Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1561

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BB54537 — BB54577
JAN.-JUN. 1977


The Search for oarkets. Prepared by C. A. Cardella. (In SBC quarterly, Fefc. 1975, p. Ill) Cardella and tssociates; 15Fei)75 (in notice: 1971); BB5II5J7.


Inspector Hector. By ternon E. Herschberger i Noruan Hichael Ledqio. (Id The Arthur (IL) qraphic-ciarion. Mar. 17, 1977, p. IK) C aarsha H. Ledqin; 17Mar77; BB51538.


Kariffl Sharif on falconry: Iran, and Yellou Eyes. ("Uelcome to our iiorld," instructor poster 9) Add. ti: Karis Sharif uith his bird, lellov Eyes, in Tehran, Iran; Instructor; welcone to our world. (In Instructor, Hay 1977, p. 69-76) Appl. au: The Instructor Publications. Inc., employer for hire. Instructor, solely owned by the Instructor Publications, Inc.; 12Apr77; 8851*539.


"Don't know" leadinq Virqinia candidate recoquitlon appears poor. By Tyler ahitley. (In The Bichmond news leader. Hay 23, 1977. p. 1) Appl. au: The Bichnond Mews Leader. O The Kicbnond News Leader; 23Hay77; BB5<t540.


Host are undecided on 2 races. By Janes Latiaer. (Bichnond trmes-dis patch Virqinia poll) (In Sichmond tines- dispatch. Hay 23, 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: Bichnond Tines-Dispatch. O Bichnond Tines-Dispatch; 23Bay77; BB545I11.


Circuit. (In The Voyeur. Hay 21, 1977, p. 2-3) Appl. au: eichard Charles Firenau (Bich firenan) O Blchard Charles Fireman (in notice: Bich Fireman); 2lnay77; 8854542.


Pereqina tions (sic), permutations, pervasions. (In The Voyeur, Hay 21. 1977. p. 6) Appl. au: Richard Charles Fireman (Bich Firenan) Bichard Charles Fireman (in notice: Bich Firenan); 2laay77: BB5454J.


Trout and creel. (In East west journal. Hay 1977, p. 72) Appl. au: Gary Allen. Gary Allen; 1Hay77; 8854544.


Roundhouse- Lonqnont Daily Times-Call. (In Lonqnont (CO) daily tines-call. June 4-5. 1977, p. 1B-40B) C Tines-Call Publishinq Company; 4Jun77: 8834545.


Teddy and the Iwiliqhts. By Charlie Horner (Charles J. Horner, Jr.) t Steve Applebaun (Steven Applebaum) , taken from an interview with Larry Billians. (In Yesterday's memories, vol. 3. no. 1. p. 20-23) e Charlie Horner £ Steve Applebaum: 10Har77; BB54S46.


Land of our people. (In The Bockaway (NI) record, June 10, 1977, p. 10) Appl. au: David F. O'Keefe. O David F. o'Keefe; 10Jun77; 8B54547.


Hiller is front runner in poil. By James Latimer. (In Bichmond tines- dispatch. Hay 22, 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: Bichnond Times-Dispatch. 6 Bichnond Tines-Dispatch; 22May77; BB54548.


You qotta wanna. By Frederick Harvin Hannah, 3r. (In The Hilwaukee coanunity


40!i disagree with Younq. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch, June 10, 1977. p. 4) e Saint Paul Dispatch; 10Jun77; BB54550.


Ordeal at Vella Lavella. By Ualter Lord. (In American heritage, June 1977, p. 30-43) NH: text. e Halter Lord; 1Jun77; BB54551.


If the qoblins don't get you. Sy Constance L. Helaro. (Just zingin* along) (In Tribune-review, Greensburg, PA, Hay 1, 1977, E4) O Constance L. Helaro; 1Hav77; BR54552.


Professional vandal confesses. By Constance L. Helaro. (Just zingin* along) (In Tribune-review. Greensburg. PA. June 5, 1977, p. E7) Constance L. Helaro; 5Jun77; 8B54553.


Small claims court a real eye-opener. Qy Constance L. Helaro. (Just zingin* along) (In Tribune- re view. Greensburg. PA, Hay 29, 1977. p. E8) Constance L. Helaro; 29Hay77; 8854554.


Look ma, I'm on television. By Constance L. Helaro. (Just zinqin' along) (In Tribune-review, Greensburq, PA, Hay 22. 1977, p. E6) C Constance L. Helaro; 22Hay77; BB54555.


Oiaioque oC love — black to black. By Frances Johnson Barnes. (In Pittsburgh, Honewood. Brushton news. June 15, 1977, p.

4) Frances Johnson Barnes; I5Jun77; BB54556.


