Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/156

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A819602 — A819723
JAN.-JUN. 1977

A819681 (con.)

3 Edvard L. Jones d.b.a. Eduard L. Jones and Associates; 29No»76; A819681.


The Last of the plaivsmen. By Zane Grey. 208 p. Appl. au: Loren Grey. e Loren Grey; 150ct76: A8 19682.


The Riddle of consciousness. By Gopl Krishna. 156 p. NH: additions. S Gopi Krishna: 1Dec76; A819683.


Kaethe Kollwitz: uoaau and artist. By Martha Kearns. 237 p. Add. ti: Kathe Kollwitz: uomau and artist. e Hartha Kearns: 10Juq76; A819684.


Prove your point rules. Folder- Appl. au: Allen B. furnish. S Allen a. Furnish; 29Dec76; A819685.


Avalanche. By Charles E. Porter. 32 p. 8 Spactacus Press; 15Dec<t8; A8 19686.


The National economy quiz« Folder. e Aetna Life and Casualty; 1Nov76; A 81 96 87.


Eeachinq for heaven in "77." Britten by Andrew J- Bivers. 7 p. e Andrew J. Rivers; 27Dec76; A819688.


Dymphna maqazine; la revista de los temas eternos. T. 2, ano 1, 1976. Editor: Pedro Diaz-Landa, arte 6 diaqramacion: Ideas Graficas (C. Gueits) 30 p. Spanish. e Club Naturista Dymphna* Inc.; 310ct76; A819689.


The Bicentennial poem, winter-spriuq 1976. By Ellen V. Studhalter. 28 p. e Ellen H. Studhalter: 1Jul76; A819690.


Sitkum siwash: an historical drama about Doctor John HcLoughlin of the Hudson's Bay Company and his family at Fort Vancouver, 1839-1851. By Helen Krebs Smith. 134 p. Add. ti: sitkum siwash: a full-length historical drama about the life of John UcLouqhlin and his beloved Indian wife at Fort Vancouver. Prev. req. D067791 S A8088a7. BM: editorial revision £ additional tent. e Helen Krebs smith; 24NOV76; A819691.


Pride in America; Indiana ed. Editor: Naomi a. ahitesell. 140 p. C The Indiana Betired Teachers Association; 20Hay76; A819692.


Bichie and the Pook family coloring book. 8 p. e Bibet Productions, Inc.; 28Feb76: A819693.


Mister E's FinqerflicJc basketball game and rules. 1 p. Appl. au: Peter A. Emelianchik. 6 Peter A. Emelianchik; 180ct76; kBtgeBH.


Mother's helper. 3 p. Appl. au: Carl Jansen. id Carl A. Jansen; 22Aug76; A819695.


Flupar. Printout. Ap^l. au: Hillard Earl Hobbs, Jr. S Willard Earl Hobbe, Jr. : 1itDec76 (in notice: 19 75) ; A819696.


Metrically yours. By Helen, pseud, of Helen Hunter £ Paul, pseud, of Paul Uallacb, pictures by Bill Behlaender. 70 p. e Helen Hunter £ Paul Ballach d.b.a. Helen and Paul, Publishers; 12Aug76; A819697.


Ferro-Glas: The Steelbelted Fiberglass. Folder. NM: editorial revision £ additional tent. e Aladdin Products, Inc.; 50ct76; A819698.


Amusement and theme park rating sheet- 1 p. Appl. au; Charles J. Jacgues« Jr- e Charles J. Jacques, Jr.; 31Aug76; A819699.


The Ethics crusade. Card. Appl. au: W. L. Smith, Jr. e H. L. Smith, Jr.; 8aov76; A819700.


Understanding your leather and suede garments. Prepared by The Better Business Bureau of Greater Milwaukee. Folder. Appl. au: B. J. Eeed. 6 BBB of Milwaukee £ B. J. Beed (in notice: BBB/Milwaukee- -B. J. Beed) ; 2Feb76; A819701.


Songs of praise. Album one. Record jacket. Accompanied by sound recording. on cover: The Bord of God; 22Nov76; A819702.


How to CB. Writers: Felicidad, Peggi Horton-Coutts £ Kevin Coutts. Record jacket £' folder (7 p.) Accompanied by sound recording. Appl. au: Beverly Dukes. NM: additions £ compilation. @ Doodah, Inc.; 7JU176; A819703.

