Page:Catalog o‌f Copyright Entries 1977 Books and Pamphlets Jan-June.djvu/1563

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BB54622 — BB54661
JAN.-JUN. 1977


Oilaaii*s parole set this moDth. By Carl FreuQd. (In The Dallas DOCDiDq neus, June 11. 1977. p. It) Appl. au: The Dallas Horainq Neas. O The Dallas IIorDinq ileus: 11Jun77; BB54622.


It's ae, T.V.! (In IV tteuec. Bay 21-27. 1977. p. 31) 4ppl. au: Mike Ueehan. C dike Heehan; 21Hay77: BB54623.


It's Be. T.V.I (Id TV vievec. day 28-June 3, 1977. p. 9) »ppl. au: Hik.! deehan. dike deehan; 2aday77: BB51624.


It's ae. T.V.! (In TV «ieuer, June 1-10. 1977. p. 7) ippl. au: dike deehan. 5 dike deehan; 1Jun77: 6651625. BB51626.

It's ae. T.V.! (In TV wiener, day 11-20. 1977. p. 31) ippl. au: Mike deehan. O dike deehan; 11May77; BB51626.


Fanily niqnt. By Teccy Beilly £ Miai Beilly. (In Macciaqe and family liTinq, June 1977. p. 22-23) Teccy 6 dial Beilly: 23Kay77; BB51627.


Ganqland figure wrote of his links to Sinatra. 8y Jerauld E. Brydqes. (In Niagara gazette. Niagara Palls. NY. June 19, 1977. p. 1-4, etc.) »ppl. au; Niagara Gazette. O Niagara Gazette (in notice: Niagara Falls Gazette Publishing Coipany) ; l9Jun77: BB51628.


High road — low road--« gaae for two. (In The td ver tiser-gleaa , Guntersville. AL. June 23. 1977. p. 1) Appl. au: E. B. Billings. O E. B. Billings: 23Juu77: BB51629.


Faaily nlqht. By Terry Beilly 6 dial Beilly. (In darciage and faaily living. July 1977. p. 25-27) Terry 4 dial Beilly: 20Jun77: B651631.


dan must continue his guest. (In Palette. June 1977. p. 1) Appl. au: Gail Keener. O Gail Keener; 8Jun77: BB51632.


P5C aide says he's bisexual, blasts Askew 's stand on hoaosexuality. By Robert Hooker. (In Saint Petersburg (FL) tiaes. day 1. 1977. p. 16) Appl. au: Tiaes Publishing Company, eaployer for hire. 6 The saint Petersburg Tiaes; 1day77: BB51633.


Outlaw "New yorid of Islaa" carwing bloody scar in New Jersey. By dichael Checcbio. (New Nor Id of Islaa, 1) Portions based on prev. pub. news reports. (In The Press. Atlantic City. Mar. 11. 1977. p. 1. etc.) Nd: additions. C The South Jersey Publishing Coopany: 11dar77; BB51631.


Fireboab: boy dies and youth lives in fear. ey dichael Checchio. (New Horld of Islaa, 3) (In The Press. Atlantic City. Bar. 16. 1977. p. 1, etc.) The South Jersey Publishing Coapany: 16dar77; BB51635.


duslia "generals" use the state to get it together. 6y dichael Checr-kio. (New Horld of Islaa. 2) (In The Press, Atlantic City, Bar. 15. 1977, p. 1, etc.) NM: "uncovering of a secret crioinal meeting at a county jail 6 the widespread intimidation of witnesses at a criainal trial." The South Jersey Publishing Company: 15Mar77; 8B516J6.


The Power and the glory are in state prison. 6y Bicbacl Coecchio. (New World of Islaa. 5) (In The Press. Atlantic City. Mar. IB. 1977. p. 1. etc.) NM: "commando training in state prisons, criminal organization's population in state prison 6 underground activities in prison." <0 The south Jersey Publishing Coapany; 18dar77: B851637.


Detective aoves to top of the list- -aarked for death. By dichael Cliecchio. (New Horld of Islaa. 1) (In The Press. . Atlantic City. dar. 17. 1977. p. 1. etc.) C The South Jersey Publisning Company; 17dar77: 6651638.