Hypoglycemia. By Uayne B. Fiscus. (Preventive health care) (In Peninsula bulletin, Palo Alto. CA, June 4, 1977, p.

5) Uayne B. Fiscus (in notice: B. E. F. ); 4Jun77; 8854557.


Born tall. By Garnet K. Tien. (In Capper's weekly, Topeka. KS, June 14, 1977, p. 17. etc.) Garnet K. Tien; 14Jun77; BB54558.


Eagles don't flock. By Uillard Fox. (Fox tales) (In The Daily sentinel- tribune. Bowlinq Green, OH. June 16. 1977, p. 10) O Uillard Fox; 1bJun77: 8854559.

B854 56 1.

In 1904 we were here when a mayor began his record stay in city hall. By John Uilds, drawing by John Chase. (In The States-item, llew Orleans. June 7. 1977. p. 8-4) Appl. au: The Tines-Picayune Publishinq Corporation, employer for hire of John uilds. The States-Item; 7Jun77; BB54561.


A 'Uhat's that?' stamp. By Calvet H. Hahn. (In Strictly US. June 1977. p. 173-176) Calvet H. Hahn; 1Jan77;

BB54 56 2.


Ploy. (In The Voyeur, Hay 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: Howard Dennis Hotyl. e B. 0. Hotyl; 21Hay77; BB54563.


fiancher Hanuel Silva, soil conser- vationist Bed Hartin, Carter and farner Charles Kryder conplete tour. Photo by Joseph A. Prisina, Jr. (in The Fresno (CA) bee. May IB, 1977, p. A- 1) Ippi. au: HcClatchy Idewspapers d.b.a. The fresno Bee. 6 HcClatchy Newspapers d.b.a. The Fresno Bee; 18Hay77; BB54564.


Sirtha. By Alfred Borelli & Stephen H. Yoken. (In Ueight Batchers, July 1977, p. 63) Stephen H. Yoken £ Alfred Borelli (in notice: Al Borelli t, Steve Yoken) ; 1Jun77; 8854565.


Book review: The Thirteenth tribe, by Arthur Koestler. By Boy J. Katz. (In Haw tnorne-Glen fiock-fiidgewood shopper. Fair Lawn, BJ, June 1, 1977, p. 23) Boy J. Katz; 1Jun77; B854566.


Accessories of the Benington a/51 pistol. By Barrel a. Lulling 6 Eberhard B. Getbsch. (In The Gun report. July 1977, p. 20) 6 Darrel a. Lulling 6 Eberhard B. Gerbsch; 1Jun77; 8854567.


conan. (In Hediascene, July-Aug. 1976. p. 17) Appl. au: Barry Smith. C The Gorblimey Press; 140ct76; 8B54568.


61 lures uisconsin police chief. By Haggle Menard. (In The Quad-city tines, Davenport, lA, May 20, 1977, p. 1) Appl. au: The Quad-City Times, employer for hire. C The Quad-City Tines; 20Hay77; 8854569.


Hozelle. By Bobert Penn Warren. (Best seller of the month) (In Family circlt;, Feb. 1977. p. 22, etc.) O Bobert Penn Barren; 11Jan77; 8854570.


ny little girl. (In CS journal, vol. 1, no. J, p. 50) Appl. au: Hargaret H. J(}hnson. O Margaret H. Johnson; lDec76; 885H571.


The Margaret H. Johnson story: love — today and tomorrow. By Hargaret h. Johnson. (In CS journal, vol. 1, no. J, p. 50) 8 Margaret H. Johnson; 1Bec7r,, BB54572.


Hurrah. By Joy Libra, pseud, of Joy Bowser. (Black synphony "poetry and song of soul") (In The Pittsburgh courier. Nov. 27. 1976, p. 15) Joy Libra (J. 8.); 27NOV76; 8B54573.


IV violence backfires. By Bose K. Soldsen. (On the tube) (In The Ithaca (NY) new tines, Feb. 24. 1977. p. 17) e Bose K. Goldsen; 24Feb77; BB54574.


Hardsell in toyland. By Bose K. Goldsen. (On the tube) (In The Ithaca (NY) new tines. Har . 10, 1977, p. 17) O Bose K. Goldsen; 10aar77; B854575.


Congress, a legislative game. (In The Hachinist. Jan. 1977, p. 16) Appl. au: International Association of Hachiaists and Aerospace Uorkers. NH: updated text. O The Machinist; 2Jan77; BB54576.


A Eulogy to a cowpuncher like it was. Add. ti: ("Like it was") eulogy to a cowpuncher. (In Hardin (MX) herald, Aug. 22, 1974, p. 13) Appl. au: Daniel Edward Slough (Dan Slough) C Da n Slough;

22Aug74; 8854577.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.