A8 197011.

Eso es 2. By Joaquin Masoliver, Ulla Haakanson £ Hans L. Beeck. 3 v. Accompanied by sound recording in box. NM: translation. S EMC Corporation; 16I10V76; A819701.


Career core competencies; teacher's guide notes for case-study cassette library. Consulting editor: Edwin L. Herr. 8 p. Add. ti: Teacher's guide notes for case-study cassette library for Career core competencies: a cooperative work experience program. Accompanied by sound recording in folder. 6 McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 3Jan77; A819705.


Career core competencies: a cooperative work-experience program; teacher's guide notes for sound filmstrip library. Consulting editor; Edwin L. Herr. 8 p. Accompanied by sound recording £ 7 filmstrips in folder. 6 McGraw-Hill, Inc.; 3Jan77; A819706.


Big Blue Marble career learning center, 2: personal services. Created for Xerox Education Publications by Alphaventure, teacher's guide: Eileen Garrison, filmstrip photography: Alan Parrish £ others, scripts: David Feldman £ James Duron, artwork: Bon Ellsworth. Kit. (Our working world) Accompanied by sound recording. © Xerox corporation; 1Jun76 (in notice on teacher's guide £ mani- pulatives: 1975, in notice on filmstrip: 1976) ; A819707.


Strengthening public confidence in business project. 7 p. Q National Cnamber Foundation; 12Nov76: A819708.


Surprise someone. Folder. Appl. au: The Wine Vault. 6 Viking Sauna Company d.b.a. The Bine Vault; 190ct76; A819709.


Solitude and beauty 1 p. Appl, Donald J Palmisano. Q Donald J. Palmisan 16NOV76; A8 19710.


Care of post-burn pulBonary injury. 1 p. Appl. au: carl Jelenko, 3rd. (C. Jelenko, 3rd) , Joe c. McKinley (J. c. McKinley) , Leslie E. Dessauer (L. Dessauer) E Jack B. Williams (J. B. Williams) Prev. reg. A668589. NM: editorial revision with additional text £ pictorial matter. 9 Carl Jelenko, 3rd, Joe c. McKinley, Jack B. Williams S Leslie Dessauer; 27Dec76; A819711.


The Miller developmental screening for preschoolers. By Lucy Jane Miller. 90 p. Prev. reg. 1975. NM: revisions s additions. 6 Lucy Jane Miller: 10Dec76; A819712.


A Legislative guide to gay rights. 80 p. Appl. au: Susan Mary Shepherd £ Larry Steven Copeland. S The Portland Town Council; 1tDec76: A819713.


The True story of a preacher's son: an autobiography and chronicle. By Hartley W. Barclay. 52 p. 6 Hartley B. Barclay; 13Jan77; A8197ia.


The Seasons and the sea. Composed £ illustrated by Peter A. Lok. Sheets (12 p.) in folder. 6 Peter A. lok; 6Jan77; A819715.


Blackhawk Films world's greatest selection of things to show. Bulletin 283. 80 p. e Blackhawk Films, Inc.; 7Jan77; A819716.


Investment objectives questionnaire for endowment funds; designed to assist in their development, review £ refinement. 22 p. e Thorndike, Doran, Paine and Lewis, Inc.; 15Dec76; A819717.


Working on wife abuse. 3rd expanded rev. ed. 97 p. Appl. au: Betsy Warrior, e Betsy Warrior; 10Dec76; i819718.


I am America. By Donald B. Gibson. 7 p. NH: words. 6 Mellyric Music; 8Jun76; A8197 19.


Oriental rugs in Cincinnati collections. By Daniel S. Walker. 103 p. 6 Cincinnati Art Museum; 5Dec76 ; A819720.


Using FEC's system routes and tariffs guide. 17 p. Add. ti: Using FEC's systems routes and tariffs guide. NM: information based on 1976 Nov. -Dec. rate schedule. 6 Federal Express Corporation; 3Dec76; A819721.


J and R, Inc. 1 p. Appl. au: Roger L- Bratton. Roger L. Bratton; 8Dec76; A8 19722.


flacrame knot knacks. By Irene Jolley, photos™ by Ejousen Photography, illus. by Carolyn Davidson. 23 p. e Irene Jolley;

21Dec76; A819723.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.