, 1976. (In The Horn book aagazrne, June 1977, p. 281-287) Alvin Schwartz; 23aay77; 8854486.


Bock ausic and the hoae. By Bayaond Brice Kiaa. (In Faaily altar broadcast news June, 1977, p. 3) O Bayaoad Brice Kiaa; 1Jun77; 8854487.


The Frustrating fate of urban design in Hawaii. By Ihoaas a. Creighton. (In AIA journal, June 1977, p. 51-53) O Thoaas H. Creighton; 2Jun77; BB54488.


Geraany and the Geraan fila, 1930-1945: an annotated research bibliography. Pt. 2: articles 6 periodicals. By fiichard Alan Nelson. (In The Journal of the aniversrty Fila Association, spring 1977, p. 67-80) Bichard Alan Nelson: 6Jun77: BB54489.


The Gospel concept at Attica on Bother's Day, 1977. By Calvin L. Sherrell. (In The Buffalo criterion, flay 25-31, 1977. p. 7) O Calvin I. Sherrell; 25aay77; B854490.


Natch for wheel of fortune. (In The New tops. Bay 1977, p. 7) Appl. au: flarvin A. Silberaintz. O flarvin A. Silberaintz; 1SApr77: 8854491.


Vision of fluir saved forests. By Doane B. Hoag. (The Bandoa tiae aachine) (In The Atlanta journal and constitution. Apr. 24, 1977, p. 6-B) Doane fi. Hoag; 24Apr77: 8854492.


Tiny inventions the greatest? eraser on pencil. By Doane fi. Hoag. (The Bandoa tiae aachrne) (In The Atlanta journal and constrtution. Bar. 27. 1977. p. 7-8) DOane fi. Hoag; 27flac77; 8854493.


Jesse Jaaes — a U.S. legend, killed by confidant. By Doane B. Hoag. (The Bandoa tiae aachine) (In The Atlanta journal and constitution. Apr. 3, 1977, p. 19-b) O Doane B. Hoag; 3Apr77: BBS4494.


Eerie instinct guides birds: swallows return. By Doane B. Hoag. (The Bandoa tiae machine) (In The Atlanta journal and constitution. Har. 20, 1977, p. 17-C) O Doane B. Hoag; 20aar77; 8854495.


UFO aystery still with us, ancient- -UDSolved. By Doane B. Hoag. (The Bandoa tiae machine) (In The Atlanta journal and constitution, Feb. 27. 1977, p. 4-B) Doane B. Hoag; 27Feb77; 8854496.


The Good old suaaertiae. By Henry King Ketchaa. (Dennis, the aenace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases. Apr. 17. 1977) O Field Enterprises. Inc. d.b. a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 7flar77; BB54497.


The Billionaire kid. By Henry King Ketchaa. (Dennis, the aenace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases, Apr. 24. 1977) Field Enterprises. Inc. d.b. a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 14Har77: 8854498.


The Spectator sport. By Henry King Ketchaa. (Dennis, the aenace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases. Bay 1, 1977) O Field Enterprises. Inc. d.b.a. Field Newspaper Syndicate; 21Bar77; B854499.


Say it with flowers. By Henry King Ketchaa. (Dennis, the aenace) (In Field newspaper syndicated releases. Bay 8,

1977) o Field Enterprises. Inc. d.b.a.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.