Air pollution: our annual sumaer visitor. (In The Burke (VA) herald. June 17, 1977. p. 1) Appl. au: i.yn Susan Thompson (1. S. Thompson) 6 Bruce Gordon Kauffmann (6. G. Kauffmann) O I.yn S. Thompson & Bruce G. Kauffmann: 17Jun77: BB51639.


Park beer ban backed. (Your opinion) (In Saint Paul dispatch. June 21. 1977. p. 3) O Saint Paul Dispatch; 21Jun77: BB51640.


I am. you are. he is: the award- winning speech. (In The Toastaaster. June 1977. p. 19) Appl. au: Uilliaa P. Johnson. O Uilliam Pernell Johnson; IJun77; BB51611.


Dead tree aonuaent. By Bobert Huddleston. (In Federal tiaes. Uas- hington. DC, July 1. 1977. p. 10) O Bobert Huddleston (Bob); 27Jun77: 8851612.


Uho cares whose naae goes on top? Everybody! ey Harvey Sabinson. (Theater) (In The New York tiaes. day 22. 1977. p. D 7. etc.) Harvey Sabinson; 22day77; 6851613.


Business and the stock aarket. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune, day 6. 1977, p. 2) O Babson's Beports. Inc.; 6Bay77; BB51614.


Business and the stock market. (In Seyaour (IN) daily tribune, day 13. 1977. p. 2) Babson's Beports. Inc.; 13May77; 6651615.


Business and the stock oarket. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune. Bay 20. 1977. p. 2) O Babson's Beports, Inc.; 20day77:



Business and the stock aarket. (In Seymour (IN) daily tribune, day 27. 1977, p. 2) Babson's Beports, Inc.; 27day77: 8651617.


The Balden made of fire. By Jane yolen. (In The Magazine of fantasy and science fiction, July 1977, p. 117-119) C Jane Yolen: 13day77: 8851618.


Your ho Baldwin. ad you. (In Buy-Lines Press. June 15. 1977, p. 6 1) O B-L 9Jun77: BB51619.

BB51650. Your car and you. (In Buy-Lines Press. Baldwin, NY, June 15, 1977. p. 5) C B-L Press, inc.; 9Jun77; BB51650.


Your car and you. (In Buy-Lines Press. Baldwin. NY. June 8. 1977. p. 5) C B-L Press, inc.; 2Jun77; 8851651.


This world. May 8. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, day 8. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. d Chronicle Publishing Coapany; 6day77: 8651652.


Date book. Neek of day 8-11. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle. Bay 8. 1977) Appl. au; The Chronicle Publishing Coapany. O Chronicle Publishing Coapany; 6day77 ; BB51653.


Sunday punch, day 8, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday exaainer and chronicle, day 8, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. O Chronicle Publishing Coapany; 6day77; 6651651.


This world. Bay 22, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (Jn .San

Bay 22, 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Company. O Chronicle Publishing Company; 20Hay77: BB51655.


Date book. Neek of Bay 22-28. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday exaainer and chronicle, day 22. 1977) Appl. au: The chronicle Publishinij Coapany. chronicle Publishing Coapany; 20day77; B651bb&.


Sunday punch, day 22, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday exaainer and chronicle, day 22. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Coapany. chronicle Publishing Company; 20day77; 8651657.


Ibis world, day 29, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday exaainer and chronicle, day 29. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publisning Company. O Chronicle Publishing Coapany; 27day77; BB51658.


Sunday punch, day 29. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday exaoiner and chronicle, day 29. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle Publishing Coapany. Chronicle Publishing Coapany; 27Bay77; BB51659.


Date book. Neek of Bay 29-June 1, 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday examiner and chronicle, day 29, 1977) Appl. au; The Chronicle Publishing Company. O Chronicle Publishing Company; 27day77; 6851660.


Sunday punch, June 5. 1977. Edited by the San Francisco chronicle. (In San Francisco Sunday exaainer and chronicle.

June 5. 1977) Appl. au: The Chronicle


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.